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Posts posted by Dgk421fulton

  1. I would like to say in most eyes they r guilty before they even get off the plane. Everybody thinks they r here for a green card. That must be horrible for most that r here for love. Culture difference and misunderstanding turn deep.. Stubbornness and quiet treatment on one then leads to the other. It then becomes a contest of who will hold out the longest and win. Which is really losing. We also want them to show appreciation for us spending money and bringing them here. Why, r they r property or a human being. I never abused her in anyway, buy I did ignore her as much as she did me. I probably took her for granted at times. The good morning kisses and goodnight kisses i gave less and less as I focused more on everyday life instead of her.she with drew into the Internet. Not being able to work and having your life on hold waiting for paperwork must be so frustrating. More then I think we understand. I have now came to realize that i was at fault here more then her. No she hasn't contacted me, but I did a lot of soul searching. I will not try to ever stop her temporary green or re newing her card or divorce her. If she wants a divorce then she will have to start it, I'm not. I wish her happiness and a great life.

  2. Eric-Pris,, Thankyou.I set myself up on a public forum, but I needed people to talk to who understand thIs whole process. Yes your r 100% dead on. After all the time, emotion and money put into getting her here I really wanted it to work and gave it plenty of chances. At the beginning I was 10 ft tall to her and the best thing ever. I never heard so much praise and I was treated like a king. That all changed a few months later when she joined online groups. I noticed new big words she was using that she didn't even understand. I went from being Mr wonderful to being a monster by who ever was coaching her. She is very stubborn and hard headed, but some how someone on these groups I feel got into her head. It went from 3 days of tampo, and her being mad to 27 days of happiness monthy at the start. After she joined those private online groups it reversed it's self. I tried talking to her. I tried logic. I tried tampo, too, but nothing worked. I keep hoping the woman from those first 3 months here and the one I talked to on Skype for a year and a half would come back, but she never did. It only got worse. The words she said made no sense. Like ,abuse of power and financial abuse and I forced her to come to America and my favorite. She said I'm using her for companionship, what? Isn't companionship what we r all looking for?

  3. I have contact one lawyer for divorce, she is the sane one who did r prenuptial. I don't think she has a lot of experience with divorce cases, she is cheaper, but that's not always good. So I have appointments with 2 more. I have heard nothing back from sending letter or email.. I will resend letter tomorrow. I never thought about contacting my senator or congressman. I will look into that also.

  4. I went to the police station today to ask about friday. To see if she was telling the truth about police coming to get her. They said a phone call from her came in from another county. They met her there. She said she was scared. That we had a incident 2 days before and we got in a argument on Friday about it. She said I told her I was gonna deport her and divorce her. They checked for any signs of physical abuse and found none. No charges was filed. They waited there for her to pack and then left when she did. They called it arrive and assist.

  5. Ok, I have read them.Nothing else I can do. I did everything I seen on here. You can't just call it in or just walk into local office like some have stated. It might of once worked that way, but doesn't now and not here. Hopefully the letter and email will do it. Appointment in 3 weeks might be to late. I know this is getting old. It's getting old to me too. Thanks everyone for the help.

  6. I hear you all and I'm listening. I'm just telling you what I been told about 5 times now. I have talk to so many supervisors who r saying that. I can't get in local office. I even drove there today and begged to get in. I was told to leave or I would be escorted off the property. You must have a appointment which I do 3 weeks from now. The first one available. I sent a letter and email. Tier 2 tells me that won't do any good. I listen to everyone advise on here and did it. Any other suggestions?

  7. Local office has no appointment open until mid October. I took that. Asked again if I could come in without one, cause I remember armed cops standing out front and only let you in with appointment and they would look at appointment paper to let you in. They said no again, that I would be escorted of the property. I guess it's because of all the things that r happening now in this crazy world. I did send letter. Tried to talk to tier 2 on the phone again, they told me the same thing. Things have changed and most likely it can't be pulled, but told to summit letter anyway, which I did. I sent a email too.

  8. Nothing new. I sent a letter and will try to get a appointment scheduled today. I tried on Friday, but there was none. When I came home that day everything was gone. I haven't heard from her. I'm guessing who ever she was on the phone with all the time and locked in the bathroom for hours on the phone with and private phone codes and phone face down and her hitting the back button when ever I'm near and the 3 purses, perfume and bikini bathing suit she says she got from online surveys is who she is with now. He will be fooled by her sweetness at first, but in time the real her will come out.

  9. I'm not being vague. She gets the mail, I have seen no other paperwork. I work 6 days a week. When I first sent the AOS, I got a text saying they received it. I also got 3 different numbers. I put all 3 in and that is exactly what I got. One said we got your finger prints. The other two I said in other post as I read them. It doesn't say your green card was mailed out. It says your card was mailed out on August 31st, please allow 30 days to receive it. If your address has changed, contact us.Ya, I figured that's why she texted me that about the police. I'm not surprised at this point after what she said about metal abuse and gas lighting. This is a nightmare.

  10. I put in the 3 numbers. One says finger prints was received. The other number says travel was approved. The other number just says your card was sent to you on August 31st, please allow 30 days to receive it. Green card? I also talked to another teir,2. He said they no longer let you withdraw a I-864. He says I Can Still Try To Fight it, but highly unlikely. . He said mail a letter, not email, so it will be on file. He says there is always a interview before green card is given. I told him I know of cases where that's not the case. He Said Impossible. So, I'm sending a letter and trying to get a appointment for local office.

  11. Only case number I got was saying they got paper work at the start of AOS.. I'm sure any letters that came to the house, she got and hid away. She told me she got her combo card and showed it to me and then grabbed it back. I work all day, so she has full access to mail. I don't see now how I could get numbers to her green card application. I'm sure she has it

  12. I went online with case number. It just says card was mailed out august 31st. She got her combo card on Sept 4th. So I figured that was it and not her green card. On the phone they won't tell me anything. My local office is a few hours away. I called them and they said no way they will take me as a walk in. They said I would be escorted out the door.

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