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Posts posted by chantuff9

  1. Oh well if your fiancée already received an email from the embassy telling you to select an appointment date it, I think you'll be fine! We hadn't received an email AT ALL, scheduled our interview, and then he was turned away. Some people were telling us we were silly for scheduling it without an official email, but I think most French applicants know that in the past, not everyone would even receive an email! So people would just go ahead all the time and it was not problem.... and then suddenly it was! But I think the bottom line is, you received an email in general (and it sounds like the one my friend received), so I thiiiiiiink you should be fine...... maybe still call and try double check if that makes you feel better!

  2. Yeah there seems to be a weird transition going on. I have a friend whose case was received in Paris just a week before mine and she never received packet 3.... but I did (thanks to a little help from our caseworker). So I'm not sure where the "cut off date" is for receiving packet 3, so to speak. Its really so unclear at this point. Anyway it seems that once they receive your case they are supposed to send you an email (which is packet 3) and includes instructions on what documents to prepare and it includes the DS2001. Once you have all the documents prepared as stated in the email, then you're supposed to mail the the DS2001 (Its technically called a "readiness form" so it lets the embassy know you're ready to receive your interview date). After they receive that document from you, then they either email or snail mail you the interview date, then they want you to go online and schedule the interview for the exact date they tell you. I know, it's a weird process.

    As I said, our caseworker has been incredible. She has done more for us than I think a lawyer ever could have. I know we may be some of the lucky ones to have had someone so helpful, but it may be worth asking your USC fiance to get a caseworker's help. Just contact a senator or congressman's office and let them know you want some help navigating the next step in your visa process. Maybe you could explain that your embassy is undergoing a transition so you're not sure about the next steps.

  3. Hey everyone,

    I was the one who posted about new procedures in Paris about a week ago. My fiance had scheduled his interview without receiving packet 3 and was turned away at the door.... they said they had their "new procedures" in place. I updated the France portal (consulate page) with the new instructions we were finally sent. Apparently, you have to wait for their email now.... whereas before, this wasn't totally necessary.... So yeah, I would advise you all to wait for packet 3 or you maaaaaay be turned away like my fiance.... although nothing is certain, but that's what happened to us!

    EDIT: A caseworker through our senator's office really helped us out a ton throughout all of this. Normally, I think you have to fill out the DS2001, which they send you in packet 3, mail it back to the embassy, and then they mail you back you interview date. Then you're supposed to go online and take the interview date that they give you. With us, since ours was already scheduled and we couldn't seem to reschedule it, we just showed up at the new date (given by the embassy) and they let him right in this time!

    Let me know if you have more questions.

  4. Do you have an interview for the J1 visa or is it just the application? I don't know much about this visa type but it seems like you should be able to explain it in the interview.... and also show significant proof of your research job being in another state.... maybe? Also I'm sure it depends a lot on the country. Some embassies are tougher than others.

  5. Nothing for the Paris embassy says very clearly that we have to wait to be notified in order to schedule. Just as nitsirk mentioned, we always heard that not everyone receives anything from the embassy! So we went ahead on our own... but apparently this time it was wrong! But you're right, it's been resolved now and I think we can be interviewed next week, so that's what I have to focus on! It could be worse.... but I can't wait for it to get better :luv:

  6. Exactly!! None of this is very clear...... I know its a government process so none of it is perfect, but there is a huge discrepancy here in the Paris embassy. I agree, they're not clear about if you have to wait for packet 3 or not.... and no where EVER have I seen that the embassy has to schedule it for you. This is a new system that they haven't informed people about.... Trust me, charlieprince, I've done my research!

  7. It might be possible that your case was affected by the technological problems last month?


    I hope it gets resolved for you both quickly! I'm waiting to schedule my appointment at the Paris Consulate too. They got my package June 18 — we're waiting for the packet from them in the mail. How long did it take for you to get your letter in the mail to schedule your appointments and fill out the DS-160?

    Well it looks like they are in the process of implementing a new system, so I think it was probably because of the system problem before!

    I never received Packet 3 but they've had our case for over a month now, and I had spoken to others who said that they never received packet 3 and it was never a problem. So we scheduled our interview and stuff, but it seems to have posed a problem anyway.... I just also don't understand, how is it possible that we can go online and schedule an appointment so easily if in fact we are supposed to wait for an email first? It seems like a strange system..... But why am I surprised?? -_-

  8. First of all, your English is perfect :goofy:

    Second of all THANK YOU. Although I'm not sure there is anything we can do about this today, I am so thankful for your information. Just to know all that is great. It sounds like you were very close to having the same problem as us! Maybe we just had someone who is in a bad mood or not as well trained :( I am waiting for my caseworker still but I just forwarded your story to her! Thanks again!! (L)

  9. Hi everyone,

    I don't know what else to do or who to turn to, but my fiance and I are having a huge problem this morning. He has his interview in Paris at 1:30pm (Paris time). We filled out our DS160, scheduled the interview, paid the fees, everything. He printed out all the confirmation pages INCLUDING the one that says his interview is today at 1:30........ and when he got to the embassy they told him his interview is NOT today. They wouldn't even let him in or let him speak to a supervisor. They just told him that the embassy is the one who is supposed to schedule the interview, but that's not at all the case for the French embassy. The applicants have to go online and schedule it, according to packet 3. We did that! And they simply won't see him!

    I called our caseworker who is going to try call Paris right now, but I'm just so hurt and confused. Does anyone have any advice or information about why this could have happened?

    Thank you all so much

    EDIT: They wouldn't even let him INTO the embassy. They told him his name wasn't on a special list.

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