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Posts posted by Scarlet_1980

  1. In my NBI clearance it says it's valid until 12/19/15 but I've read one of the threads that they got 221g because the wife NBI clearance is 8 mos. old.(should b 6 mos) My interview will be on June 1st. Do I need to get a new one? 6 mos will b on June 19,2015.

  2. Thanks for the reply MrsRegie and VOL :). I'm on IRS site right now it says here "if you are serving in a combat zone or in a contingency operation, you qualify for extensions of deadlines. The deadlines for filing tax returns, paying taxes, filing claims for refund and taking other actions with the IRS are extended to at least 180 days after you leave the designated combat zone or contingency operation".. I will bring along copies of his order, LES and W2's as what iammrsregie suggested.

  3. My husband is currently deployed in GTMO (sept 2014- sept 2015) didnt file for 2014 ITR yet. He's planning to do it once he's back stateside and I'm scheduled for interview this June 1st. Today I received an email from IV process Manila that I need to bring the US Federal ITR for 2014. Husband told me that it is automatically extended since he serves in the armed Forces on deployment outside U.S..Should I be worried that this may cause delay of visa issuance?

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