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Michael and Ganna

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Posts posted by Michael and Ganna

  1. 7 minutes ago, EandH0904 said:

    If it's through your employment maybe you could check with HR/Benefits Coordinator person to intervene on your behalf. Most workplace have open enrollment a few times a year, you might have to wait until then ? I was under the impression most allow changes during life events (marriage, kids) 

    I forgot to mention I am disabled...I have Medicare with BCBS gap insurance. Our income is investment generated.

  2. We have been going through the ringer to get my wife health Insurance. We live in Michigan. Blue Cross would not except the passport stamp...They wanted Michigan ID or DL and green card.....Well by the time we got the Michigan documents they require hell had already froze over. 


    How can I get insurance for my wife?....can she use tourist travel insurance until the enrollment period is open in November?


    Any suggestions on what to do????

  3. Okay...take a big deep breath, you will be okay. Just follow the steps, get your documents that are required. I have seen this many times on VJ. You might do a search for those cases. It is not a big deal and if you have a couple of stable years there is nothing to worry about. They just need conformation that you are no longer a danger to yourself or others. If you were addicted to pain killers that might be more of a concern...But always tell the truth.....good luck to you :)

  4. 6 hours ago, IcezMan_IcezLady said:

    I think it is better to bring the cash, declare it and deal with the interrogation. so long as you can prove the source of the money.

    Wire transfer are expensive. Even external bank transfers done among US banks  cost $15 to $25 and with that amount of money. I doubt they would take $25.

    The money is going to be reported to IRS regardless. 


    Another option is to use PayPal. Send the money to your Paypal account. And when you arrive, have your spouse set up a Paypal account connected to a US bank account. Then send the money to her account then you can transfer to her bank account on Paypal then you have your money.

    To avoid hefty fees on Paypal, do a SEND not Request (request has a charge since it is seen as payment for a transaction).

    Paypal is blocked in Ukraine. I would assume the same for Russia. We have brought large sums of cash both directions with never a problem. Just make sure you have the supporting paperwork and we have never paid "duty" on it

  5. I would just pull about 6 or 8 conversations from the stack....beginning and through to the end. Over 300 pages will be overwhelming. Think like USCIS does.....8 hrs a day, opening mail, sorting the documents, placing them in order and making your file. A lot of paper hits the floor and you don't want something important hitting the floor......Nigeria is tough, and you have plenty quality proofs for front loading.....don't overload it with trash

  6. I just entered the Russian military control area of Moldova. They asked why I was entering...To visit relatives. How to pronounce my name.

    They put a sticky note in my passport to give OVIR....It was a temporary pass good for 10 hours. Once at my destination, my uncle made a few calls and we were off to OVIR a short walk away. He used his local papers and my passport to register me at his home.....Very easy.

    About three days into my stay, the government visited my uncles house to do a "bed check" on me. No stamps were placed in my passport, it was all done on the sticky note, which the boarder guards collected when I left

  7. Something said here might have some merit. Changing the phone number might be difficult as my wife has had that number before the discovery of time. She has to keep it for business and other reasons. Not all her friends knows that she is married. She is afraid of having accounts hacked since she is married to a foreigner....people may think she has money...

    She has a few male friends in the IT business....I kinda felt something wrong here and maybe there is some jealousy. And these friends of hers know when we are in the US...


    It is kinda fishy that we only get the calls when we are in the US.....and the last 3 times....and from the same scam number.....hmmmm

  8. I was wondering why we always get calls when we are in the US on our Ukrainian +38 number. The last 3 times in the US we get the same scammer call from Atlanta. They always have threats or are sexual in nature and are quite disgusting. I ran the number through google to find out that it is a scam number with complaints of the same content. Why do they only call while we are in the US....how do they know? Are immigrants on some kind of data base?

  9. David, after reading her response to you......This is not the way a Ukrainian uses English language ...... Eastern Ukraine is one of the scam capitals.....You are being scammed....give it up....The woman in those photos are younger than my 23 yr old Ukrainian daughter....also how can she afford a 40,000 UAH fir coat?


    If you want to meet a real Ukrainian PM me....I live in Kyiv

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