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Posts posted by CutienPurg

  1. Seems we missed the encouragement gathering before your fiances interview.

    I personally want to apologize :(

    I hope all went well for Jon

    or was there a party and no one invited me :angry:

  2. My fiancé called Montreal today to do our weekly check for an interview date and FINALLY we're scheduled JUNE 15th!!!!!!!!! I'm soooooooooooooooooooooooo excited, at least for the moment. I know I'll soon be frustrated once again, once I grasp that we still have to wait 6 weeks!!!



    It'll go fast .........honest!!

  3. somewhat on topic here... when you say IV bill, is that for the DS-3032? if so, is that fee the same no matter what country the visa applicant is coming from; if not, where can i find out how much it would be for a Canadian citizen? sorry for the questions...


    the fee is the same regardless of your country. IV bill is for the application for Immigrant Visa, the DS-230. The DS-3032 is the choice of agent form. The forms required to be sent to the NVC are the only thing that varies by country of origin.



  4. Well another question for fun since I haven't seen it around here. I'll start by saying we're getting married first then going the CR-1 route :) Then I'll say yes I've read the guides, the uscis website, searched on here etc. ;)

    On the instructions for the I-130 it says you can file I-485 for aos at the same time as the I-130. Is this what everyone automatically does when they file the I-130? I know by reading on here once you get the CR-1 visa and enter the US your passport is stamped as a temporary permanent resident until your green card arrives shortly after so does this just happen by sending in the I-130 with the G forms and following along with the correspondance that comes after that?

    Not sure if what I'm asking makes sense or sounds right LOL Just trying to get all the duckies collected for a swift execution while trying to tie up lose ends for all the wedding stuff.

    what you're referring to is the process of adjusting status for someone who for example maybe adjusted from another visa type to spousal.in your case you will file the i-130, wait for approval, go through the nvc process and then do your interview in Montreal, enter the US, if you're married less than 2 years upon entry a CR-1 will be issued .......90 days before the expiration of the CR-1 you'll apply to remove conditions.......so to make a long story short ......you dont need an I-485 for the CR-1.


    the non USC is coming to the US getting married then staying ......

  5. Ya I read that a few days back!! That letter carrier must take some ribbing from fellow postal workers,lol

    Or maybe some back-pats for being creative in reasons for skyving.

    (Canada Post is certainly known for an abundance of skyving)


    1. To scrape or slice off the inside surface of a piece of leather to reduce it's thickness.

    2. To intentionally avoid work or a regular obligation, usually by lying, conniving, or deception. To lay around being lazy or wandering aimlessly.

    Sleeping or indulging in personal interests, pleasures, or vices while neglecting prior responsibilities.

    3. To remove very thin slices from a piece of material.

    "I felt like skyving off school today so I could watch the football game"

    "She was robbed on the street by a skyving bum."


    :D Im OLD .....like i knew ####### that meant ;)

  6. I'm not overly concerned about the coffee, but I belive you may possibly be setting up your son for a very hard life with you wearing that #8 ball cap!! Maybe get it replaced with a Calgary Flames ball cap!! You will thank me!! lol

    ......or you may be setting his DAUGHTER up for a hard life by calling her a boy!!!!

    maybe they name little boys Emily out there on the prairie but where i come from.....well it jus' aint happenin' ;)

  7. Hey .. I had wondered what my results to my tests were .. they had told me that I wouldn't have received the package if I did not have a clean bill of health .. that eased my mind (plus .. you get to actually look at the chest exray :) )

    I dont recall what the name of Rach's doc was (the one in London), but they attached a sticky note to the inner envelope saying all tests were normal at least.

    my husband went to London too and they gave him a photcopy of the medical report and the vac report for no charge

  8. :wacko::wacko: Canada Post cowed by "very threatening cat" WINNIPEG, Manitoba (Reuters) - Canada's postal system has stopped delivering mail to a home in Winnipeg, Manitoba, after a mail carrier was scared away by a "very threatening cat," the Winnipeg Free Press said on Friday. A Canada Post spokeswoman said the agency was concerned about the safety of its carriers, although it hoped for an amicable solution to its dispute with cat-owner John Samborski.

    "The letter carrier who delivers mail there ... was brought up on a farm, she is very comfortable with animals," spokewoman Kathi Neal told the newspaper. "Apparently this is a very threatening cat."

    Samborski told the paper that his eight-year-old, declawed, black cat Shadow is docile, and it was "ridiculous" for Canada Post to make him to pick up his mail from a post office instead of delivering it to his door.

    Shadow "likes to eat and sleep and cuddle. You could drop a bomb and he'd just open one eye, take a look, then close them and go back to sleep," Samborski, 41, told the newspaper.



  9. U.S. LPR's do not require a visa to visit Canada. Not a clue on the previous overstay. LOL I don't understand the term "voluntarily deported"....... :unsure: seems like an oxymoron to me. Did he leave before he got caught or after he got caught but before he was forced out.

  10. The NVC should automatically send your file to Vancouver.......no Montreal involvement for you , ya lucky ####### ;)

    consider postponing that trip to Wichita and make it a move instead of a visit.......yes Vancouver will move that fast.......most likely.


  11. Just doin my part to to further the stereotype ;)

    Hell I don't even own a gun ......may have something to do with the local statute specifically disallowing me .....that and tequilla :whistle:


  12. When the time comes for me to go to the US I plan on taking 2 hunting rifles with me. The firearms will accompany me at my POE

    I have already secured the the proper documentation and permits for firearm importation from the US Dept. of Justice Alcohol, Tobbacco, Firearms and Explosives

    My question is. Although I do have all the required paper work and gone through the proper channels to take em with me is there a chance it'll cause a problem at my POE with Customs and Immigration.

    I prefer not to end up leaving my firearms there at Customs as they're of sentimental value and also worth a lot of money

    HELL NO!!!!

    We're Amaaaaarucuns.......the more guns we gets the better we likes it!!!!!!!<spits grass>

    You jus' bring em on down :D

    Im sorry ......I hadta....


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