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Posts posted by hockeygal

  1. I'm going to miss Canadian HGTV and Canadian Food network. Everytime I visit the US and watch HGTV the bulk of the programs are crafty. I don't want to make a lampshade out of pipe cleaners, and I don't want to sponge my walls. I want the Designer Guys! Obviously, I don't have it on all the time, but the best programs on it are the Canadian design shows that they've picked up. As for the food network, it is supposed to be 24/7, but in my new home town, it is all infomercials in the morning. And there is really only so much of that Rachel Ray person I can take.

  2. Count me in too! Just getting ready to send back package 3. To anyone who's just recently gotten package 4, what's the waiting time for an interview? I really need to get mine before the end of the year!!! Also, anyone who got their police certificate in Vancouver, can they get it to you same day?? Is there an extra cost for getting same-day results for the medical at Dr. Morgan's in Vancouver?? So many questions, thanks for starting the Vancouver thread. I was starting to feel lonely!


    It was 5 weeks between the day I faxed back my checklist, to the date I was given for my interview. However, i had asked for a late November date. They actually gave me on ethat was a week earlier than my original request.

    As for the RCMP certificate, I went to the office on Heather in Vancouver, and it took 20 minutes. I also got the medical results the same day - you are asked to return at 2:00 PM for them.

    Not that I'm advocating this, but I didn't take a certified copy of my husband's divorce (no raised seal) to my K3 interview (though I brought a photocopy) and I didn't read the checklist carefully and didn't take a copy of his previous marriage certificate. I was pretty sure they wouldn't issue my visa because of it, but the nice lady at the counter who reviews the documents said it wasn't a big deal.

    That makes me feel better!

  3. Banning someone's right to marry is immoral to me. If it isn't hurting anyone else, live and let live.

    Was marriage between two black people ever illegal? Was marriage between someone black and someone white ever illegal? I will have to look it up, but I am betting it was. Things that seemed immoral and wrong to people once are now things that no one would think twice about. This too, shall happen.

    I was on a bus a while back with a bunch of little kids on a camp field trip. Their counsellor was giving them riddles. He gave them the one about a son, and a grandfather in an accident, the child is rushed to the hospital and the doctor looks at him and says, I cant operate on him, this is my son. How can this be? The kids tossed out a variety of wrong answers, and one shouted "Maybe it was a gay couple!" I thought it was funny that none of them were thinking mommy is a doctor (in this day and age!) but I was impressed by the two dads theory!

  4. I'm in. Hopefully out in 2 weeks, but I am starting to worry about what the package of documents snugglebunny is sending me will look like. I keep stressing to him he needs to send me the original certified copies of the divorce papers, but he keeps saying things to me that make me think he doesn't quite get it. And the affidavit and supporting docs will be interesting too. I don't think his company has understood exactly what should be on the letter... Let's say, part of me is worried.

    So yeah, I will be interested to know what exactly happened at your interview, Texanadian!

  5. I say "eh" every now and then. It pops out and shocks me. It seems to happen at the end of sentences. I can't control it. But it is in no way a regular part of my vocabulary.

    On the subject of language, I have noticed that my fella and his family/friends never use the "ly" suffix in some adverbs. They say "it came natural". "It ran quick". It drives me nuts! I complained to a friend about it once, and she said "He's being presidential!" hee.

    Not that I am the grammar police or anything, but that one is so glaringly... country music!

  6. Out of the blue, I just got an email from the Vancouver consulate, responding to my request from an interview that they had already responded to. They told me again that I was scheduled, and that they sent the letter out to such and such an address.

    I am assuming that whoever initially responded just didn't delete my email, and someone else is responding again and adding the address since I should have got it by now, which I did.

    did anyone have to confirm their interview?

    This process has turned me into a meek little lamb, waiting to be told what to do. I have no opinions of my own anymore!

  7. I don't know about your returning to Canada to have the baby, but if born in the USA, you can still get Canadian citizenship for the baby. My sister had her kids in the USA, and got them citizenship cards for Canada. They will have to update them sometime, as the photos on them are of babies, but they still count!

  8. well, that is good to know, because we were thinking we'd cross there at Osoyoos too! I will stick with Peace Arch, I think!

    At least you got across, and you are where you belong now. :)

  9. I haven't posted too much on this subject, but I've been living out of 2 suitcases since my arrival July 1. All of my belongings, keepsakes, furniture, etc. are in storage. My family is in a serious crisis right now.... haven't wanted to post much because I'm a bit private about this, but it involves my niece's cancer. It was clear to me (quickly) that I should have never left home, and I never fully "moved" here. When we received notice back in what, July, that our original I130 got magically approved (even though we withdrew) I saw it as a sign. Spent 2 months trying to resurrect that app, and finally gave up and DCFd.

    Aw. I'm sorry to hear about this. My family was in a similar crisis a couple of years ago. I know you aren't posting details, just wanted to say you are in my thoughts. (F)

    oh, I can also relate to the living out of 2 suitcases thing. Since late July for me. I've adjusted to it though, and I am evenwondering if I could live with a lot less in the future. Maybe I should unpack a few boxes and have a giant garage sale.

  10. I was going to be ready to roll immediately, but he's got pulled into military and work obligations, so seeing as his schedule has gone crazy and he is having a nervous breakdown because various areas of his life are converging all at once like the perfect storm, I am trying to delay the staffing for my job here at work, and probably extend it all until after the holidays, mid Jan maybe.

    I had really hoped to be there for Xmas, but if he's having a breakdown, it will be more peaceful here anyhow!

    oh well, I have got used to waiting.

  11. all that sounds good. Much better than what I've cobbled together!

    a phone bill per year. Maybe a few more recent ones of his. I haven't had a phone bill for 4 months now.

    an email per year. A few more recent ones.

    a few old photos. A bunch of them taken very recently.

    an old postcard.

    It's made me realize we suck! We don't take photos, our emails are of the polite good-morning-how-are-you- ok-gotta-run variety. All the romantic emails and cards from the first few years, I trashed after our last break up! ah well.

  12. If he doesn't have a passport, he should get one.

    If he doesn't have a copy of his long form birth certificate, he should get one of those too.

    And he should get his proof of vaccinations together. He may need to go see his GP to have blood titres done if he has no other records.

    Once NVC sends your application to the consulate, they will send him Package 3 and he can arrange for his medical and go get his RCMP check.

    No reason why you can't start getting together the affidavit of support and documents either...

  13. Congrats on the NOA2!

    The RCMP office told me the same thing - to wait until I had the letter from the embassy. It only takes them 15 minutes to do the check, so it can be done at any time.

    The vaccination record is shown at the Medical - they gave me my originals back, plus a copy of the summary vaccination form the doctor filled out too.

  14. I'm sorry Lyric. i wish I had some great advice to give.

    I don't know much about the immigration route to Canada - but I can imagine it is no easier or cheaper than any other immigration process. I agree that it will be cheaper than medical costs in the US though. Is it something you might be able to get started, so you can decide as things move along, whether it is the route to take, without having to put out all the cash upfront?

    Can you take some time off work and visit Canada to be with him while he gets his treatments?


  15. Mine was on white paper and it was titled "Canadian Police Certificate For Visa Applicants/Foreign Travel/Foreign Work Permits". It certified that a search based on me failed to disclose that I had a record of criminal convictions in the national repository for criminal records in Canada. I received two original copies signed & dated by an RCMP Constable. The cost was $35 Cdn.

    wow. They only gave me 1 copy and charged me $42! I think my timing sucked.

  16. Any special places in Montreal that make good bagels? I'll be going back for the IR1 interview sometime soon. Did find a place last time... but when I came back home, found out half the bag of sesame bagels were burnt! :crying:

    The smoked meat and pizza and roast chicken recommendations would also be appreciated. :D Have a husband crazy over pizza.. and a mother crazy over roast chicken. Would make a nice present from returning from Montreal. :yes:

    The bagel places in Outremont off Park Ave are the well known bagel places, and they have opened up chains in diiferen tareas of the city. Real bagel makes good ones too. Last time I was in Montreal, you could buy hot bagels at the airport!

    I liked Chalet BBQ for chicken and fries and gravy, I think it is on Cote St Luc Rod? I can't remember! I always went the home delivery route... For smoked meat, the place people line up at is on St. Laurent Ave., and it is called Schwartz's. It is tiny and you have to share tables. But The Main serves up just as great a smoked meat sandwich (same street) and no line. You can also get it downtown at places like Ben's and ... I forget. Maybe a current Montreal should step in with recommendations since my brain clearly can't retain the right info!

    This has made me very hungry.

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