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Posts posted by koichi1786

  1. Still no letter from the NVC, a letter I was told I would "most definitely" get. Apparently the people doing my fiance's medical need it. Has anyone who went through the NVC gotten a letter from them? How long did it take?

    Sorry to ask about something else but about how long did it take for your fiance to receive the packet from their embassy after your CEAC status changed to "Ready"?

  2. One of the senators I had contacted previously finally got back to me and forwarded me the email they received from the USCIS rep. They actually provided the UPS tracking number for the package sent to NVC. What's interesting is that when I looked it up to see if it'd been received I saw that it was mailed out on July 22nd while the USCIS site said it was sent out the 18th. I know it's not a big deal but I guess it doesn't get mailed right away all the time.

  3. Hi everyone, I'm a January filer who was sent to TSC. I got some great help from my Congressman's office who called USCIS many times on my behalf. On Monday they called for a followup after speaking to a supervisor the previous Friday and were informed that we had been approved.

    My only concern is that since then our status on the USCIS site still reads as initial review and I never got a text or email notice I'm hoping to get the hard copy in the mail soon. Has anyone else here who's gotten an NOA2 from TSC gotten their hard copy before the website was updated?

  4. Wow congrats!! Very happy for you. Although that phone call was unusual but hey glad u sorted it out :)

    Thank you very much! I really hope you hear some good news soon too! I was informed by the person helping me that when a senator or congressperson's office calls the USCIS that they speak to different officers so once they call TSC on our behalf that we shouldn't do so on our own anymore because whoever we speak to will pull our file for review and delay things even further. I'm not saying that you will but just wanted to give a heads up just in case.

  5. I called my congressman's office before and was informed we were approved! No change in status in the USCIS website nor next notice but the person who had been helping me called back and was told that we were approved over the weekend (which means that missed call from USCIS was about that) and that the case would be sent to the NVC.

    I want to thank everyone on this thread, you've been a fantastic source of support and information. Anyone still waiting for their NOA2 definitely contact your local congressperson or senator if you haven't done so already. Every case is different and every state is different but it's a big help. Good luck!

  6. I called my Congressman's office for a follow up and to let them know that I haven't heard anything in the 3 weeks since they called on my behalf. Unfortunately I found out that me calling USCIS after they had called could have delayed the process since they pull your file when you call. She called them back again while I was on hold and told me that it was being given to a supervisor to reassign. She advised I call her back Monday afternoon and she'll follow up again. All in all this is a process that's hard to understand. Just hoping for that NOA2 by next week, we'll see what happens.

  7. I called USCIS this afternoon, the person I spoke to gave me the December 3rd date so I asked to speak to a tier II officer. I got the call back within the 90 minute waiting period. I informed the person I spoke to this time that my case had been assigned to an officer (learned this from the rep from my congressman's office) so they sent a message to that officer and told me I should hear back from them by July 17th the latest. Not sure what this really means in terms of a timeline but all in all it's a step forward. I hope we all hear some good news soon.

    On another note maybe we should start a thread for recent petitioners who were assigned to TSC and give a few do's and don'ts, i.e. do contact your senator or local congress person and don't read the general threads to avoid seeing how fast CSC is processing K1's.

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