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Posts posted by shirlJ831

  1. I am from Alberta, when I got here in the USA my dh went to his work got what papers were needed and filled them out and sent them off to BCBS..... please do not get me started on BC or health LOL

    but we had NO problems at all. BUT.... get this every yr dh has to fill out stupid forms saying he has no other plan only BC..... and get this further more he works for the federal gov..... !

  2. Well sweeite let me tell you this from my OWN personal experience. It all comes down to WHO you get at the border and what kind of attitude they have. Been there done THAT..... I am convinced they do NOT like this back and forth thing and they are really afraid your going to get married here and not go back. I had my dealings with the border in Sk and they were jerks.... I WAS flagged and I am sure you are... you will remain flagged. I had such a awful time I reported the guy at the border. When I spoke to a head supervisor he told me "border patrol holds A LOT of power" uh huh I knew that. THEN he proceeds to tell me I was flagged why..... cause like you I came to visit 2 times.... then he told me I would be UNFLAGGED once in the USA and finally get my PR card.... and here we are. This June 12th will be 2 yrs I been here, and I got my PR card feb -06 I am off to Canada in May... yea sweetie I can sypmathize with border.... if your going to chance it get your hands on CONCRETE things that tie you to going back...

    good luck hunnie I mean that sincerely,

  3. Aside from the checklist they gave you, we took anything we could think of that "linked" us such as: letter from our church pastor where we attend. Letter from our bank along with our joint account statement. I took a letter from my work. Pictures of us and us with other family members at different holidays. The girl that interviewed us was young a very nice girl too. She told us she was pleased and impressed with all the things we took to her.

  4. I was told NOT to remove my I94 at any time. I also was told or should I say it was hammered into my head that the I94 does NOT guarnatee I can back into the USA if I went to Canada (back to) for anything. I just got my PR card and the girl who interviewed me looked into my PP for my I94 and said "good it has not been removed" . she then removed it and stamped my PP. Hope this helps.

  5. Hi I am from Canada and I met my husband online at crossdaily.com I came to North Carolina to see him for about 14 days at Christmas time 2002. Then I turned around and gave my notice at my job and let my apartment go and came to NC for 6 months. I then returned back to Canada my husband came to Canada for a visit Sept of 03 then we were married in Canada. To make the long visa story short :) I have recently as of Mar 8th jsut got my permanent resident card. Good to hear your story :)

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