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Posts posted by CutienPurg

  1. Woohoo! Then you guys can join the AOS waiting game. :)

    Oh god no.........we ended up sending the forms back to the NVC......in fact we just paid the Iv Bill this week. I should switch my timeline over to Cr-1.

  2. Technically you wont be placed on the notorious "montreal waiting list". It's actually th NVC who schedules the interview appts for Montreal. After your case completes at the NVC, which is about 2-3 weeks after they receive the DS-230 I believe, they'll send it to Montreal and you'll get notification of the interview date within a few weeks.

  3. Both my hubby (USC) and I are horticulture majors, so when it came time to decide who was moving where. . . considering that I met my hubby while interning in Oregon at the tree nursery he works at, I guess it was a no-brainer. Me living in Sask didn't really give me much opportunity to work all year round with my degree. Of course, when it came down to it. . . I decided to bust out my biotech minor and am now started a job as a microbiologist. I think I'll eventually head back to being in the outdoors soon, the hort industry here is just to large to back out of in comparison to Saskatchewan.

    I was reading too fast and swore to GOD that said Biotch minor.....I thought holy ####### they give degrees in that?

    ....WHERES MINE? :blush:

    Hey, whatever it takes to get through this dog-eat-dog world. :lol: Now aren't you jealous that you don't have one?! :P

    Ah yes, Sask and the great fall. Except for last fall - snowed on Oct.15th and stayed there. My mom said that atleast when the snow melted down this spring the grass was still green! :yes:

    I have an honorary degree :P

  4. Both my hubby (USC) and I are horticulture majors, so when it came time to decide who was moving where. . . considering that I met my hubby while interning in Oregon at the tree nursery he works at, I guess it was a no-brainer. Me living in Sask didn't really give me much opportunity to work all year round with my degree. Of course, when it came down to it. . . I decided to bust out my biotech minor and am now started a job as a microbiologist. I think I'll eventually head back to being in the outdoors soon, the hort industry here is just to large to back out of in comparison to Saskatchewan.

    I was reading too fast and swore to GOD that said Biotch minor.....I thought holy ####### they give degrees in that?

    ....WHERES MINE? :blush:

  5. I know 3 couples personally who have gone about this process in the way your lawyer recommended on the advice of their lawyers. The advice they were given was wait a few months into the visit to get married.

    We knew it was an option when we started our journey but had heavy concerns with the risks.......we are the poster children for Murphy's Law and I am always POSITIVE I'll get caught lying.

    Good Luck whatever you decide to do :)

    CutienPurg, what did you end up doing? Another lawyer has suggested getting married when he visits here, and then have him leave, and somehow this will be okay if we have a signed affidavit from the lawyer? Have you heard of this?

    we got married and he went back to Canada. we filed for a K-3 and Cr-1. I was too worried about the whole intent thing even though I think proving intent can be difficult if you dont get married for awhile.

  6. Hi everyone,

    We are getting in the process of filling out the DS-230 for my husband (Canadian). I just wanted to confirm that

    1) we need to fill out both Part I (and signed) & Part II, but leave Part II unsigned.

    2) Do we need to submit original copies of the stuff mentioned in the instruction sheet to NVC? (Such as police certificate, marriage certificate, birth certificate, copied passport bio page etc)

    3) For the part about your previous travel dates to US, my husband was on F-1 visa, and he traveled in and out of the US during the time he had his F-1 visa. He often drove and did not have the exact days of his travels. Do you think it's okay to not put down the exact dates? What's a good language to write down...?

    4) Please let me know if I am missing other stuff that pertains to Canadians (Montreal Embassy)

    Grateful for your help!


    yes , you need to submit originals and things like your marriage cert, birth cert will be returned at the interview.

    most people put notations such as " many visits between xxxx and xxxx for pleasure/business" or tosss in some dates you know and add "other various visits" . I dont think theyre all that picky about it at the consulate as its not uncommon for can/ams to have many cross border visits throughout a lifetime.

    Good Luck :)

  7. Ive occasionally wondered if you , after calling and getting confirmation that a stamp will be issued , could schedule an appointment with the person you spoke with to have them aide in or actually be the one to proccess you when you cross......?

    any thoughts?

  8. how long do you have to re-submit the I-864?

    I dont know about your personal situation so forgive me if I seem to be getting personal.......

    was your income counted or is there a way for you to increase somewhere to make up the difference? how short were you?

    Congrats on being almost there tho......good luck getting it all wrapped up :)

  9. I know 3 couples personally who have gone about this process in the way your lawyer recommended on the advice of their lawyers. The advice they were given was wait a few months into the visit to get married.

    We knew it was an option when we started our journey but had heavy concerns with the risks.......we are the poster children for Murphy's Law and I am always POSITIVE I'll get caught lying.

    Good Luck whatever you decide to do :)

  10. Wonderful news!! We should order T-shirts.. I survived Security at The Montreal consulate :)


    ......and on the back they could read .....

    " and she can keep her stinkin job"


  11. I am planning on filing for a K-3 spouse visa and wanted to run this by you all:

    My fiancee is Canadian and comes to the US frequently on the VWP. As a matter of fact, she is coming in 10 days.

    I wanted to you get your opinion on the risks associated with both options:

    (a) Get married when she comes here for the weekend. She flies back Monday and i start the K3 filing process.

    (B) Plan a trip to Canada, get married there and then come back to the US and file for K3.

    We prefer option (a) but we are concerned that since she is coming on a VWP (as a visitor) and then getting married. I know she is leaving the US in a day or two after that but seems that this could cause issues inthe future (interview, AOS, .'.)

    PS I have read most of the guides and been reading many threads.

    I think the majority of us Can/Am couples who are or who have succesfully applied for spousal visas got married in the US during a visit. For some reason I think there are longer delays in obtaining the marriage certificate in Canada so as to file the petition.......dont quote me on that but for some reason I think that's the primary reason.

    You're lucky you have Vancouver as your consulate.

    Good Luck :)

  12. there arent enough cr-1's and /or enough timelines completed to put together anything. I recall trying to do it a couple weeks ago and ended up with 2 or 3 that had any good info........

    sowwy :(

  13. current dates

    added MyheartsinCanada........somehow missed her last time.......sorry girl :(

    did I miss anyone this time?

    Cutie my dear,

    You are only considering K visas in your timeline, right? Do you know of anyone keeping taps on CR1's?????

    Thanks, L.

    Yeah I was only doing the k visa at Montreal because Montreal really doesnt have much affect on the scheduling or timeline of the CR-1. I dont know might be keepping tabs on the CR-1's but I'll give it a look-see this afternoon and try and put something together.

    Melytha, it's a word doc.......if you dont have word on your computer you wont be able to open it.

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