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Posts posted by terri_blake

  1. One of your earlier topics was about this child, i think. You were having serious doubts about your fiance bringing this child with him (which i assume you shared with him). Now suddenly, she shows up at the airport and gets pushed into your arms at the gate? And you take her with you? Crazy. Your naivete is frightening, and I just hope you don't get screwed in some serious and irrevocable way over all of this.

    listen, I won't make the same mistakes I've made in the past on this message board. I pretty much know how to maneuver my way throughout these different discussion posts. saying im naive is your personal opinion and you have every right to feel that way. But evidently I'm not that naive if I came on to this website to open up my situation to others and ask for feedback. I admitted to having cold feet, being confused, having second thoughts etc. So I don't think that would describe me as being naive. Maybe a good word to use instead would be helpful, optimistic, or positive thinking. I've always looked at the glass as being half full and people who type things as you have usually don't see the glass at all. your glass is probably shattered somewhere in in a trash bag. why don't you go out to the dollar store and get yourself a glass bring it home wash it fill it up with cold water and have a sip.

    U seem parched.

  2. well I went back and looked at some of my previous post and I did mention the little girls name which is Halah so from here on out it's not a problem to refer to her by her first name. Number one Halah being here is not illegal at all. There is no felony involved with a child traveling to another country with a guardian and with permission of her parents and guardians from her home country. American kids do it all the time. When I was little girl about 12 years old I went all the way to Germany for the summer to visit my great grandmother. Big deal!! Children are allowed to travel. Just because somebody's Egyptian doesn't mean they can't come into this country. Some of you referring to that may also be considered racist because of Canadian children come over here nobody said anything. I live near Canada so I would know. halah's entire family knows that she is here and is happy that she is here! she's been legally admitted into this country by an immigration officer at the border. She is here to spend the summer with me in Michigan. and she will be just fine. I'm still getting married to my fiance. We have taken lots and lots of pictures together. We have plenty of proof to support our relationship. Our petition has already been approved. I'm just waiting for the rest of the process to continue. By the way we are being processed at the California processing center. Some of you all are still being processed at Texas. Evidently it was meant to be because we were jumped the head of the line and send to Cali.

  3. TY Boiler!

    Very good advice. My my sister did suggest this but right now I do think she is a little bit jealous because the girl wants to stay with me and not her. She's actually never even met this child before and so I think she's a little envious that she and the child are not as closes I am with her. Child's father aka a dirtbag Tony knows she's here and he's very happy. He told my fiance that he plans to come and visit her in the next 2 weeks. Maybe then he and my sister will come to some sort of resolution with their own situation which by the way is very sad. The lady that came to the airport with her passport is not her mother it is a very close relative. Those of you who are skeptical about this entire situation, please do me a favor and take a trip to Egypt and there you will understand. The people there are awesome!!! You will then begin to understand exactly why I fell in love with this man this country and this child.

  4. at the end of the day, the child has her own family, father, mother, older brother, etc. Who Love her and care about her and want to make sure she has the best of everything including a home, education, schools, books, health care, food, other necessary supplies. I too am now emotionally invested in this child so that leads me to this discussion board post because I am looking for resources to help this child. I am NOT looking for a handout, welfare, food stamp, Medicaid, Medicare, section 8 any of that. (*plus im a conservative christian liberal and know all about MARXISM*) I'm just looking for advice. Is that too much to ask for?

  5. That's all well and nice but a B2 is a tourist visa.

    The child will eventually have to go back.

    Did you not see my OP?

    Im quite sure everyone here realizes that she needs to go back by the deadline of her passport stamp. However, that's not the question that I originally post! I asked has anyone here gone through any such processes. in other words who else on VJ has dealt with custody issues during k1 visa process?

  6. hello everyone. It has been a while since I have posted on this site. The reason being, is because I have been on vacation over and Egypt. I went to Egypt last month and just returned back to the States on Sunday. I won't discuss my trip so much right now because I am just recuperating from the whole ordeal. I just really wanted to ask a few questions regarding custody issues to find out if anyone else out there has had to deal with such a dilemma.

    my fiance Basim have legal guardianship over a young female relative of his who he wants to adopt once he is in the United States. I met the child when I was in Egypt and she and I bonded immediately. towards the end of my trip, she began calling me mama. it was very difficult to say goodbye to the child and my fiance but I knew I would see them again.

    on the morning that I was leaving the family of my fiance drove us to the airport so that we could say our goodbyes until we would see each other again. there, a woman who have never seen before showed up and met us. she did not speak any English at all but she and I communicated with smiles and hugs. it was never really told to me her relationship to my fiance or the child but I figured she was a very close relative with watching how they all interacted with one another. right before I was set to go through security to board my flight, the woman pulled out a passport from her bag and put it in my hand and said please please please. I open the passport up and saw it belong to the child. Basim then asked me to take the child with me to the United States and a plane ticket was already purchased for her. at that point I hesitated because I did not know what to think however I knew that what they were asking me to do was the right thing.

    She is now here with me in Michigan and I'm going to be keeping her with me. what are the legal stuff I can do to become her legal guardian before my fiance comes with his fiance visa?

  7. Basim is NOT a bad guy and I sure as heck am no angel. He has a big heart and patience. Im the scatterbrain of the relationship. Furthermore, I dont need to BUY a visa to go to Egypt. The plan ticket is paid for....

    By Basim.

    I am leaving on Friday and will take three days from work next week. Ive got it covered. I work for my family's business. What else would you like to know?

    Lets see...

    Im wearing purple drawers

    I ate cereal for dinner

    I went to Walmart today to buy toothpaste and tampons

    My neighbor cut my grass for $20

    Anything else?

    I'll wait.....

    One assaultive post and a reply to it have been deleted. Remember the very real possibility of thread-bans if lines are crossed.

    VJ Moderation

    Understood. Thank you.

    Here is the difference. I'll post it once again for you. Read up on the law in Egypt and then put two and two together with his story he told you. I'll help you, based on the law there, it doesn't add up. That alone would have me taking a step back to see what might be going on. Right now you can't see the forest for the trees.


    The right of guardianship and custody for children (Egypt family law)

    The law stipulates different criteria that determine who will care about the child. The law determines, taking into account the childs age, which parent has the priority over others to provide their children with suitable care. Egyptian Family law takes these rules from Islams Sharia, recognizing that children have special needs in their lives starting from the very first day, and they have to be together with the parent who can deal with these needs

    The Egyptian Family law also determines the age of guardianship and custody according to whether the child is male or female, because their needs are obviously different. According to that, the parent who can provide with the childs needs is the one who acquires priority in doing that.

    The female childcare period:

    The law considers that in the first years the child must be with a woman (or women) that take care about it, because women are more able than men to do that.

    The act number 25 decreed in 1929 categorizes women according to their priority of taking care of children:

    The mother, then the grandmother from the mothers side; then the grandmother from the fathers side, then sisters, then sisters from the mother only; then sisters from the fathers side, etc. Only then will the right come to the men side

    We will talk about the keeper as a mother, because she is the first one who takes care for babies. It must be noted, however, that the same rules which control mothers right to care about and keep a child apply to all keepers.

    The legal conditions for childcare rights :

    The law requires that the keeper abides to some conditions that ensure that she or he is able to provide the child with proper care.

    1. Must be with good health in mind and body.

    2. Must be mentally sane and have reached the age of legal responsibility (adult).

    3. Must be with good manners.

    4. Must not be married to anyone who can marry the child ( Unmehram).

    5. To be in the same religion not condition.

    The period of childcare:

    The act amending in 7 march 2005 to provisions number 25 in 1920 article number 20 says that the period of childcare starts from the first day until the age of 15. After that the judge asks the child if they want to stay with the same parent or go to the other one until 21 for males or until time of marriage for females.

    wow thank you for this!

  8. Seriously who cares if the pictures are fake ,it doesn't mean the story is fake but seriously this post may as well be shut down as

    Even though Terri has made a lot of posts doubting her fiance it seems pretty obvious no matter what anyone else says she is going to go ahead with this process no matter what,so I think we are all wasting our times sadly

    I hear everything you all are saying. Trust me, I hear you loud and clear.

  9. Ok I have gone back and read through all the posts Terri if you don't want to be doubted why can't you answer people's genuine questions who are trying to help you out .I think the main things people are confused about is .is this child the daughter of your sisters ex ? If so as everyone said this would make the child your finances cousin not niece ? Did your sister know about the child ? .

    My bet is the child is not his cousin or his niece .it's his daughter and highly likely the child's mother is already in America and your fiance and child will be running off to her once you guys married the same way your sisters ex did .don't you think it's very convenient he forgot to tell you he's taking Care of this kid til after the fact you were engaged

    The little girl is indeed the daughter of my sister's husband Tony who is the paternal STEP uncle of my fiance. They sre not blood related but he is the brother to my fiances STEP FATHER. The child's mother is my fiances SISTER --blood sister. This is why Iam unable to speak about it. She was rejected from the family 4 yrs ago and rumor has it she lives here in the US now.
  10. When anyone comes to a public forum they put themselves at risk. Your story has been nothing less than... far fetched if you will. I'm not saying it's not true, but it's also not very convincing at times. When you add a photo that is looks like it could of been ripped off of any website that just adds to the doubt readers have when reading your posts. Why not use a more believable photo if you want to shoot down the doubters? If it bothers you so much. My point is you put yourself out there for these types of reactions. To get back on topic, before the Mods shut down yet another one of your threads, I'm curious as to the advice your Sister gives you? What does she think of all of this? Does she know of this child? Are you traveling alone to Egypt? How do you communicate with his Mother if she doesn't know English? Do you speak Arabic?

    OMG!!!# why are you people so hung up on photos?!?!?!?


  11. Real life often writes scripts that no one can copy, no TV show can come up with.

    Having been on VJ for almost 10 years (with a previous different username/ email account)

    I have seen more here on VJ and in real life with all kinds of immigration stories that were very real, hard to believe and just plain crazy,

    however they were real. I have seen and heard and personally know people whose stories made me sick, but are true.

    To question all unbelievable stories as troll activity is a waste of time, some are and many aren't. Some we will never know.

    IMO in it best to proceed and advice according to what the topic is or skip it and read another thread.

    Here is a true story from someone that lives near my town and whose relative I know very well.

    Woman travels to meet her new found love who said he is white but is really black ( West Africa).

    He uses the old story about being stranded and can she visit him blah blah....

    She does and sees not a single white guy at the airport, just some guy who she thought her BF send to help with the luggage.

    She asks where is Soje and he says "It's me !"

    She says what do you mean you are Soje, Soje is white.

    He responds by saying " If I were black would you have come all this way to see me ?"

    She married that guy on that same trip.

    She is a Superintendent at a school. Yes ! Never skyped and believed all his fake photos.

    So the guy comes over on a CR1 and they have been together for several years.

    I was so ticked off when I heard all that but it is the truth.

    I shared this to let people know that just because a story sounds off the wall it is not always invented by a troll. Unfortunately.

    She loved the guy. I would do the same if i were in her shoes.

  12. Even in Ultra liberal turkey and semi liberal Jordan , I was asked to not sit next to a woman. Didn't happen to me in Egypt butI did meet a lot of scam artists.

    Thank you! Some Muslim families are very old fashioned just like some Christian people. In my family, some of my super religious cousins who are Christian cant even talk to men unless an older brother or cousin or something is present.

  13. Check out the posting names on this forum, eg just on this page... you're "BrittWitt", I'm "Limey". People use nicknames, not real names, even though we don't have these embarrassing stories to tell of falling in love with someone and meeting them 2 stories apart on a hotel balcony LOL it sounded like a sketch from a comedy show. Yet OP has used a name that is supposed to appear real... that is classic trolling.

    I didn't find any of it convincing, but after reading the bit where OP says "who says he's a muslim" when she'd previously said "he's a muslim" - I'm surprised anyone took any more bait from her/him (real OP could be either but my money is on a him). There is also the bit where she/he claimed to be a pentacostal christian, and then exclaimed "Jesus Christ" at the beginning of one of the posts. As a troll I'd have to give a 3 out of ten (and that is mainly for effort)

    just who do you think you are trying to analyze me and sum up my life by reading a few posts on a message board? Get real! You don't know me you don't know my situation you're nothing but a judger! ask a few questions first before you jump to conclusions when you're absolutely wrong! get over yourself.

    1.I am a Christian. I am a proud Christian. I was raised to be a Christian and believe in my Savior the Lord Jesus Christ! If I want a shoutout Jesus Christ name when I feel I need to call upon Him, that's what I shall do! It's not up to you to be the judge and jury on how much faith I have in my religion. Who do you think you are? Are you even religious? Have you even studied Pentecostal Christianity? I don't think you have! I think you are nothing but a person on here who is looking for a problem and you think that you have found one in me. Get over yourself!

    2. my name is not Terri-Blake. those two names are part of my real name. Do you think I would be that much of an idiot to come on here and put out my real name? Get over yourself and get your facts together.

    3.are you really putting a score on my love life? Let's talk about your love life shall we. It must not be so great since you're on here trying to read and judge mine. Where's your other half? Where is your spouse? Where is your soul mate? Evidently, they must be missing in action because you're on here trying to judge Terri Blake, a person you claim to be a troll and fake and using a fake picture. Some life you have!

  14. I've read through most of the posts with terri_blake and I must say as entertaining as they all were, my heart goes out to this girl. Terri, guessing from your photo and how you view things, you are probably a few years younger than myself - I'm 27. I have been reading over posts on this site for a while preparing for my own visa journey and when I saw your posts, I was stunned. My mouth dropped because I can not believe what I have been reading.

    First of all, I know someone from Boston who married an Egyptian guy with the same name as your guy in Hurgada. He was pretty much a scammer and made her fly all the way to Egypt to marry him. Mind you, they had never met before. She left her kids to be with this man and was there for about a month. She ended up coming back to the states and started to try to find a way to petition for him to be here. No one would help her or sponsor him because she doesn't make good decisions. Long story short, he ended up marrying ANOTHER WOMAN (American, of course) two months later.

    I would just like to ease my intuition here. Is your Basim a tall, lanky guy? I could possibly find a pic the one I know of if it's okay to post it here. I would really hope it's not the same one.

    What? I don't understand what you are talking about! are you suggesting that the guy you know is the same guy that I am engaged to? I highly doubt it's possible. I think you're just another person trying to get a rise out of me and make fun of my situation.

    Hey I wouldn't have believed it either but I know a guy named Basim in Hurgada, Egypt who does this to women. A sucker is born every minute so I would not be surprised. I also did a reverse image search of her pic and didn't find anything other than VJ referrals so not sure if that pic is stolen or not. Someone said she is Alyson Hannigan but cleary that is not Alyson in the pic so, IDK.

    Name calling?

  15. Having read through this thread I have to say that much of OP's story doesn't make sense. I'm smelling a pretty poor troll.

    1) the picture taken from elsewhere

    2) the use of an apparently real name - unlikely when you're posting such personal stuff (same goes for the pic)

    3) the rather extraordinary story (a meeting in Morocco where they weren't allowed to meet in person so spoke on the phone from a balcony, etc)

    I lived in the Middle East. Even in the Gulf men can meet women - they just need a chaperone... and Egypt is generally more liberal than the Gulf States.

    I'm sure OP gets some kind of satisfaction from this game in some way. The posts seem deliberately crafted to elicit a response (making "Basim" out to be a pretty obvious fraud, and OP taking the role of gullible victim).

    before you come on here calling me names please get your facts together first and do a little bit of investigation and ask questions before you jump to such an asinine conclusion. you have no right coming on here calling me names and suggesting that I am a fake person, a troll, lying, looking for attention, gullible, whatever! stick to the topic of the original post which is the reason why I am having cold feet and second thoughts to begin with. it is not your place to go around spreading falsehoods about me and things you think but have not done any type of research to find out if your theories are true. I am a real person, get it? If you're looking for a problem you need to go elsewhere!

  16. to those of you who think that I am a fake person I am sorry to inform you but I am absolutely 100% real. do you think I would be dumb enough to use my own real name on a message board filled with complete strangers? No way! My real name is not even Terri Blake! Its a shortened version of my middle and last names! By the wsy, this is my real picture, too. and this is my real story. I'm sorry if my life is not picture perfect like your stories but I came on here looking for help and most of you have been pretty awesome enough to share your opinion with me and trust me I have been listening to everyone which is why I am now having second thoughts. Thank you.

    Stop with the insults and false accusations, PLEASE!!

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