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Posts posted by breyandtthew

  1. I havent sent out my application yet. But definitely plan on ticking yes to the question. Its worrying me because nobody just cant talk me out into answering no to that instead,, I dont wanna be caught in a lie, obviously is the reason. I have the discharge summary, you think I should attach it? it says on there.. primary hospitalization : Suicidal, depression, agitation ... Primary diagnosis (at discharge) : Just the Depression.Im worried on how bad this impacts my naturalization application.. I am definitely legally competent, in fact I wasnt suicidal then.. I texted something to my husband that made him think I was gonna hurt myself and we were not cool with each other at that time, and he called the cops on me :(

  2. Hi all.. Do you know or have you ever heard of anybody been denied of citizenship because of being committed in a mental facility.. ? I am just really so worried... I was in a mental health facility for 72 hrs, basically for evaluation.. it was basically a psychiatric hold or 5150.. I have yet to read somebody's experience who tick yes to that question and was approved.. it makes me worried that that that is something so hard to overcome and approval is hard to obtain.. i would appreciate response from people who have experienced this or know someone or could refer me to someone's post and has been approved.. i cant seem to find any thats been approved regardless the ticked yes :( please help!!

  3. I am to file my n400 very soon, and i am now just reading the instructions with more focus. My husband and I have moved into my current address since January 2014 (over a year ago), and I didnt know about the address change. I never have informed USCIS of the address change. I have had only 1 previous address, which was my in-laws address (so I still practically receive mails and be informed about it). What is the gravity of this honest mistake.. ? Could i be denied over this, i see it could lead to a deportable offense :( I am so worried. I have removed my ROC successfully with this new address.. Anyone experienced never informing USCIS with the address change until citizenship? I really didn't know :( will appreciate the response! Thank you..

  4. Lately, I have been seeing this topic in posts. I am afraid I do not understand what these mean entirely? Could you please tell me if I meet both of these? Do I have to meet both ? I will be filing 90 days early under 3-yr rule. Below is my info.

    Married since Dec. 2011

    Resident since Sept 12 2012

    I had a trip once since becoming an LPR lasting 47 days.

    What is my earliest filing date? Did I meet all the requirements? Thank you for the response!

  5. I had a hard time understanding the post, honestly with the use of pronouns. My grammar isn't perfect either, so in no way I am trying to correct yours. So here's what I understand:

    Your cousin - is a male, a he, the US citizen - Correct?

    the child - is a female, a she, also a US citizen - Correct?

    I see you're also from the Philippines that's why I initially thought your cousin is the filipina wife who was deported.. This is for everybody else's reference who might want to comment on your post.. Please correct. Thanks

  6. i wouldnt think the extramarital affair alone would have gotten her deported.. I suspect there's more to it than just that. Dont get me wrong, extramarital affair is immoral I know. Just that, USCIS must have had a heavier reason than just that is all.. Y'al, please correct me if Im wrong..

  7. the latter. Somebody I know with whom I no longer have friendly relations with called up the cops.. that person has my phone number, so yeah, the cop called me and asked me of the incident on that day. I confirmed that I drove by and then he said, I am being warned not to trespass their property or else I could be arrested on the spot of which I have no intention of doing. My action in itself wasn't even trespassing since obviously, they do not own the street. But I didnt think there was really any point of arguing with the cop so i just said "ok"..and these all were just over the phone. This happened May 2014, even before I filed for my ROC. and obviously, I already have my 10 yr GC. I'd like to think there really is nothing to disclose, because it wouldn't be a lie to say NO to questions of being "arrested, nor cited, nor detained (over the phone???I dont think so), nor charged, nor convicted,,i went to the police station just recently in March '15, and indeed, there is this incident report of warning.. It was pretty stupid, basically his words against mine..but I didn't wanna drag it on, so I just confirmed, I received and understood the warning..

  8. I know that this post is kind of old already, but has anyone had similiar experience? I am still on the limbo of whether or not to disclose this criminal trespass warning? Again, it was just over the phone I was warned, although surely when I went to the police station, they have it in their in-house database/system? I dont wanna draw unnecessary attention to my application if there's really no need for it by not disclosing it, but at the same time, I wanna be as truthful as I can be. Im just getting paranoid over this. Thanks all

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