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Posts posted by Ingrid28

  1. yes correct and u can also get affidavit of support from two friends or family confirming that the relationship is bonafide and have a notary public sign it and also copies of your passports and the pages showing the amount of times u travel to Jamaica ti visit hubby since the relationship begun.

  2. I 130, birth papers for both parties, proof of residency or citizenship, marriage certificate, $420 money order, u can get that at the post office, wedding pictures, proof of joint ownership of any asset, that is if u have any, proof of joint account if there is any. Any evidence to prove a bonifide marriage. If you or your spouse have been married before then you will need the divorce decree, if you share a child or children with your spouse prove that too, oh i almost forgot you will need to do G325 a form for u and hubby as also passport size photo for both of u.

  3. In plain English, this lady is wicked and cold hearted. She could at least take the time out to know the guy, why the rush. Then he comes to her country and bram, she feed him to the dogs. Remember there is a God looking down low and that she has children, reaction can be a . If doesn't reach you then it sure will get to someone you love. Have a heart you are too heartless, kmt.

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