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Posts posted by AuSomeGee

  1. We have jumped through all the hoops, sustained the pain of NVC, submitted documents upon documents, been interviewed and finally have all that is required to travel to the US and start our new life. (Plane Tickets are booked...wooohoo!)

    As a very occasional Visa Journey poster, but an avid reader of the content, I would like to thank all those who do heavily contribute and assist everyone in this process. The virtual support and information obtained in this forum certainly helped myself in getting through this task.

    I personally feel the time for my "visa journey" would fall into the 'easy' category in comparison to some I have viewed. The one thing I would ask is that everyone support each other and remove any 'competitiveness' or 'trying to out do' each other in who has had a 'harder time or more difficulties' in moving through the process. Unite with the one commonality of 'everyone is going through a stressful, confusing, time consuming and SLOW process which impacts on our lives in many different ways'. I feel this will help a positive and beneficial dialogue for all.

    Thank you to everyone in this forum and to those who are starting out or currently in processing...stay strong and always have hope of success....(and if in doubt, read my quote below).

    All the very best! :dancing:

  2. For those that are interested or monitoring this post, just wanted to update you on my case...

    After 3 x Case Complete emails (25th / 26th and 29th Dec), today I received schedule of interview (Sydney) for 3rd Feb !!!!! Woohoo... almost wanted to book flights...but I curbed my excitement and the logical brain kicked in and I knew it was a massive NO to make a booking without the visa physically in my hand....will book medical on Monday!

    Hope you all have a wonderful 2015 :-) with case completes and interviews with all positive outcomes and the commencement of new life experiences!!

  3. So happy for you! Did I see you had a Dec 11 scan date for checklist documents?! Same as mine #######! How did you manage that?! But I think we sent the wrong things, still need to call NVC which I will try to do tonight (my time).

    Mate I'm sorry. I am in the same boat. Read the thing and went "#######! that's not what they told me over the phone!" So I am going to talk to a supervisor tonight.


    Thank you for your kind words.

    My dates are more twisted than Italian pasta....

    I called on 26th Nov - first verbal notification of Checklist items (Police Cert and W2's for my wife).

    I called on 28th Nov - more verbal info from an NVC agent who was much nicer, listened and gave advice of a signed letter from my wife saying she did not work in US during 2013 and no W2's existed. Well, that information was already included in the submitted Tax Information and on a specific tax Form 2555 (if I recall correctly), but anyway, we obliged and sent this letter which arrived and had a scan date of 11th Dec.

    During the time the Checklist items were sent, I called NVC to follow up as to why I had not received any official NVC Checklist via email after almost 3 weeks after review. The NVC agent escalated the case (and call) to a Supervisor to commence the action for the Checklist to be sent.

    During this call I spoke to the Supervisor and explained that the information being requested was already clearly explained within the Tax information provided. The Supervisor said she would request to obtain my case and to call back towards the end of the week.

    I called Thurs morning and was able to get put through to the same Supervisor. Whilst on this call she completed the review and saw the required information was there, verbally stated Case Completed and to await an email from NVC.

    If I have not received an email by Tuesday, I am calling again and chasing up. :-)

    I think it was a mix of luck and maybe because of a delay caused by NVC (3 weeks without Checklist email being sent) that my case was escalated to a Supervisor. I then had the opportunity to plead my case in that the information they were requesting was there and I should not wait another 60 days due to NVC failing to see it in the initial review. And maybe I got a really nice Supervisor too......

    Good luck for quick processing on your checklist !!

  4. I am SOOO happy for you AuSomeGee, how fantastic. I can't believe she was actually going through your case while you were on the phone. What a great result, I bet you woke the neigbourhood!!! Fingers crossed you get an interview right away, I'll be keen to hear how quickly they schedule it in Sydney.


    thank you for your kind words.

    I will still maintain posts about medical, interview and eventual POE.

    All the best for your NVC journey :-)

  5. Yeah!!!! :dancing: Congrats, what an awesome Christmas gift. Good luck for the next step and an interview in January. :)

    Congrats! Showing them that Aussie determination! Aussie Aussie Aussie oi oi oi ( lol I havnt chanted that in a while hahah)

    TOLD YOU SO:)))))


    Thank you everyone !!

    As they say, there is always a light at the end of the tunnel.....(as I always add.....just make sure no train is attached to the light) :rofl:

    Good luck to all for a quick CC.


    Verbal confirmation by NVC Supervisor 18th Dec, 2014

    Initial AOS/IV Scan Date: Sept 29th

    Verbal Checklist items from NVC agent: 26th Nov

    NVC delayed Checklist email for 3 weeks - in that time I was able to get Supervisor to review case as the information requested in the Checklist already existed in the original documents submitted.

    Supervisor reviewed while on phone and confirmed case complete!

    Is it likely I would get a January interview?

    Good luck to all !!!

  7. CASE COMPLETE !!!! (verbally by Supervisor after reviewing case on phone - now awaiting email)

    After a nervous day waiting for 7am New Hampshire time (11pm Australia) to arrive, I called and spoke to the 1st Level NVC agent.

    I explained the purpose of my call and that the Supervisor had advised me to call on this day for a status check. (I made sure to include the Supervisor's name). The NVC agent was only too helpful to transfer me straight away.

    After the initial greeting to the Supervisor and the purpose of the call, the Supervisor said she had not had a chance to review my case, but could look now. She commenced looking through it (I could hear the papers being turned) and I think I held my breath for what felt like an eternity. I dared not speak as I wanted her full attention on the information in the documents. She made a couple of comments and actually apologised for us being sent a checklist as the Checklist information was clearly included in the original AOS submission.

    The Supervisor then said that she had completed the case and to expect an email in the next few days.

    I thanked her multiple times and said it was the best Christmas present. She wished me happy holidays and I likewise to her and then ended the call. Being almost midnight I could not let out a loud scream (wake too many people) - but it was so exciting to finally hear those words "case completed"

    This is such a relief as we now have a CC of Dec 18th - instead of a potential Checklist review and CC of mid Feb 2015. It has literally saved us 2 months of idle waiting.....

    ...now hoping for a January interview - that would be amazing!!

    Good luck :dancing:

  8. Seems my voice is not so charming as yours :)...have to wait to be reviewed...argh

    Don´t give up. :)

    Try it again tomorrow. I and my hubby had to try couple of times to get a nice rep who could help.

    Frips - Keep trying. It is good to see you can still take a humorous positive in repeated calls to NVC (in practicing language skills). A sense of humor is an absolute requirement in getting through this process!!

    Jamy - Well done in getting progress with your case. I think your experience shows how appropriate the quote I include on my signature actually is:

    "Success is almost totally dependent upon drive and persistence. The extra energy required to make another effort or try another approach is the secret of winning." - Denis Waitley

    My Case - Latest Developments

    - Received verbal Checklist: 26th Nov

    - Sent Checklist item: 3rd Dec (I used previous AOS CoverSheet - it has obviously been accepted)

    - Received Checklist Items Scan Date: 11th Dec

    - Received Official NVC Checklist Email: 18th Dec !!!

    I have another call with NVC Thurs Morning (New Hampshire time). From my previous discussion on Monday, I have the expectation in being able to speak to the Supervisor. If my case is available to the Supervisor, they are to review and based on the required information already being there (which I know it is), a Case Complete is a possible outcome. I can only hope!

    Stay smiling !! :dancing:

  9. It has been 25 days since I have sent my checklist response. I call NVC every other day to get an update of my case. Everyone seems to have their own answers. They don't know why my checklist doesn't show that it has been received and it is not in the system yet. These guys don't really care about helping. I am on the phone waiting an hour everytime I call and everytime I talk to them they just want to end the call ASAP. This guy YuuuP Yuuuup told me that I have to email my confirmation from UPS to NVC that my mail was delivered. How crazy is that? I've never seen a note that NVC ASka to send an Emil after you mail your package. Since they don't have my package scanned in yet, should I be worried of anything. I read that once it's delivered its delivered and shouldn't be worried. Anyone had any experience like this where they sent the package and NVC states that it is not in their system yet? I hope we all get a CC so we don't deal with these docs anymore. I'm sooooo tired! Thanks and good luck everyone.


    Mailed items can and do often get lost. My first point of call would be to follow up with the mail service you used.


    1. Did you use a mail service which provides confirmation of delivery? If so, get that proof and send that to NVC.

    If not and if you are wanting to make sure the documents arrive send them again with full tracking.

    My experience

    My checklist information was sent 3rd Dec and I have just received confirmation from NVC that scan date is 11th DEC and that was sent from Australia using 3-7 days postage service.

    Don't wait on NVC to confirm receipt when they may not have anything to confirm - take action and resend and obtain proof of delivery.

    Good luck.

    I called NVC yesterday and I was told I have to wait until they update their system. After that the DS-261 can be reviewed and accepted.

    Unfortunately she couldn´t give me any info on WHEN they update their system :(


    My advice would be to call again and get another agent (time consuming and annoying, yes), but as I have found, I have had 3 agents give 3 different responses on the same topic.

    It might provide beneficial or might result in that none of them know - but worth a try.

    Good luck.

  10. Thanks for commenting on your case. From your experience, would you recommend calling NVC to check if there is a checklist pending? If so, when...around the 30 day mark?

    I am terrified of a checklist setting our case back!! I am hoping for a case complete mid Jan too :)

    From my case experience, I would always recommend calling NVC.

    30 Days

    As you are at the 30 day mark, be prepared for the NVC phone support agent to repeat the same phrase If you already have your scan date (via an email from NVC) then the best you will get at 30 days is "it has been scanned and awaiting review".

    50+ days

    From around 50+ days from scan date you may be lucky to get more info on your case status and if a checklist exists. Alternatively, you will get the above 60 day phrase...

    60 Days

    Once your 60 days are completed, this is where you should get some info - Case Complete being the ultimate response OR as I received, a verbal description of the "required information for the AOS". I rang back 2 days later to get a different agent and was able to get more detailed information.

    My Case - Further Development

    As a development in my case. I spoke to NVC Monday morning (New Hampshire time) to follow up on the Supervisor action. Still no official checklist received via email and it is now past 3 weeks since NVC review.

    1st Level NVC Agent

    During this call I had the 1st Level NVC agent trying to give me the standard line - "all the requested information has to be with the NVC to complete the case" (we were going around in circles because ALL the info is with NVC - they just have not bothered to actually read it).

    As a last resort, I asked if I could speak to a Supervisor. With that request, without comment from the NVC agent, I was placed on hold and put through to a Supervisor (so I believe - how does a person knows if it is actually a Supervisor and not just another 1st level agent)


    In speaking to the Supervisor and explaining my case history, the Supervisor said she will request for my file and review it. I then asked a very basic question: "If the information which is contained in my case meets the requirements of the letter being requested, what happens then?"

    The Supervisor replied, "then i can complete the case".

    I then requested a timeframe (always ask a timeframe for action on your case - "when will it be expected to be reviewed?", "when should I get the email?", etc etc ).

    The Supervisor replied,"call at the end of the week".

    If the Supervisor NVC does complete a proper review my case, it is highly likely my case should be completed. The information they require is already included in the full tax return, which proves (on an official tax document) all her income was foreign and no W2 documents exist - this is the only information they have asked for (in a letter signed by my wife) to complete my case.

    Lessons Learnt from NVC phone contact

    - Always call NVC to get latest information on your case

    - Always be polite and courteous on the phone

    - Ask for the first name of the NVC phone agent

    - Pen and Paper

    - write down your questions before calling - having it written in front of you will help ask clearly and ensure all your question(s) are asked.

    - write down who you spoke to and take notes during call on what was discussed

    - When calling, always start your query (after giving the case # and personal details) with "I am enquiring about the status of my case...."

    - the reason I start my calls this way, you then know what action (if any) was done from the last phone contact to NVC

    - also, it makes them actually check your case detail rather than you tell them what you think it 'should or could' be....giving them an easy out.

    - Always get a time frame for action

    - Get a second opinion - I have spoken to 3 different agents on the same topic and got 3 completely different answers.

    - Never rely on NVC doing the 'logical' thing or the process running smoothly...there is no logic at the NVC.

    Sorry for the extremely long response - I tend to be overly detailed, it's just how my brain works.

    Good luck - I hope the above helps in some way...fingers crossed for your Case Complete :-)

  11. I spoke to an NVC agent this morning 12th Dec (New Hampshire time) in relation to my case:

    Historical Info

    29th Sept

    AOS / IV Scanned

    26th Nov

    AOS Checklist: (told be NVC phone agent)

    28th Nov

    Followed up for more info and was told by NVC phone agent my USC wife had to send a signed letter stating she had not worked in the USA for 2013 and therefore no W2's existed.

    3rd Dec

    Sent the letter requested.

    12th Dec

    Contacted NVC and asked if the documents were received (9 days since being sent), the agent said "they are probably in the building, but take time to scan in".

    My question: I then explained to the NVC agent "why does a letter written and signed by my wife (no notorization required) cause a checklist and ultimately up to a 60 day delay?"

    NVC Response: The agent said that the case could be completed without the letter and that it will go to Case Completed 30 days after the checklist email date.

    No Checklist Received via email

    My comment: That's when I commented that the Checklist email has never been sent - even after speaking with 2 NVC Agents.

    NVC Response: The agent then reviewed the case and could see that no email had been sent. She said she will send my case onto a Supervisor to generate a checklist email to start the 30 day countdown to CC. The agent said it should take only a couple of days for the email to be sent.

    Good News

    - From the information provided by the agent (and if the actions stated are done), we are looking at mid January 2015 for Case Complete!

    Lessons Learnt

    - Just because you get some information from an NVC agent does NOT always mean:

    a) that the information is correct

    b) that the NVC will complete an action

    Because of NVC's inability to do their job, our case has been unnecessarily delayed for a document which could be brought with me to an interview!!

    Question: Has anyone had the same or similar experience?

    Future action

    I will be calling NVC on Monday 15th Dec (New Hampshire time) and follow up to ensure the case is actually with a Supervisor.

    Plus, I will complete additional calls (2 times per week) to enquire on case status until CC is actually given.

    I simply cannot rely on NVC actually doing what they say - especially this close to completion.

    However, I want to leave this post on a positive note.....and the take away I have is the expectation for a 30 day CC (rather than 60 days....or more!)

    Good luck to all. :dancing:

  12. The package was delivered this morning, looks like. Last time, we got an email telling us the package was scanned on a certain date so hopefully that'll happen again otherwise we will call sometime next week to get a scan date.

    Historically has the NVC slowed down quite a lot over the holidays?

    Yeah - once we have confirmation of document delivery, I will follow up with NVC via phone also.

    For the holiday period, I wouldn't know in terms of a slow down. Apart from the scheduled public holidays, I would expect it to be business as usual.

    From previous US visits, I think Thanksgiving is actually a more impacting holiday period than Christmas - as not everyone celebrates Christmas (religion based), whereas Thanksgiving is more about spending time with friends and family so more people travel, take vacation,etc.

    Maybe other folks have a better idea/experience....

  13. Sigh. Sent corrected documents to NVC yesterday from New Hampshire so should get there tomorrowish. Sending AFP certificate straight to the consulate. Here we go again. Will let you know when I have a scan date.

    EDIT: Still no email! Ha ha ha..

    Hey Sharks,

    Good luck !!

    No email for us either (more than 2 weeks after review) - it's like NVC are introducing further delays into the process It's freaking annoying.

    Fingers crossed for quick review and CC!!

  14. <start crazy rant>

    RFE - AOS (IR-1 - Spouse)

    What I supplied: Petitioners Full 2013 Tax Return - all income earned in Foreign Country

    NVC requesting: Non existent W2 Forms from my wife's US employers. (She never worked in the USA in 2013 tax year)

    NVC phone response: When I explained the above, the NVC agent stated all that is required is "a letter signed by my USC wife stating she had not worked in the USA for 2013)".

    It does not even have to be notarized or an affadavit !! Just a simple signed letter.

    Why this is so stupid:

    - foreign based income is evident from the full tax return included

    - the only supportive document required is our written word in a letter, why can't this be produced at the Consulate Interview if it only needs to be 'on file'???

    - the irrelevance of a historical 2013 tax return and the fact my wife will be getting a new job in the US (if we ever get approved)

    - the amount of earnings was below foreign threshold and there was zero tax issue, just the requirement to 'produce W2 forms' which could never have existed

    And because of this they can make us wait another 60 freaking days!!

    Btw - AOS scanned 24th Nov and only verbal Checklist (RFE) advice....if we actual wait for NVC to notify via email....well, it's the 8th December (14 days) and no sign of any 'Official NVC email'

    <end of crazy rant>

  15. AOS / IV Scan Date: 29th Sept

    Verbal Checklist from NVC: 28th Nov for the 2 items:

    1. Original Police Certificate

    2. W2 documents from US Employers for 2013

    Actions taken:

    1. Original Police Check Document needs to go to US Consulate and not to NVC (sent new original to US Consulate, confirmed arrival at consulate week ending 5th Dec)

    2. Signed letter from my wife stating she never worked in USA for 2013 tax year. (as per the comment from the NVC phone support agent)


    1. Can it seriously take 60 days for them to review one self supplied letter (which requires no notarization) and is evident from the full tax form that it was foreign income?

    2. Is it possible to ask the NVC 1st Level support person to put me through to a Supervisor within the 60 days? Or will it just be the robot 1st level response without any chance of escalation?

    3. How does the NVC know the US Consulate has my Police Certificate - the only common information is my name and address, but no NVC case reference number? (I have minimal faith in documents "meeting up" two countries away)

    4. Does it take 60 days for them to review the Police Certificate which is not even at the NVC?

    Looking like I will be around here for Dec, Jan and Feb Filers...We got so close to a CC and yet so far....

  16. What an awesome and helpful post, thanks SO much!

    We found husbo's W2 so that's easy peasy. We figured out how to correctly fill in the "City" part of the i84a place of birth for his mother. Those are the two things we know are missing.

    So you are suggesting that what I should do is, when my AFP certificate arrives, just send it to the consulate? And send the rest in to the NVC as requested?

    Still no email either!


    You are most welcome.

    Glad you were able to complete the outstanding W2 and form item.

    As for the AFP Certificate, yes that is correct. But make sure you make a photocopy or scan and send the ORIGINAL to the US Consulate. For addressing details see the link:


    Cover Note

    If you wanted to, you could also include a basic cover note. (It could be overkill, but I feel better explaining very simply what is included and reference to my NVC case number).

    Response from US Consulate Support

    I sent an email to the US Consulate asking about sending the Police Check Certificates directly (email support-australia@ustraveldocs.com )

    The below is an excerpt from their next day response. For the Aust. state, I am in NSW. Check with your local Police Station if you have further questions - I know for my case, the NVC Rep explicitly said the document had to go to the US Consulate.

    Depending on the Australian state/territory in which you reside will depend if the police certificate is meant to be sent to our office.

    If the original Australian police certificate is received in our office, our office will remain in possession of the from which will then be returned to you on the day of the visa interview.

    Thank you

    Immigrant Visa Unit

    U.S. Consulate General, Sydney


    Hope the above helps...

    I feel a little better knowing all possible documents are in transit to their respective places - now just need that Case Complete.... in the meantime, I am going to focus on regular gym workouts to keep my mind busy....

    All the best!

  17. We could send in the corrections that the FIRST person told us, the W2 and the corrected i864a, but the SECOND person told us "don't worry about the bit in the email that says the police certificate is missing, because it's just that those get sent straight to the consulate" when I actually DID send one, and I'm afraid it wasn't enough.

    I don't know what to do :(


    Our AOS was reviewed on 24th Nov (as stated by NVC Phone agent). We also got told there were checklisted items on 26th Nov when I called NVC.

    Agent gave minimal info so I called again on 28th Nov just before closing time.

    1. W2 Forms Missing for 2013 Tax Return

    Agent stated: Need W2's for 2013 tax return.

    I explained the full tax return was included and there are no W2's as my wife (USC) did not have any US employment in 2013.

    Agent just said, 'oh, ok just send a letter signed by your wife saying she didnt work in the US for 2013"....I almost fainted from the stupidity.....so ridiculous!

    Action taken

    Sent the requested letter to NVC (surely this won't take 60 days!!!...wait, of course it will)

    2. AFP Police Certificate: We also included it. However, NVC agent didn't want anything to do with it.

    I got a robotic response "you need to send an original Police Clearance to the US Consulate".

    Action taken

    I have now sent a secondary original AFP Police Clearance and NSW National Police Certificate directly to the US Consulate which waits until eventual interview to be handed back to me.

    No Official Checklist

    As of today (4th Dec), like yourself, we have not received any CHECKLIST email / paper notification from NVC.

    All the very best for your follow up items...and closure to the madness that is NVC.

  18. Yeah - that's one of the multitude of issues I have found with the AUS Police Clearance process.

    From this experience, I believe the best way to complete the task is to do the following:

    1. Obtain the relevant Police Check for your state

    2. Have the original sent to your home address

    3. Scan / Photocopy the Original

    4. Send the Original to the US Consulate

    5. Include photocopy in documents sent to NVC

    Using the above, I believe this would cover all aspects of having the original Police Clearance at the US Consulate and included at the NVC (even if irrelevant - at least it is there)

    I am still yet to find out which of the documents - AFP Police Clearance OR the NSW National Police Clearance - are the official documents which they require.

    If I had a time machine, I would go back and do both in the same manner as above.

  19. Hi Oyehope

    From what I can gather, the following needs to be done:

    I reside in NSW so possibly check at your local Police station for your state if you are not in NSW.

    Send Original Police Clearance document to the US Consulate in Australia. Apparently, the NVC do not even deal with the Police Certificate (neither the original or photocopy). This was actually stated by an NVC agent over the phone yesterday.

    This is an excerpt of the response from the US Consulate to my query about having my second AFP (Federal) Police Clearance document sent directly to the Consulate:

    "Depending on the Australian state/territory in which you reside will depend if the police certificate is meant to be sent to our office.

    If the original Australian police certificate is received in our office, our office will remain in possession of the form which will then be returned to you on the day of the visa interview."

    So, my second requested AFP Police Clearance document will be sent directly to the US Consulate this week (hopefully tomorrow). How do I know it has been received? No idea. I may have to call.

    As I was still unclear as to what exact Police Clearance document was required, I also submitted a request for a NSW National Police Clearance which I will also send the original of to the US Consulate.

    In completing the above, the US Consulate will have both AFP and NSW National Police Clearance original documents.

    Hope the above helps....

  20. The ENTIRE 2013 tax return was originally included to NVC.

    We have only gone down the tax transcript path to try and include 'official paperwork' rather than just a signed letter by my wife.

    The response of 'just send a signed letter in saying no 2013 US employment' seems to lack any authority to the point why does this item even need to be considered a failing to be checklisted. (rhetorical comment, I have given up trying to understand NVC and this process)

    Follow up with Tax agent has already started....hoping for update overnight.

    Yes, we have a Joint Sponsor who well and truly exceeds the guidelines and had his transcripts included.

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