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Posts posted by tomyka81

  1. First, calm down. You have a little life who can feel his mother's heartbreak.

    Second, I am sure that you are trying for your marriage. Just relax and do olnot engage. If he picks an argument, don't engage. Also you don't pick any arguments either. Find yourself some non strenuous activities to stay occupied. The more time idle time that either of you have, the more opportunity to work each other's nerves. Right now a green card is not your main concern. Your baby is your main concern, followed by your health, followed by your relationship with your husband, then your green card. Work you life from that aspect. Still keep house or whatever but protect your health by not arguing and not engaging and finding yourself activities

  2. If what you say is true, go for it. If your fiance is willing to go all the way and put his citizenship on the line for you, go for it. there are cases on the administrative appeals where the petitioner in a case like this has their own status challenged. But if it is true what happened and all your paperwork is in order and from the correct court and not recently procured, there is nothing to hurt you. Maybe him but not really you.

  3. Hi there...is Arik particularly unsafe?

    In Africa, Arik is very unsafe. I haven't heard of any JFK crashes though. That is why I said say a prayer. But it really doesn't matter anyway on any airline. I am an aerospace engineer and I am deathly afraid of flying any airline. So for me, no more unsafe than the rest of the ones flying. A whole lot of near misses occurring all the time. $600, pray, get there. $1200, pray, get there... same difference to me

  4. thank god for morals , time , i wouldnt marry anyone if i had to think of doing a pre nup , thats just me

    It is unfortunate, but the way things are, a woman would be crazy not to have a prenup, especially if she was established before meeting said love of her life. If both are broke, then there is no need for a prenup. It is when you are caught without one, that you need one. People break promises all the time. Anger in divorce drives people to do things and seek things they promised you that they wouldn't do or go after. I would recommend any educated, decently well off and established woman to get a prenup. If a man loves a woman, a prenup will be nothing for him to sign. After all he is telling her he doesn't want anything of hers in the beginning. A prenup proves that fact. A man can go, in his late years, and get a decent paying job where as statistically during the divorce, women are the ones who are hardest hit financially. Also sometimes it is difficult for a person who wasn't of means to let go of the life a woman made him accustomed too. My advice of a prenup is mainly for women who are already established before meeting the loves of their lives.

  5. A prenup can protect anything that you want it to: pre marital income and assets or post marital income and assets. I am definitely getting a prenup. This was something that we talked about before I even went to visit. I have stuff that I want protected at any rate: foreign husband or domestic. My prenup will not include him paying me back for expenses. To me that is the cost of love and the price that I was willing to pay. However, I will protect my house, my assets, my income, my retirement, etc. I had those things prior to. Also my income will be significantly greater than his for a while so I want me stuff protected and equitable to what I contributed. This isn't a love thing, this is a smart thing. All love starts out rosey and if you are fortunate to never need to use your prenup, then good for you. If however, things go south and that person who promised you that they didn't want anything of your suddenly wants your stuff or for you to pay them spousal support then you have protection. Do what is best for you. but paying you back, I think that should be part of the price to find love and not a loan.

    Also in most cases a prenup is only good for ten years and only valid after one year and not under duress. I think.

  6. To find the relative number of visa overcomes, the statistics are published on the DOS website: Note because these applications are spread over fiscal years, the numbers aren't 1 for 1 or in cohorts, if that makes sense.

    A K-1 is pretty much a guaranteed visa UNLESS there are skeletons in the closet or you are at the Ghanaian embassy. Did you take pictures with his mom and in his home town not just Lagos?

    FY15 Ks issued/refused/overcome world wide:


    number of Ks issued (look at part II of the charts)


    This is ineligibility overcomes by type:


  7. I don't know the norms there but it probably isn't too common a practice. Be on the safe side and list it and why, if a norm, doesn't apply to you. In some patriarchal societies, a woman being even a year older, isn't the norm. A CO should not (notice I said should not) deny you for something that USCIS already saw and adjudicated. Go over all the non standard issues of your case and look at it in totality, step out of the love, and when looking at your relationship vs immigration fraud/ national security, would you approve you? If not, list and describe all the cultural abnormalities that would make you suspicious. For example, do you have kids and is it the norm of a Saudi man to date a woman with children? Age difference? religious differences? Are you the same ethnicity? Even a tolerable ethnicity for that culture? Are you below the poverty line? Is he mega rich? etc. Those kinds of things. Good luck with your application.

  8. First, i was charged by two Inadmissible grounds INA 221(g) : i have a prior, unterminated marriage and INA 212(a)(6)©(I): I have sought to procure, or have procured. a visa or entry into the United States by fraud or by the willful misrepresentation of a material fact last 3 years ago.Recently, my previous marriage was annulled and i have supporting documents came from the court, local registry and NSO authenticating, certifying and declaring it null and void. Now my biggest dilemmas are how can i make my statement explaining convincingly thus outweighing unfavorable factors in my case and seek approval of my application. Hope somebody can help me here TIA :idea:

    I am unsure which visa you are going after but if it is a marriage based visa and you had an unterminated marriage then your terminated one has to have an annulment date BEFORE your current marriage or engagement, otherwise you have no qualifying relationship. That means that if your engagement (K-1 filing) or Marriage to this new person will have a date of say May 2016 and the annulment would have a date of say April 2016. Otherwise it is after the fact and no good. But I will always suggest, read, read read and you will understand better your dilemma the more cases (denials especially) that you read.

  9. There are a number of administrative approvals and denials of waivers on the USCIS website. From what I have read, but you should go and read it yourself and if you have the money to hire an attorney, also read it yourself anyway. But from what i have read is that once your sponsor;s hardship is substantiated, the favorable factors outweighing the unfavorable factors seems to be merely a number count (as crazy as it seems). I say this because sometimes when I am reading the inadmissibility, I am like no way in Yah's green earth, then get down to the end at it is sustained. If you read enough of the favorable factors, you will see the same old ones: hardship to petitioner, clean criminal record, restitution/rehabilitation, sustained legal employment, community involvement, etc, the same unfavorable factors: however many ineligibility, any negative behavior afterwards, lies after the fact, etc. I have literally read hundreds. There are some good books on Amazon on the subject of how lawyers set up the brief. One is about $35 and one is about $250. There aren't many so they shouldn't be difficult to find. Most seem to be denied when statements are made with no evidence. but you cant get to the discretionary part (favorable factors vs unfavorable factors) until you get past the hardship part. focus on the hardship part first. If you claim that the sky is blue, you have to submit evidence, hopefully from a reputable source that it is indeed blue. Also one that I read all the time about these divorces and divorce decrees and what not in other countries is which court has jurisdiction over the divorce. Some people present a divorce certificate from one court when it should have been another court based on the local or customary law vs government area (a Nigerian thing). Read, read, read. collect, collect, collect, find your worst friend and let him/her read it for gaps, try catholic charities for help if able. Also on the BIA website, there are a number of attorneys listed that provide lowered rate services if money is a factor.

  10. Federal laws on marijuana has not changed, spend a day at a local courthouse. Those with marijuana charges get more years than sexual offenders. Also, you cannot prefile a waiver before a petition denial.

    OP never filed for a I-130 that a denial allows for waiver. You cannot file a waiver with fiancé petition.

    I said view has changed. And the fact that marijuana offenses get more time than other more genius acts is the reason that the USA view is changing especially since some states are legalizing it. The waiver is discretionary in nature which means subjective. If you look on the very instruction document, it lists who can file and k1 is eligible because k1 will be presumed to adjust status. But the waiver is only good if the marriage takes place.

  11. The USA view of marijuana and its penalty has changed. Really...... if the person took the time out to call you and point out a blivet in your file, that person may have written something in your file for the adjudicating team of 601s. Really though, You have only a few dollars to lose but everything to gain. You can do a waiver in advance of a petition if you know ALL the offenses. Good luck no matter what you decide

  12. Please send me a private message on my timeline and I will explain everything to you. It is all being done in the US.

    Doing your protest inside the USA will not accomplish what you want. Only Ghanaian and Americans who love them care and that is a small number. You will be lost in the immigration noise. US embassys are in foreign countries at the invitation of those foreign countries. Placement of US embassies in those countries is generally strategic to US economic or other interests. you may be best served protesting inside Ghana to put pressure on the ghanian government for an answer from the USA. just a thought.

  13. Best thing to do is go to a recruiting office. If you have special language, cultural, or skill codes, someone can find a way. Or better yet, become a contractor to the US armed forces if you have either of the above. I knew a guy who was from born in Ghana, but raised in Togo become a french teacher for the AF and he wasn't even a citizen. My mind was blown. He was a contractor.

  14. If you were arrested, that information is sent to DOJ. If your case was not adjudicated it may cause a delay as the computer system will not have that resolution but will have an arrest record. So the file may have been physically requested from your local prosecutor for resolution. Now whether the local offices responded is another matter. Whether an investigator was dispatched to check the record him/herself is another matter. You should have received some sort of disposition from the state prosecutor if an arrest was involved.

  15. Not all jobs hire immediately. He may have a hook up where someone or a company will hold a job for him until this authorization arrives. Teachers, specifically, are applying for jobs now for next school year. Some jobs take months to hire from an application

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