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Posts posted by micahmoos

  1. I found a co sponsor that has a household of 4+1 for my fiance so its 5. Together with his wife he made $80,000 + on his 2012 tax return with him alone he made $55,000 of that . Income guidelines for a family of 5 is 34462. This should be enough and even if they filed jointly and they look at his income only on the tax return, it shows he made $55,000 by himself. Am i correct. Also if they help me like they said . Is it only binding until i file the AOS and affidavit for support which from what i understand would include just my income for my house . What do u guys mean when it says not legally binding? The I134

  2. I found a co sponsor that has a household of 4+1 for my fiance so its 5. Together with his wife he made $80,000 + on his 2012 tax return with him alone he made $55,000 of that . Income guidelines for a family of 5 is 34462. This should be enough and even if they filed jointly and they look at his income only on the tax return, it shows he made $55,000 by himself. Am i correct. Also if they help me like they said . Is it only binding until i file the AOS and affidavit for support which from what i understand would include just my income for my house . What do u guys mean when it says not legally binding.

  3. Being direct is not the same as being rude.....rude is the catchall name when people post something that someone does not want to hear. Meanwhile, others freely castigate the embassy or consuls, as if they know far more than the very people who have been trained and have the experience and knowledge to conduct their job/responsibilities far beyond the knowledge base of any single applicant.

    Perhaps many would prefer to read something like..."oh, just call your congressman and set the embassy straight..." while failing to realize that no congressman can order the embassy to do anything. Congress is in the Legislative branch of our government while the State Dept is in the Executive branch,....and no one from one branch can tell somebody in another branch of our government what to do.

    Voicing displeasure or disagreement won't bring about a solution, no matter who agrees or disagrees with your complaint. Better to respond to the request of the embassy rather than try to elicit some random reply from people who have no knowledge of the rules and regulations, but have only an opinion that is not likely to be based on their vast experience in the field of immigration law.

    The interviewing officer likely has interviewed hundreds if not thousands of applicants, depending on their own time in the State Dept....that amount of first hand experience and exposure to our laws greatly exceeds by leaps and bounds opinions of others who have not sat behind the interviewing window.

    You know what are you a consular officer. It seem like u know everything there is to know about the steps an officer make when making a decision. Like i said if u don't have nothing nice to say, keep it moveing. Obviously if you knew everything you would not bee on visa journey like the rest of us. Have you ever thought about that. Keep your comments to ur self if there not going to at least try and help make my situation better. Pleas do not comment on my post anymore because your not a positive person , ur just someone who does not give a dam about the bullshit that comes out of there mouth.

  4. I am so sorry to hear this.

    Our embassy looks at last year's income. I know that others informed you they are not supposed to, but they do. If your income for 2012 does not meet, then you need a co-sponsor.

    Did you have everything bundled together with a cover sheet, or did you have things separated. We just handed over the entire packet to the person. They did not return anything. the only thing they did not accept was pictures.

    You can marry him, if you choose and then your 2013 income will count as you will have that tax transcript.

    You are not refused, if they are requesting a co-sponsor....I would try finding someone, they are not going to be responsible when you file AOS. Your 2013 income will be sufficient for AOS, so you will not need a co-sponsor.

    I thought that if i get a co sponser i have to file with them when i do the adjustment of status.

  5. I am so sorry to hear this.

    Our embassy looks at last year's income. I know that others informed you they are not supposed to, but they do. If your income for 2012 does not meet, then you need a co-sponsor.

    Did you have everything bundled together with a cover sheet, or did you have things separated. We just handed over the entire packet to the person. They did not return anything. the only thing they did not accept was pictures.

    You can marry him, if you choose and then your 2013 income will count as you will have that tax transcript.

    You are not refused, if they are requesting a co-sponsor....I would try finding someone, they are not going to be responsible when you file AOS. Your 2013 income will be sufficient for AOS, so you will not need a co-sponsor.

    I did everything i was supposed to i even worked 2 jobs and barely see my daughter.everything was organized. I have no co sopnsor

  6. Hi my fiance had his interview this morning and. First off I have to say that I’m very disappointed because they gave him a paper saying I don’t qualify because I don’t make enough. I do make enough. He said you they only took the affidavit and my tax transcripts and did not take none of my financial documents or anything such as paystubs and job letters from my job which shows I gotten a raise and everything that shows that I make enough. Yes it does not state it on the tax transcripts because if I gotten a raise in 2013 it is not going to say I make that from both of my jobs. I have worked two jobs and worked very hard to meet the income guidelines just for them to say I don’t . I worked had just so I would meet the financial part of this and for them to say that I don’t qualify that is a big blow to the head when I know I make enough. And for the fact that they did not look at paystubs and asked us to bring these items. Is there something i can do. They said i need a sponsor but i don't have one. Can i marry him there then file for one him to come.

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