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Posts posted by Confusedtinybird

  1. I would get married and do DCF. You have already been living in Mexico for longer then the residency requirement for DCF, and it would be faster than a K1 visa. You would just need to get married first then apply.

    Yes, you will need a co-sponsor. Maybe you have parents or a sibling that would be willing?

    There is a thread just for this called DCF Mexico http://www.visajourney.com/forums/topic/242117-dcf-mexico/

  2. Hi Britishtex,

    You might want to start your own thread. But as the USC you can leave as soon as you file. You don't have to hang around and wait till it gets approved.

    With the I-864 you would want to fill it all out and leave it with your partner. But the page where it has you sign it and date it you might have to mail depending on how current the UK wants the date to be. But that is a minor thing. And, you can phone the Embassy and ask them.

  3. I agree with Nich-Nick. At very worst (and I don't think this would happen) but the Embassy would just ask you to provide information about your intent to reestablish domicile. You would just provide this information if asked after your interview if requested.

    I would put your parents address. I did that an did DCF in South Africa. I did not need or included a letter from my parents that we would be living there after the move to the USA.

  4. Since you are dealing directly with the Embassy I think they might look at them. I would e-mail them and put something in the subject lines 'Beneficiary Last Name Supporting Doc I-130' I would also call 3 days after you e-mailed your documents in just to make sure they were received and went to the correct department.

    We didn't do anything by post (but I did DCF in South Africa) it was all done by e-mail.

  5. You said you had receipts and documents?

    Can you clarify what you mean by those items?

    Some things I used were:

    Christmas Cards addresses to both of us

    Birthday Cards addressed to both of us


    In my name but showed the address where I was living with my husband

    Package from the post office addressed to me

    Even though I think you should be fine you can always add a couple affidavit from friends and family members (even though they hold little to no weight) you could use it too bulk up your evidence.

  6. I found this thread http://www.visajourney.com/forums/topic/499867-dcf-guangzhou-china-current-timelines/

    Someone who did DCF this year. Applied March 13th interview was May 27th (click on the link for the full timeline)

    But even if you factor in the 6 months wait to do DCF I would still do it. Much easier and less hassle. And you would still make your targeted July or August date you would like to be in the USA.

  7. If you're under the same roof together by then, then he'll do the I-864a. Somebody correct me otherwise...this doesn't pertain to my personal situation. I've only read that the I-864a is for joint sponsors living in the same house.

    We we all be under the same roof soon. I did a I-864 and my father did the I-864 and it was NO problems.

    I was a little confused about the difference between the a and the straight I-864. When I did a search I got varying answers. You can always prepare the I-864 and the I-864a and bring both to the interview. :)

  8. Thanks guys,

    Im concerned because obviously Im living here in the US, so I worry they will think Im trying to bring him here to stay…..that he won't leave.

    His dad supports us maintaining our close relationship with lots of trips to see each other…..but his home will always be the UK with his dad ( besides…..he'd NEVER leave and miss the football season or girlfriend…..teen love!!!)

    It will be his first trip alone and its going to be a bit of a challenge but he's a bright lad and very grown up, I just really don't want him getting pulled into secondary. Im looking all over the internet on the legal ramifications of a minor being questioned.

    I was looking into getting a gate pass at RDU……but doubt that would ever be allowed!

    I have gone through RDU immigration many times and I much rather go through RDU then JFK or IAD, I agree with Harpa and your son will be fine.

    But, I did go to the RDU website and if you want a gate pass you need to contact the airlines. http://www.rdu.com/airlineflightinfo/rduairlines.html

    But I think your son will be fine.

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