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Posts posted by thesnowman

  1. If good government consisted of polling the public on every issue and siding with the "majority," you would likely be speaking German in England right now.

    What are you on about. The UK was at war with Hitler long before America got in the action, we stood up to him and the majority of the country was against what Hitler was doing.

    We entered WW2 after our alies Poland got invaded. Where was America when we got attacked, desperatly trying to stay out of the war. Even after Pearl harbour the US only declared war on Japan, it wasnt until Hitler declared war on America did they get involved.

  2. Personally I think we should have toppled Sadam during the first Gulf war, I don't like Sadam and I think he is a horrid dictator who committed horrible atrocities.

    However we didn't topple him then, what gave us the right to go and invade his country in 2003. He was contained, he couldn't attack us never mind israel we should have let time kill him then push for change. Bush and Blair either outright lied or used selective intelligence to deceive us (in the UK they released this dossier that was filled with flawed intelligence that MI5 told Blair wasn't conclusive, but he used it anyway).

    At the moment there are numerous counties around the world (especially in Africa) where genocide and ethnic cleansing are taking place, the UN has made resolutions saying as such, and the US has admitted that too, BUT we are doing nothing.

    Why invade Iraq under the banner of peace and freedom, but then deny the same opportunities to countries where they really want and could do with our help.

    by the way the UN is only as effective as the countries it represents. If there is no political will within the countries for action then nothing will happen and this can be said for any organization that attempts to patrol the world.

    Since WW2 the US has taken upon its self to be the protectors of peace and freedom. The inaction of the international community in ww2 let Hitler do what he did and any opportunity for a safer world should be applauded, I just the US should 'do as I do' not 'do as I say'.

  3. We tried sending money from our bank (first direct), but they wanted £50 for every transaction. We just found thart western union was the quickest and easiest way to send money.

    Sorry for being no help, but we looked at other options and didnt find a better one. Although I am fairly sure that every banks policy differs so it might be worth speaking to them

    Or the other option I heard about was setting up paypal accounts. You can transfer between them for free, but it takes a few days for the money then to be transfered onto the bank account.

  4. (This is not thesnowman it is his partner.)

    Just a few quick questions for the people who have problems with strippers or strip clubs.

    Have you ever spoken to a stripper, asked him or her what their interests are?

    If they have children, a husband, or any family at all?

    Do you know their story, why they chose to do what they do?

    Have you taken the time out to look at and admire them for who they are?

    Try not to pass judgement on something or someone because you don't understand. Take the time to find out for yourself and then form your own opinion.

    Remember you are not speaking about a "stripper", you are speaking about a woman, mother, friend, sister, somebody's baby girl. Who has feeling just like you and me. They cry, laugh, feel pain, have had their hearts broken, and have loved with all they have.

    Don't be so quick to pass judgement on someone for doing whatever it is that they do.

    FYI-Your partner has a better chance at getting laid if he went out to a night club.

  5. Im from the UK and we have speed cameras all over the place and I will be the first to admit that I speed when I am on the motorway, but for the most part the police leave you alone unless you are driving dangerously. I have never been stopped by the police, until I went to america.

    We were over on holiday last year visiting my future in laws and we were just driving along, not speeding and as far as I could see not doing anything wrong. The police pulled us over saying we were driving eratic made us get out of the car and sat us on the side of the road in handcuffs. They eventually let us go with no explanation for this bizare behaviour.

    I was furious but my better half eventually calmed me down saying that if I came to america I would have to get used the police just pulling you over for no apparant reason. She has been pulled over several times with no apparant reason, maybe it is because she is african-american?

    Anyway as much as I respect cops who do there job properly it does seem that some of the cops over there have nothing better to do that to abuse there power. I mean come on was there really any need to handcuff me.

  6. well at least we can now see why it took them so long to come up with this, its such a substantial piece of work!!!!!

    And I am sure that question 1 could be answered by some peoples original petitions, for example myself and my fiance met in person in las vegas while I was on holiday and this was stated in the original petition.

    Also what is to stop the petitioner from lying about any possible convictions and if they are going to check up on the information it begs the question why didn't they just check in the first place without holding everything up for months on end

    /rant over

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