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Posts posted by f1660114

  1. I would like to know how she managed to get on welfare and her husband not get in trouble with I-864

    Well, it looks like the government does not enforce that strictly. Her sister sponsored for her whole family with 5 kids so I guessed she could get welfare because their incomes qualify (only husband works, she has to stay home to take care kids).

  2. I guess I'm biased and unconstructive too.. Like I said before, it's not a necessity. I stand by it. It's not like a had a smile on my face either, writing that check..

    Your reply sounds more neutral although it is not too constructive. I-912 is for everyone who cannot afford the fee and cannot "wait", and if people qualify, they deserve it. One of the person that I know cannot wait because she wants her oldest son to get citizenship derivative from her before he turns 18. And the other person has a epileptic seizure and cannot qualifies for FREE Medicare because he is not a USC yet. So people's neccessity is unique.

  3. What does this mean?

    It means that if today you have been a permanent resident for 3 years minus 90 days and you marry a US citizen tomorrow, you can't immediately send in your application. You must wait until you have been married for 3 full years. Of course, in this case, it would make more sense to apply based on five years of residency.

    In this case, OP married in May 2012 so in Feb 2015 he has been already eligible for N400 unless his spouse is not a USC.

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