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Posts posted by net2684

  1. We saved a copy of our chat from Skype, from a computer not hand held device. Printed out only four months of chat which was over 100 pages. Follow your lawyers advice, piss him off and you have another group who may slow you down just because... Me, I was going that route but family said no, just fill out paper work since you never filled before. No trouble in your past nor theirs. Give them every thing they ask for and what ever they say is optional. It alleviates the RFE since now you sent in all that information ahead of time.

    BTW - Approved at Nebraska Center in 18 days. How ever NVC sent me a notice they were extending the 30 days to 60 days due to so many requests coming in. Don't be surprised when you get bogged down at NVC...

  2. Best way to be positive is that no news is good news! I would have to say the delays are upsetting also, but you know what? We are all human beings. I wanted my significant other here before the year was done, and now that is looking like it won't be till February with all these deals. It really sucks, but just contact a congressman from your state and have them asking why your legal petition is being delayed compared to all the illegals that have come over? Are we not just shipping them out? So how should that interfere with us? I've been contacting NVC every time and making record of who I talked to, hope that helps that your not alone!

  3. @Kulfi - You need the petitioners tax information for the AOS, and your beneficiary needs to have their personal information. The guides in visajourney are what I followed and sent in. Hope that helps!

    @NKrishMT - Just got a notice from NVC. I was so excited I went ahead and printed out a copy incase I accidentally deleted the email. But then I read the email. "Dear Sir/Madam, we recieved your documents on July 15th, due to increase in visa cases your time table with be at least 60 days before we look at your documents."

    So for those who are waiting at service center wanting to get to NVC, it seems the waiting is just as bad.

  4. As best I know from people I talked to about the AOS, always give them the information they ask for, at the minimum. Give them your tax information even if your job is over by the time they get the information. Anything to do with getting a new job, you submit when they ask for it, or when you update your visa information. If your father is helping to sponsor, then you need his tax information as well. Hope that helps you.

  5. @lirpa - NVC sent me an email about receiving my package. Though it took them two weeks to tell me about it. If you don't hear anything after 30 days then call them. Don't be afraid to call them. Very nice people, just be nice in return. Also take there name down, reason being, one guy I talked to said I had to wait 30 business days which is over 6 weeks. If I hadn't been calling I would be ahead of schedule, would of gotten an email about paying the bill. Never feel bad about keeping on top of the visa.

    Now with you wanting to wait till January to sell your home, I don't know what kind of buyers market it is out there, but from what I read you have around six months to travel on the visa. I think that has more to do with the medical interview, I think it has an expiration that if you don't travel with in that time you need to have another one done. Hope that helps.

  6. Just got off the phone with NVC! Got my case number, but need to wait for email with instructions... Tried the website and it said the same thing when I entered the case number. So now I await another two weeks. Time NOA 2 May 20th, NVC recieved June 2nd, case number assigned July 2nd. Hopefully get the billing/instructions on the July 17th at the latest since they say two weeks. Hope that helps you all who are wondering about the next step.

  7. The NBI as far as I can tell just need as close to updated as possible, figure as long as it's not out of date when submitted that is the best you can do. Other then that, two days and I'll be calling NVC for update. What really gets me, is it took NVC took two weeks to tell me they received the package. That though just means it all comes together and we the happy spouses will finally be reunited with our significant others sooner then other people have in the past. We may complain, but imagine still being stuck at Nebraska or California and knowing you have another 4-8 months to wait.

  8. I'm not wanting to piss off the NVC people, but as my God mother told me, they can't fault me for wanting updates in a timely manner. It doesn't matter if one place takes less time. In this day and age, any government run facility does not want a congressmen asking why it takes long then the posted times, especially if the people were never contacted about there being a problem with their case.

    @Vincesca - Nothing wrong with not filing right away. I wanted to file when I got back from my first visit before I was even married! Would we be together right now if we had? Maybe but you know what God, fate, woman's time of the month, anything can make or break a relationship, along with a case being submitted. You could have been right to submit early on and hit the proper time at the immigration office, or you could have hit the wrong time, and had your case take the longest time possible you know? Have a little faith and matters will sort it self out in a manner that makes everyone always second guessing if you should have done things differently.

    @KrishMT - The nice thing about my timing for you, is that you are just about a week or toe behind me, but keeping up. That tells me they must be fast tracking philippines paper work faster then others. It's one reason I am trying so hard to keep my time line updated since people who are from philippines will be saying we are also right on for how much time we are spending at these places. It's always nice getting things so locked in that the waiting is what makes us want to down red bull and rock star drinks just to be awake when the notice comes in!!

    Keep the fair people, we all make it, and having each other rooting for the new beginnings is such a comfort!

  9. Not sure on when they shipped the package only got an email from them that they were forwarding the case to NVC. Also, after I got threw calling NVC, which took over 100+ dailings since their phone line was busy... Anyways, the guy there said they checked it in June 2nd, which took them two weeks to notify me they received the package via email. Go figure huh? Probably have the letter sitting in my mail box, though I am away till the end of this week. So, when I talked to the person, they said you have to wait 30 business days which I am like what!?!? I am going to wait till the 2nd of July and call them for an update, the icing on the cake is they didn't assign a case number yet. Wish they had, would have been nice to tell my wife we are onto the next leg of the journey!

  10. @KrishMT - Awesome news! Glad you guys are not hitting any road blocks!

    Just got an email from NVC, they have my package and instructions will be sent out shortly. So when I get home, I'll be calling and seeing what I can do to further this process along!

    FYI - I got my NOA 2 on May 19th and the NVC notice today June 16th. So it's taking 30 days to just get to NVC. Sucks but glad another hurdle is passed!

  11. Trying to keep busy, make sure I leave lots of notes when I am to do the daily call in. So I bought some missing you, thinking of you, all those mushy things to send to my wife. Figure I send out one a week, that kind of breaks the weeks up and not feel like it's dragging on and on. That is the killer for most of everyone. The long wait. Like right now, I am at school for the next three weeks. Half way through I should get notification, but since I am not at home I won't see the hard copy of the notification. Then of course once I am done, I am going on two week vacation to visit family on west coast, and then the long drive back. Mind boggling but I planned that so the 5-9 month wait would not get me cabin fever. Weird huh?

  12. Even if it's the same thing, never fails to always have your bases covered with communication. Say your email has an underscore, immigration person may assume you meant a space so you never receive notification. My NOA 2, first I saw anything of it was looking up my case number, on a Sunday night... Went in found there had been an update. Never got a text about the NOA 2 but I did get one for NOA 1. These are goverment workers, they will send out one form of notification, even if it is a letter in the mail. Just stay on top of it, and as the guides and people here say keep calling each day after the alloted time. Just waiting till June 19th to start calling NVC, good luck and God bless!

  13. I hate having everyone know my case in Nebraska got approved so fast, cause that puts allot of hope in others wanting there case approved in the same time frame; and then the other side people who have waited the 5-9 month time frame... I wish it was streamed for everyone, not just bad situations that make our processing go faster...

    One thing I do like about this time and age, is being able to talk to my spouse so much more then just by letters... Able to chat each day, some times even three or more times. I love being able to reassure that everything is ahead of schedule, and wanting to be together so much...

    @ PINOY - I would call the service center and ask about your child's visa, since your wife was approved and both were submitted at the same time. Same time, I can not imagine immigration is going to sit down with a child and ask all the questions they would ask of the spouse or parent. Seriously, a case worker asking a 2 year old... That's the tax payers money at work right there!

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