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Posts posted by bucknekkid

  1. Well kids, I think I just proved my point! So much "EMPATHY" being showed here! Especially from the self proclaimed ultra I feel your "PAIN" bunch. Empathy is more than I'm sorry and certainly more than a fukcin rose posted up on a forum, Some here are so anonymous and yet professing empathy and caring for people they dont even know. Where is the post about a get together for all of your new best freinds? is'nt one and there wont be either, this I gaurantee. You can be anyone you choose to be in a forum such as this,you all know who you are! I love the drunk comments there right up town. I love the guy who said he tries to wear all the peoples shoes, so he can understand just how they feel! Dude you must be one depressed son of a gun? My, do you ever get sick of post, about fake I'm sorries, was quickly responded to by the insecure! and quickly turned into fur flying, tooth mashing bunch that could'nt get enough blood. Empathy I think not! Thanks for takin the test and you definately passed with flying colors. :whistle:

    Its ironic that you talk about empathy when your OP post and this one basically says "you're all bastards".

    Your statement says it all. Putting words that don't exsist in my statement is whats ironic. To those that continue with remarks about my wife, and question the love we have for each other shows who you "REALLY ARE". Carol and I got quite a laugh last night reading some of the posts here. Remarks such as hitting my head, poor Carol, being drunk, and other desperate, immature statements, come from defensivness and void of any kind of meaningful debate on the subject.

    My post about hitting your head was for the purpose of getting a rise out you, just as your OP was intended to get a rise out of others...The fact that you thought it was funny pleased me, as that is how it was intended..I wish no one on this site any ill will although I may not come off that way..I post for fun and this site gives me many opportunities to do so...

  2. Well kids, I think I just proved my point! So much "EMPATHY" being showed here! Especially from the self proclaimed ultra I feel your "PAIN" bunch. Empathy is more than I'm sorry and certainly more than a fukcin rose posted up on a forum, Some here are so anonymous and yet professing empathy and caring for people they dont even know. Where is the post about a get together for all of your new best freinds? is'nt one and there wont be either, this I gaurantee. You can be anyone you choose to be in a forum such as this,you all know who you are! I love the drunk comments there right up town. I love the guy who said he tries to wear all the peoples shoes, so he can understand just how they feel! Dude you must be one depressed son of a gun? My, do you ever get sick of post, about fake I'm sorries, was quickly responded to by the insecure! and quickly turned into fur flying, tooth mashing bunch that could'nt get enough blood. Empathy I think not! Thanks for takin the test and you definately passed with flying colors. :whistle:

    You obviously were not wearing your helmet when you feel off your bike and hit your head.....

  3. The reality of it is that your life is about the dash(-), that is the dash between the date you were born and the day you die...

    For me born Feb 19, 1959 (-) Died???...All that matters in life is what was accomplished and who you touched between birth and death. All the time to make a difference is in the dash....

  4. Is this directed towards me? I too have served, and still do as a reservist......I'm not getting your point so I'll let you clarify.......

    I'll be glad to clarify... My post was not directed at you or the US military. It was directed at the right wing media like Faux News and and O'NotReally included with their biased and selected coverage of events such as this. I don't watch Faux News or O'NotReally so I don't know if they covered this 'story' but I'll guarantee the would if they had it.

    Most of the US feels invading Iraq was a mistake. We (and I say us as a nation, not me as a member of the military) went in under incorrect/shaky info and it's gone from bad to worse, hence the 11/06 election results. To try and shift attention to Kerry right now is a joke even worse than the one he tried to pull off.

    I'll close in saying I am thankful for and proud of you and every other soldier past and present protecting our rights as US citizens - even if our opinions differ at times. :thumbs:

    That was stated with nothing but pure class...Great job at keeping a level head....

  5. I know I'm a late comer but I read this whole thread and I just have one comment:

    Szsz, I know you're old and wise and all but calling someone "hon" when they specifically asked you NOT TO is rather childish.

    K thank!


    Ding ding.

    Is this round 3 or round 4?


  6. Would you buy a new car without taking it for a test drive?....


    But that does nothing to convince me that I should have had sex before marriage. A person is not a car nor an object. The sole purpose for a car is driving/transportation so you do need to know what you are buying. Sex is not the only purpose of marriage. And there have been plenty of successful marriages where there was no 'test driving' before marriage.

    Ever had sex in an uncomfortable car? Cars can serve many purposes besides transportation, and those things should be considered as well before purchase. ...

    I never stated sex was the only reason for marriage, but it does play a huge role...

    And to add to your point...There are probably just as many failed marriages because sex was lousy or nonexistent...

  7. I'm sorry that I actually have some perspective concerning these issues based on practical knowledge and observations......

    Do you wish that I defer to your uninformed opinons?

    No Kaydee - I would, for once like to see you actually demonstrate this practical knowledge that you keep touting. I have never, ever actually seen you do that. I have however, heard you on several occasions bragging about it.

    Well, regardless of your objections justice was meted out by the Iraqi's, and obviously in their view; humanely and fairly so.

    Frankly, I don't think you know what you're talking about. No, I'll change that to say that I absolutely know you don't know what you're talking about.

    You're not privy to any evidence of bias one way or another however once again looking down your snooty liberal nose and distorting reality to fit your expectations how things should be.

    It must be frustrating for you liberals to never have events and circumstances actually reflect reality and to have to concoct inane excuses to explain away reality.....:sad:

    The reality is that independent observers have criticised the independence of the trial. And before we get on to attacking the independence and "alleged agenda" of Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International and the UNHCR, please tell me why they would make this up...

    If this was a show trial - please tell me how you think that executing the leaders of the regime before 25 years worth of atrocities have been properly investigated will help catching the very many people who "followed orders" and conducted those atrocities.

    Once again you have proven that your a legend in your own mind......

    How so?

    My comment was directed to the pimple on this forum's ###...Kaydee

  8. I'm sorry that I actually have some perspective concerning these issues based on practical knowledge and observations......

    Do you wish that I defer to your uninformed opinons?

    No Kaydee - I would, for once like to see you actually demonstrate this practical knowledge that you keep touting. I have never, ever actually seen you do that. I have however, heard you on several occasions bragging about it.

    Well, regardless of your objections justice was meted out by the Iraqi's, and obviously in their view; humanely and fairly so.

    Frankly, I don't think you know what you're talking about. No, I'll change that to say that I absolutely know you don't know what you're talking about.

    You're not privy to any evidence of bias one way or another however once again looking down your snooty liberal nose and distorting reality to fit your expectations how things should be.

    It must be frustrating for you liberals to never have events and circumstances actually reflect reality and to have to concoct inane excuses to explain away reality.....:sad:

    The reality is that independent observers have criticised the independence of the trial. And before we get on to attacking the independence and "alleged agenda" of Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International and the UNHCR, please tell me why they would make this up...

    If this was a show trial - please tell me how you think that executing the leaders of the regime before 25 years worth of atrocities have been properly investigated will help catching the very many people who "followed orders" and conducted those atrocities.

    Once again you have proven that your a legend in your own mind......

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