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Posts posted by AFQuaid

  1. Hi VJers,

    You know we currently taking care of the co-sponcer thing we came to a few possible pit falls. See both me and my fiance (USC) are unemployed and have been on benefits all our lives unable to get a job where our physical needs are not a burden on the company or against health and safety of other people! Anyway, we figure this is going to be our biggest pit fall. We already have concent of my fiances mom who earns over 40k a year as his caregiver to be our co-sponcer. But then whilst reading the guide on this side on the affidavit of support tips that there was a case were JUST the USC was on benefits and hey had TWO co-sponcers and got denied. Reading that has me kind of worring, it's all going fine now but we realise we're gonna be questioned to death over how we're going to cope finationally. We WILL, we have tramendus support from both our families. Do you think it'd be worth trying to get a second or even third co-sponcer to safe guard us (not sure of the actual limit)?

    Fiona :unsure:

  2. Hi Ya'll.

    I'm currently looking into the best flight we can take when I go "home" to my partner in the states. When visiting him to get a direct flight we had to go to London heathrow. Does anybody know of a airline that does a direct flight from Manchester to San Francisco? We've found ones that have a stop over but we really don't want to go through that (off loading medical equipment etc will be chaos). Does such rout exist or am I dreaming?

  3. Ok just emailed the forms to my fiances sister in law who will print them and give it to his mom :D saves loads of time posting. I saw the evidence needed then (silly me).

    I'm just a bit confused about the difference between a sponcer and a co-sponcer? I am now assuming my fiances mom will be the sponcer and any additional helpers will be co-sponcers? Or is the petitioner the sponcer? :help:

  4. Hi Guys,

    We were told today that our application has left NVC :dance:

    Now obtaining my police record is underway I wonder if I should now send the co-sponcer forms now? My fiances mom is kindly doing this for us. My only concern is that when I get packet three the co-sponcer forms may be different than those I can download now and send. Therefore having to do it all again. Or it'd just be my luck if they decide to update the co-sponcer forms. Should I just be safe and wait till I get packet 3 and send what they send to his mom or should I chance it and compare the forms when I get them back.

    Fiona :unsure:


    We got this sorted. Printed out the forms, filled in my part. Gonna pass them to my social worker to sign (it says somebody has to sign if they have known you 12 months). I would of got one of my doctors to but I've just switched hospitals but oh well hopefully that should be fine. Then once he's signed it my dads gonna drop it off at the police station for me with some ID.

    TY ALL AGAIN SO MUCH. BIG weight off my mind.

    and YAY! we got a letter from NVC today saying they're gonna send out case out to the US Embassy in London within a week and we got our LND number :thumbs:

  6. TY guys so much. Just emailed bury metro again see what I get. If no responce by tomorrow....I shall phone if no luck then I guess I'll have to try and make some sort of arrangements to get to the police station.


    So they don't generally reply to letters?

    Will they have the form there or will I get sent home and asked to go back when they have?

    What sort of ID can I include?

  7. Hi Guys,

    Ok here is my issue.

    So I got onto the website order form for the "subject access" form and then notice it says that this form can only be used if you live in the London area. So I abandoned that after the confusion of getting hold of it a second time for you very kind VJers.

    Then I wrote to two local police stations and requested form called "subject access" and as of yet I have no reply still. I'm now doubting they can even send me this via mail. I sent both letters a month ago.

    Getting down to a police station is going to be very hard for me, I don't have my own transport so have to hire adapted transport (at a price that aint nice). I will HAVE to do it if I cannot get the form any other way. But I'm trying to avoid this as I'm not made of money and need to save it for hospital appointments and getting back to america when the visa is through.

    I so wanted to obtain this before Packet 3 arrives so I don't have to wait longer than I need to :crying: . Is there any other way to get hold of this form so I can fill it in and send it back with £10? Like I said I tried the online form but it said they can only process them if you live in the London area. I live in Bury, Manchester. :help:

  8. I think they are trying to ask where they are suppost to go to get DNA proof that they are the parent of there child perhaps? Also I think personally they just needed to rant it out there frustation at the interview and want to hear others experiances...i.e if anybody else has been asked for DNA and USC proof.

  9. Hi Ya'll,

    Sorry it's taken me a while to respond. I have been checking back here I didn't abandon it. Thank you everyone for the great advice and positivity. I've taken it all onboard.

    Next challenge....finding a hotel in london with wheelchair access and places to loan medical equipment ...wish me luck on the search


    Andy came through the surgery and is now back home. Haven't had a minute to update our website blog if any of you guys like to check our site :) He's very dopped up, they got him on one of the strongest painkillers out there which is causing him to fall asleep every few minutes.....hes also have other affects....confusion etc...But thankfully he's getting weaned down on these till he's off them completely. His surgery was a success his pain level has decreased masses. He says to tell you guys hi and thanks for all the info. 'sigh this was very hard for us, I was in pieces while he was in hospital (huh great support...) but things can only get better now right? :unsure: God where are you letter from NVC ..... :(

  10. :) Hi All,

    My sweetheart and I got our NOA2 approval March 8th by e-mail and recieved it offically by post 11th March. So we've got going through the NVC, Embassy, Medical and interview to go yet.

    I just wanted to know when you have the visa in hand how soon are you actually allowed to go "home" to your partner? I read somewhere on here that at the interview they ask you when you plan to go also get married and you've to say later than you actually have in mind. Do they get suspicious otherwise? If we are approved and we get the visa I'd like to stay a few nights in london after the interview and then just go. Is that ok to do? It's to save us money and god :crying: we've been like this for 6 years. We just wanna get together asap. But how soon is too soon? I don't want them throwing me back at the POE noticing we got the approval say a few days before....

    Advice please....

    Also I'm a little worried about the interview questions too. I've read the guide on this site of all possible questions. I'm just concern how far they read into your words. Say if they asked me "Why do you want to live in America?" and I say "Because I love and want to be with my partner, and we figured the US would be the best place for us to be because of our disabilities....we'd have a better quality of life there as pose to england." Which is true....that is why I chose to go there rather than him come here. I just don't want them thinking I'm trying to get in for medical purposes.....ack worries! Do they question their questions answers?

  11. Andrew is a sagittarius

    I am a Libra


    I'm really into the whole star sign compatability thing. From what I've read on sag & libra is that libra keeps sag safe (i.e packs all the sensable, practical things) on the sags adventures. And sag adds more unprediability and takes libra out of there comfort routine and takes them along on there journeys. Together they are suppost to have a wild passionate relationship (air sign keeps the fire sign dancing). Which is true we do :yes: and we're suppost to have this deep emotional connection and are very good with communicating in our relationship. Which is also true. I personally believe Andy is my soulmate :luv:

  12. Thank you everybody. I'm so sorry I did save that link way back but I cannot see it in my yahoo bookmarks now. Also I trailed through this entire forum section to try and find where you provided it for me and it seems it may of been before the forum crash. I don't mean to repeatively ask questions. Please know this is all SO appresiated.

    I'm all over the place today, my fiance goes into hospital tomorrow 'sigh gonna try and get all this sorted.

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