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Posts posted by yassmine2878

  1. can anyone walk me thru how you are posting your pix?

    are you inserting image or link?

    If you do that, that means you have to have the pix posted online in order to get the http, no?

    I would like to be able to do this simple task and it is bugging the crapola out of me :blush:

    Hi Sandrila, I use www.photobucket.com. You download the pics to this site. It will give you an image code for the picture, then you copy and paste it here in your reply. Let me know if you need any more help.

    Meriem (F)

    I also use photobucket, its much easier IMO

    good heavens there are some beautiful children on these pages!

    Dont forget! Amirah is already promised to Mehdi :P I expect at least one sheep in the dowry!

  2. I remember a time when the OT folk were intimidated by the MENA girls! :P

    yeah, those were the good ol days.....when mena girls were mena girls and all of vj trembled when they showed up en masse.

    Some folks still tremble. It all depends on which mena girl it is ;)

    rawwwwwrrrrr rawwwwrrr pregasaurus rex rawwwwwwwwwwwwr

    Thats right! RAAAWWWWWRRRRR. Fear my eye lasers!

    and them super human powers!

    I carry them around in the paper sack I stole from you. How very ninja of me.

  3. *sticks foot in door* Before another troll turns this into a train wreck, lemme get my tuchis in here.

    Im an old crusty VJ'er and I dont hit the boards as often as I used to. But if someone needs me, go look for me on FB. Im all too addicted to that place.

    My name is Gabrielle, my husband's name is Ahmed, and we have an 18 month old son named Mehdi. Hubster is from Rabat, Maroc and arrived here on a K-1 in February 2007. We met online through chat in February 2005 and filed for K-1 in February 2006 (yeah, we like that month. Baby was born in February too). We're filed for AOS through the DORA program (before it was optional) in Dallas. I advise everyone to avoid that place (or at least that program) like the plague. We're up for ROC in August of 2010 or citizenship in March 2010. In the meantime we're enjoying not having to deal with USCIS for awhile. We're also preparing to move to Seattle next month. If you're a newbie and in the Seattle area, give a holler. Ive been up there twice now for VJ shindigs and we do it up right.

    For the newbies, good to see you, welcome to VJ, and ignore the trolls. Trolls are not worth your time or trouble.

    Oh and bring on the baby pix. MENA babies rock!

  4. I remember a time when the OT folk were intimidated by the MENA girls! :P

    yeah, those were the good ol days.....when mena girls were mena girls and all of vj trembled when they showed up en masse.

    Some folks still tremble. It all depends on which mena girl it is ;)

    rawwwwwrrrrr rawwwwrrr pregasaurus rex rawwwwwwwwwwwwr

    Thats right! RAAAWWWWWRRRRR. Fear my eye lasers!

  5. I remember a time when the OT folk were intimidated by the MENA girls! :P

    yeah, those were the good ol days.....when mena girls were mena girls and all of vj trembled when they showed up en masse.

    Some folks still tremble. It all depends on which mena girl it is ;)

  6. I'm a bad mommy and even more a bad nurse. :crying: My 16 year old came home about 3 weeks ago complaining that he had hurt his hand at the base of his thumb. I waited to see if it would get better. After 3 weeks he said it still hurt really bad and I took him to the Doc. It was xrayed and was broke. They sent us to the orthopedic Dr and thought he would just get a cast, but nooo, he has to have surgery on Monday. He has hurt his self so much since he is a goalkeeper on the soccer team and never has broken anything. I just kinda ignored him this time. I feel so bad now.

    Meriem (F)

    Dont feel too bad, we all make mom mistakes. Mehdi fell backwards off the bed about a month ago and wailed his little head off. I thought maybe he just had a bruise or pulled a muscle. Turns out he broke his clavicle! I was wary about taking him to the ER because I didnt want to make him suffer through hours of wait for nothing, but now Im glad I took him. I felt like such a horrible mom for making him wait even five minutes to get fixed up.

  7. Anyone have any idea how to pack up a 4bedroom, 2 sheds and 2 car garage worth of stuff into a 2 bedroom mobile home? I am being challenged with this task.

    Other than that, Good Luck with the interviews! May God shed his grace on all of you who are waiting.

    Magic. I barely managed to cram a 2-bedroom apartment into a 5th wheel RV.

  8. My goodness we're generous with the warm fuzzies today. Nice to see old peeps and new (BTW welcome welcome welcome yasmina). We are proof positive that USCIS is never going to come up with enough ####### to keep us from our hunny-bunnies. Although I may have to ransom a field officer to cover the next set of fees.

    Havent been here much since we're in between processes, but Im always over on facebook so anyone is welcome to add me there.

  9. ^_^ Gabby! I'm so happy to see you! Look at baby Mehdi! He's soooooo cute! :wub:

    He's still the Moroccan Butterball. Weighing in at 32 pounds now. I need to put up a more recent picture, but those are so darn lovable.

    You know we will be closer to you, come this fall..........

  10. Can you believe this nonsense? I got this spam/fraud email (from a verizon address, no less) a couple of days ago (and reported it, of course). It just galls me to see someone actually trying to get away with this! The crappy grammar and punctuation ought to be enough of a red flag, but do people really fall for this junk?

    Dear Account User,

    This Email is from Yahoo Customer Care and we are sending it to

    every Yahoo Email User Accounts Owner for safety. we are having

    congestions due to the anonymous registration of yahoo accounts so we

    are shutting down some yahoo accounts and your account was among those

    to be deleted.We are sending you this email to so that you can verify

    and let us know if you still want to use this account.If you are still

    interested please confirm your account by filling the space below.Your

    User name,password,date of birth, country and your Ocupation information

    would be needed to verify your account.

    Due to the congestion in all Yahoo users and removal of all unused Yahoo

    Accounts, Yahoo would be shutting down all unused Accounts, You will

    have to confirm your E-mail by filling out your Login Information below

    after clicking the reply button, or your account will be suspended

    within 24 hours for security reasons.

    * Username: .........................

    * Password: ..........................

    * Date of Birth: ......................

    * Country Or Territory: ...........

    * Occupation: .......................

    After following the instructions in the sheet, your account will not be

    interrupted and will continue as normal. Thanks for your attention to

    this request. We apologize for any inconveniences.Warning!!! Account

    owner that refuses to update his/her account after two weeks of

    receiving this warning will lose his or her account permanently.


    Yahoo! Account Service.

    Customer Care

  11. Happy Birthday Ahmed!! My wonderful husband's birthday was also today. He turned 35.

    Meriem (F)

    Happy Birthday Hachemi, too!

    Better late than never....HAPPY BIRTHDAY! and what did you guys do??

    It looks as if your little guy is turning 1!!!!

    Yeppers, he and daddy are 10 days apart on b-days. We had a big combo party because Ahmed's is the 8th, Mehdi's is the 18th, and my dad's is the 13th. Im still finding cake crumbs :) My mom got a package of 2 "1ST Birthday" bibs. We put one on the baby and Ahmed added a 3 in front of the 1st for his own bib LOL.

    Happy belated... my son celebrated his birthday on this day.

    He picked an excellent day to be born :)

  12. My $.02

    Try not to get upset if your husband can't work for some reason. When my husband got here the idiot at the POE entetred his DOB as 1928. It took us over a year and a half to get that fixed during which time he had no SSN, no EAD, no Green card, no DL, no nothing. He actually had to work under the table for quite awhile at some rather unsavory places. It was very hard on him physically and emotionally and in turn casued us both alot of stress.

    In general, Id give about 3 months for a new hubster to find at least some sort of basic employment. Even if he's still trying to get his sea legs, something part-time to help pay bills or give him his own spending money is a reasonable goal/request. Burger-flipping for a few months isn't all bad, especially when you know you can move up to better things when you're ready. After all, havent we all started out at the bottom too?

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