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Posts posted by DutchmansLady

  1. Hello to all my old friends here at VJ ...we are all settled back here in America.Things are going really well and we are both very happy .Hubbys job transfer from the Netherlands to the USA worked out in the end. God works in mysterious ways.We spent 2 months living with my parents and have just settled into our own place this past week.

    I thought I would just update you all...I am still checking in on the ones still stuck here in immigration hell ...you are not forgotten . Special hello to Soloenta for without here support I would have lost my friggin mind.Praying that you all move smoothly and quickly(yeah right) through the process.


    Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :)

  2. Just popping in to say hello and check on you all....God Bless every one of you in your joys and your struggles! Prayers for each of you and all the positive vibes I can throw at ya.

    My heart breaks for those in so much pain and suffering nervous breakdowns...I have felt the same way . Just know that though it does not seem like it...this too shall pass and you will start your new life together.I know its hard right now but you can do this !!! You are doing this and it will all be worth the pain and struggles,ups and downs .

    I haven't forgotten all you wonderful supportive people.

    As for me ...I am still sitting here in the Netherlands but we have plane tickets finally and a date with our new lives together in the USA just 3 weeks from now...May 30th !

    So much to do after the approved interview...

    We had to put our house up for sale and of course get it ready .Mail boxes,find a job for my husband who is a Software Engineer. We will move in with my parents for a few weeks...yes...praise God my mother is still alive at this point.

    This last 3 weeks before POE are like the last 3 weeks of being preggo lol. Time drags and its a pain in the butt . We are about to give birth to our new life in the States as husband and wife...hang in there everyone the misery does end .((((((((((((((((hugs))))))))))))))

  3. Missed you, how have you been? Seemed like a very long weekend to me. (F)(L)(F)

    I've noticed something very odd, have you Dutch or anyone else? On the right side of the page you see who has had their Visa approved and below those with interviews today, but I see the same pictures of people but with other ID's it seems so odd to me and makes me wonder hahaa.

    I see it Soloenta...I guess we didnt make the cut lol. We are not listed and we have the Visa in hand....weird.

    I read here every day but feel a bit like a vouyer .Still praying for all of you still here . Dealing with all that goes along with an international move.

    ((((hugs))))) (F) (L) (F)

  4. I'm here!!! Hello from America! I can barely believe it. Sorry if the format of this post is all wonky, doing it from my phone because I haven't even unpacked my laptop yet. :lol:

    My wife is here sleeping right next to me and I can't seem to fall asleep but it doesn't even matter. This is absolutely wonderful.

    POE was suuuuuper easy. I didn't have to make any of the lines. I walked up to the CBP staff that's always at the entrance directing people into the lines and showed them the envelope and told them I was immigrating today. They sent me to a room in the back. There were a lot of seats but no one there, just two officers. One took the electronic fingerprints and a picture, the other filled out a form for the green card that I signed and did the ink fingerprint on. No questions whatsoever, no welcome to America, no instructions, nothing. Very fast though, it took like 5 minutes. Fastest time I've ever cleared immigration. :lol: Now let's hope my green card and SSN actually get here!

    Thank you so much!!! :) You're so kind. See POE info above! It was a breeze indeed. I'M HERE!!! Your time is coming very, very soon as well. :)

    Gracias!!! Your interview was today? Tomorrow? Either way, good luck! You're almost there as well!

    I totally messed up the formatting here I think hehe but I believe you'll see it anyway. Thanks, Soloenta!! :)

    Omg, e&g what a surprise!!!! Thank you so much. :) Here's my first post from the USA! Wooooooohooooo this is amazing.

    Welcome to America !!!


  5. Thank you all for your replies. Sorry I didn't get back sooner. I ended up having an AFib episode and am in the hospital. Hubby doesn't know. He is currently still on his way

    He does have two envelopes. One sealed from embassy and one sealed from medical. hopefully that's his X-ray. :)

    So sorry to hear that Patnjac....while I was in the states to visit family last March thru June I had to come back to the Netherlands early to be with my husband because I too ended up in the hospital with my own issue PTSV & PACS arrhythmia's. This process is stressful and the worst thing for people with cardiac issues. Thank God that your husband is on his way to you ....what a blessing ! Take care....enjoy your new life with your hubby (F):)

  6. Yes yes yes we got it yes praise God we got a yes!! He was there until after closing so I was a bundle of nerves. But he got a yes. Six years five denials on tourist visa's and my husband is finally coming home

    Picks up his visa on Monday


    Thank you all so much for your prayers and your support now we have to continue praying for the rest who are still in AP !!

    That man is coming home next week!!!



  7. There's a huge backlog due to an increase in approved petitions from USCIS. people are now averaging 4-5 months minimum at NVC.

    Plus the 5 months or so at USCIS before the approved petition even gets to NVC..God forbid any RFEs or checklists. Total process has now gone from around 3-4 months to 1 year or more for some give or take a few days, weeks, months or even years !

  8. I have done the first video for, "America, where is my spouse?" Who would like to go next to upload a video or words?


    Let me know what you think?

    Janelle...one of the most important things about your videos and those to come is that it put a very human face on the subject. It is so important to be able to connect in a tangible way to those suffering through the legal immigration process and all that comes with it.

    Big hugs to you graphics-hugs-115572.gifI started to cry when you spoke about your mother passing away while you were gone. That is my biggest fear as my own mother has severe health issues and it is a miracle that she is still alive at this point. She is also becoming increasingly confused at this point and I am losing these most precious days of being with her. I just missed her 81st birthday and am afraid to hope to spend Mothers Day with her.

    This immigration nightmare must end...

  9. Not to be "pitting" ourselves against anyone, but just saying what about us. The debates are always about illegal and undocumented immigrants but no concern about the rest of us who are also suffering. Sorry if you took that the wrong way.

    Thank you for participating. 1 vote for "America Give Me My Spouse"

    Almost sound like a game show. :lol:

    If anyone else got a better title please let me know.

    Spouse In MY House....

    Love American Style...Take A Number It Will Be Awhile

    Two Countries One Love...Need Intervention From Above .. :rofl:

    Sorry...silly mood today ;-)

  10. One week from today we will be at hubbys interview....yay. I am so happy that I double and triple checked supporting documents because I noticed that his police certificate expires on the date of his interview !!! Maybe it would have been ok but who in the world would take the chance when it can be fixed...one less reason to worry. Sooooo hubby ordered a new one and it arrived within 6 days ...pheeeewweeeee!

    Immigration is taking so long now that it is possible that police certs etc can expire so please double check the dates peeps.

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