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Posts posted by gedaa86

  1. I am not sure it needs to be full time, but it does need to be permanent. My employer letter didn't list permanent or temporary either, it just says 'currently employed', I don't know how that will play a role since my interview is in 3 days.

    But I think it wouldn't be a problem as long as it is over the poverty lines.

    Also some consulates request previous tax returns.

  2. Tax returns are not always required with the I-134, but that depends on the consulate. If they are needed, then you need the complete tax return with all forms, schedules, W-2s and/or 1099s OR an IRS tax transcript. You need to find out what is required for Saudi Arabia.

    Thanks for your advice :)

    Each consulate has its own set of rules. Look on the website for the consulate in Saudi. The info should be there.

    There is nothing really on their website, but I will keep asking around those who had their interviews at that embassy


  3. Hi guys,

    My fiance's interview is coming up, I have been working for 8 months now and make well over poverty line. Last year's tax return was only about $5000 since I was student and working part time. the years before that I was included in my dad's tax return.

    I do have all copies and sent them to my fiance, but Will they actually ask for them? This is the Saudi Arabia US embassy

    I sent him letter from my employer and bank statements and last 6 months of pay stubs

    I haven't included the w2's just the tax returns, will that be ok???


  4. I believe They changed the system recently, I checked on our embassy they said if your interview was before 10/07/2013 or they scheduled your interview before that date then you shouldn't worry about the Ds 160 and the old forms would be fine.

  5. Here are the US Dept of State passport photo requirements:


    ~Moved from K-1 Process to General Immigration-Related Discussion~

    ~Inquiry applicable to many visa processes~

    Thanks alot!

    I compared your photo to those we submitted. Size and proportions are about the same as ours, and our photos were accepted without question. I believe if they are close to the Dept of State specifications, they will be accepted and your fiance's photo is very close! If it were me, I would not worry about this photo.

    Oh that makes me feel so good, thanx so much!!

  6. Hi you guys,

    so my fiance is in Saudi Arabia, he went to this studio that they claim they specialize in US photo requirements, he paid a lot of money for these photos and when I saw them I was really worried. I feel that the head is too big but do you guys think it will be a problem??

    The photos are 2x2 inches but I am worried about the head. It is almost 40mm and I read the max is 35mm

    The studio that does this is very far and the nearby studios do the regular 6x4 passport photos.

    Please let me know if we should get new photos.

    I have attached the photo



  7. Hi Everyone,

    I am soo excited I got my approval yesterday, July 25, 2013 after waiting 6 whole months. So Now I need to fill out form I-134 but I have a question. Last year I was going to school and working part-time so my dad included me as a member of the house hold in his tax papers because I wasn't making enough money to file on my own. But starting Feb 1, 2013 I had a full time job that pays higher than the poverty line. So for the supporting documents for form I-134, are my pay stubs enough? or should my dad also fill out the I-134 and Co-sponsor me and my Fiance?

    Thanks so much

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