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Posts posted by Twentyten2010

  1. 4 hours ago, LabOz said:

    Hope you.are surviving the floods.

    We were flooded into our home for almost a week, but no damage or loss.  We were one of the lucky ones. Hope everyone made it okay with our hurricane....and now I hope the people of Florida stay safe with the one coming their way.

  2. Indeed, it is. You posted that there were 40 appointments available...why didn't you get one?

    Understandably, the situation on the ground in the PI isn't good due to the influx of expedited petitions. The way that it is being handled is deplorable. You'd think that USCIS/State Department would come up with a better way of managing this situation.

    WE DID GET ONE! Trust me, I secured ours 1st and then posted this update.....momma didn't raise a fool....ha ha. I think it said 48 spots, but we've been searching for 1.5 months and it all happened so fast....I forget exact total...but 48 sseems like what I saw.

  3. It's like trying to play the lottery...

    Did you post this from the States at 3:13 AM - so, it would have been 3:13 in the afternoon in Manila...

    There is no rhyme nor reason to when dates are released.

    Would USCIS be releasing dates over the weekend?

    Supposedly, dates are released at the beginning of the week ---

    Wife and I have been on line for 3 weeks and have seen a single thing. Now using C4C from Firefox to refresh the screen every 30 secs...this being a slave to the monitor is insane!!!

    Any input that you can provide will be appreciated!

    I posted around 2am Central US time. My fiancé & I had already planned on attacking their website this coming Monday because that is the most popular day that we've seen people keep getting a date.

    Start refreshing your screen around 7am Philippines time and don't stop until around 11am their time. Goodluck you guys!

  4. Trust me....this refreshing the screen process will literally drain all of the life out of you, and add lots of stress. My fiancé is talking about giving up due to our luck at getting an interview date being the worst....lol....of course I have to soothe her with words of positivity. Make sure that we are all staying positive for each other! When it is completed & over with, we will all be thankful that we didn't give in to this horrible process. On that note, let me keep refreshing my screen while my baby (fiancé) is asleep in Manila.

  5. Yes I feel stupid doing it but I thought we had to have proof that we had scheduled a wedding in order to prove that we were serious so I went ahead and booked everything, ordered announcements, and hired everything. And how did they release any dates I have never seen anything that shows a date being available yet. This whole thing is insane!

    We are all in this struggle together! Just do me a favor and if any of you reading this sees some open dates, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE post to me ASAP! And I will do the same. Let's get a lil teamwork going. Ha ha. ;-)

  6. I have been checking the same thing over and over again. I am happy to hear that someone has had some luck. I have called, emailed too and nothing has opened but I am not giving up. I hope some dates open for July or August , our wedding is scheduled for September so we must get through! Thanks for the support and advice.

    Wow....you scheduled a wedding day without having an appointment? Brave...I am too scared to do that. You lose all down payments if you go passed your venue date. Ugh. Good luck.

    very frustrating I heard they opened for July already and I won't be a surprised if its already fully booked :(

    When? Where? How? And why are we not seeing these open time slots?

  7. Hi VJ members. I wanted to just post my fiancée experience at the medical and hope this information helps others that is about to go. I am the petitioner and since reading a lot of postings on this site I advise my fiancée to arrive at SLEC no later than 4am on Wednesday 6-4-2014. I called her around 2am to make sure she was awake and get a good meal before she goes in the line. I called her around 4am again to make sure was ok and was in the line and she told me yes and there was about 15 people ahead of her and she got there about 3:45am. I thought that was great but Iater after when she got done with the medical I found out that they had a bunch of people inside already. I did read that on the SLEC site if I remember correctly that the guard will do that. So now my fiancée was 56 in line cause of this.

    Very important what im about to tell you guys. Please make sure your fiancée has everything she needs documents, payment, MNL# that is required cause my fiancée told me almost half of the people that was in front of her was turned away cause they didn't have all the proper documents. Researching does pay off and reading on VJ to make sure my fiancée has everything she needs before she goes and we went over everything 3 or 4 times to make sure.

    Now she is inside around 6am or so and she has to go to different processes like showing her passport, online registration confirmation page, then pay the medical fee. She did her physical exam and of course they do undress them fully for that and she had one lady there that was very shy and traded numbers with my fiancee cause she wasn't ready to take off her clothes for the exam. Lucky for my fiancée :) cause she moved up a little in line. X-ray was taken and then they only gave her 1 shot and some lady said no need for other shots.

    After all of that she was done about 9:15am when she called me and they ask her to come back at 2:30pm for her results. She went back there at 2:30pm and I thought she would be done in about 1 hour or so cause im sure they was others ahead of her that needed to get the results also but that wasn't the case. I didn't get a call from her until 7:45pm when she reach back home. I'm sure your thinking what happen, yeah me too cause I was a nervous wreck. What happen was the medical lady told her wrong about only needing 1 shot and my fiancée needed to get a total of 3 shots and lucky they still gave her the shots at that time. They even did the skin test on her even thou its not required for her age but its good to know.

    After the results finally was done she got her disk and a receipt from the SLEC and they told her everything was fine and they will forward the results to the embassy. My fiancée also told me there was many people that got denied cause of results of TB or Hepatitis and they will need treatment before they can do interview.

    Overall it was a good experience she said but the hold up was when the medical lady only gave her only 1 shot but luckily there was time for the other shots. My fiancée did her whole medical in one day and her interview is on 6-10-14. My fiancée is from Cebu and is staying with a family friend in Manila. I am having her stay in Manila until her interview date. Since there is time im gonna get her CFO done since its appt. only.

    I hope this helps with the information I provided and if you have any questions about what I wrote just ask and ill be happy to answer and If I don't know then I will ask my fiancée about it.

    Thanks for reading...

    Good job Mr. Lloyd! It's always helpful when someone shares their real-time experience during the process. We're still jealous because you 2 found an interview date so quick, but also holding on to hope that we will see a date pop up also. I've already been locked out a couple days from looking too much each day...lol. Again good luck & keep us posted sir.


  8. Yes she is on her way to Manila right now and in about 11 hours from now she will be in line for her medical which is Wednesday morning in phil. I did tell her already to let them know about the interview date so they will note this..Thanks for the support.

    Keep on checking every hour cause there are people canceling that have june interviews. I would have her go now to get her medical with your MNL#. Also make sure all your paperwork is done for your fiancée supports docs, W2's and all sent to her already so she is good to go and ready for you to give her the notice to pack up and get ready :) Good Luck

    Thanks for the info llindsay! Can you remember what time it was in the U.S. when you saw those time slots? Seems like it's being done between 7pm - 9pm here?

    We've been searching for appointments since we were approved in very beginning of May...this game show of finding an appointment time is not fun anymore....lol. Thanks again & good luck!

  9. Unfortunately no. I checked to see if that was possible with a Tier 2 officer and the only way they would consider it is if you had a good enough reason to have your petition expedited.

    Expedition Criteria which is very hard to find a reasonable reason


    THANKS METALGEAR6164! Nice to know people are still reading & participating on here! Wish you 2 a speedy approval! Terry

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