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Everything posted by dirtyhippiegirl

  1. I was put in a waiting area while the officer talked to my husband for probably twenty or thirty minutes and then was pulled up to the desk with him, yeah. He started asking me questions that he had probably already asked my husband to see if we had different answers, finally found something in his computer database or something I guess that agreed with what we were saying? and flipped a switch, was suuuuuper nice oh the US needs more engineers, you know how Canadians love to just hop over the border and stay and adjust status etc etc. My husband came over back in 2007. Officers have always been dicks and there has always been a weird, aggressive anti legal immigration undertone amongst an agency that is supposed to be supportive of legal immigration attempts. It's probably gotten worse but it's definitely been there for a while. 9/11 didn't help attitudes. It's usually fine, if a hassle and it can be scary in the moment because innocuous things can get twisted by people with a lot of power.
  2. My husband was traveling with an extension letter from Canada to the US and absolutely got pulled into secondary and grilled because of it. The officer didn't think it was real(?) and then started peppering us with accusations that he had crossed the border and adjusted status without getting the proper visa. It was super stressful and bizarre-o because the officer presumably had access to his file in the computer he was actively looking through although I could kind of see why he might have thought the letter was dodgy. This was over a decade ago. It's not new lol.
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