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Posts posted by jal8485

  1. My fiancé and I just arrived from Cambodia and I want to say thankyou to all on this board who contribute to vj. There is no chance I could have succeeded without the expert advice and guides on this forum. It is extremely difficult in Cambodia to pass Fiancé and spouse interview, only about 1 in 3 are passing. Many people have been unfortunate and have been trying for over 4 years and still can't be with the person they love so I can't say enough the gratitude I feel right now to have a good source of info from others who have gone down the same path with the same worries and concerns as me. I will be posting a consulate review soon and hopefully others will be able to use it to help them in the future.

  2. Hello Kartea, I did exactly as Tahoma is advising you to do and got my nao2 in 2 weeks after replying to the rfe. I had also used Asiandating.com and marked no on the question of international marriage broker. Just tell them you met there and switched to another form of communication shortly after meeting. Mention they are not an IMB and send in the email stating so from Asiandating.com along with the terms and conditions.

  3. Hello everyone,

    My fiancé has an appointment on December 17 in Cambodia and I plan on leaving to be with her for 5 weeks on December 6. It's been 3 weeks since the embassy said they sent the letter and I still have not received it. Does anyone know if I absolutely have to have that interview letter when we arrive for the interview. I am starting to get nervous about it. I emailed the embassy because they don't answer questions on the phone and their reply yesterday was it takes up to 3 weeks to arrive which was a ridiculous reply since its been 3 weeks. Does anyone have any advice for me.

  4. Thankyou for you replies and I want to say congrats to Nikamo.

    Just a little history of me and my fiancé from Cambodia. I am 40 and she is 26. We met on my first trip to Cambodia and got engaged 7 months later on my second trip in April 2015. I stayed 5 weeks with her and we went to Thailand together. We had a very good time and have lots of pictures of us together all over Cambodia and Phuket Thailand, and some photos with her family too. We have been talking for a couple hours everyday when we are apart and we have a lot of evidence except for passport stamps due to losing my passport. I am still very worried about the interview because I have seen some sample questions and I've realized that some of them we would not be able to answer even though we know each other very well. We have sent our ds-160 in already and just waiting for an interview date now. I am guessing it will be sometime close to January for our interview. I hope until then some people will post some more embassy reviews and also if anyone knows how do we find out our interview date at this step after submitting our ds-160. I would like to start planning my trip as I will definitely be there for the interview. We love each other very much and I want to do everything possible to make sure we don't have to do all this over again.

  5. First of all I would like to thank everyone who has contributed to VJ. I could not have gotten this far without this website. One problem I have though is that Cambodia is considered a high fraud country and is very tough to pass the interview in this country. I don't think interview experiences in other countries are enough to help me prepare for this step. I would like to ask anyone with recent interviews in Cambodia to please post their experiences and some of the questions that were asked. I don't understand why but I've noticed that many people have their interviews then don't say anything about it. I will be posting my experience good or bad to help others on their journey and I ask that others do the same.

  6. NCIS just sent me an rfe stating that I checked no in the box that asiandating.com is not an international marriage broker. They informed me that they were and I need to send them the written authorization that the beneficiary signed and gave to asiandating. The problem is there was never a written authorization. Can someone please give me some ideas on what I should do.

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