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Posts posted by Samberb0408

  1. Today I chatted with the reps over the Internet. I asked about my husband's visa status. This is what the rep told me "thank you for your information. Let me inform you that your passport is at the embassy in the process of being delivered to the express cargo agency you selected in our profile". She told me it would take 3-10 days for my hubby to get his passport. I was confused as ceac still shows "refused" and no updates on ustraveldocs. I told her about it. She then apologized and said that the case is still under review. That an officer is reviewing and to expect to get notified any day now. I don't know how much to believe. Has anyone gotten passport and visa issued but not showing up in ceac and/or ustraveldocs ?

    I'm hoping it did get issued. I'm holding unto gods hands through this.

  2. good evening guys...it is very hard to get a hold of anyone at the embassy/consulate...ive chatted with a couple of people...it seems they do not have a clue as to what they are doing either...so it seems useless...i always call the dos and just ask for updates...all we can do is wait be patient..once god has the ideal moment for us to be reunited with our loved ones he will do it out of nowhere...my husband's waiver approvals came to us as a surprise and that moment was perfect...i was at work...cant ever forget that moment..so im waiting for our "surprise" be patient guys im gonna try to be but positive to help us all in this journey...hence "visa journey" he he he :)

  3. J&f.

    That's the exact email winky received. Hmmmmm something is not right. Seems that a lot of the verbiage they use is the same. Seems its just a script that they copy and paste. The email I received is in Spanish. I wish I could translate and see idiot might mean the same thing. Although it doesn't ay anything about "proceso administrativo". This is so corrupt. I'm sorry. Keep your head up and not lose hope. That's the last thing you want to lose


    That's from congensansal email right?

  4. Yes let's hope all gets approved for us all...I'm getting upset looking at how the system is running things. It is my country and I love it will all my heart but the u.s. has to get the ball rolling. We have all been separated for a very long time. With gods help its lla possible. We just have to be patient. God has it worked out for us.

  5. I forgot to add.

    What legally required administrative processing means?

    I'm afraid is the long term ap...it seems they are investigating with Washington about your hubby's identity. A lot of the times it has to do with common names, ages and time frames.....I don't want you to get upset but I believe that's what is about. If it would be about processing paperwork that was required they would have mentioned it. Geeesssshhhhh I agree the country needs to do background checks before not after. That way it would give us a better timeframe. Was your hubby told about ap at the interview? I will keep my fingers crossed for you guys and everyone in this chat. It can happen to anyone.

  6. I sometimes don't understand why USCIS in Nebraska are so slow to response or result for my case as still pending pass amount of the time now 6 month .. how soon will they result with my case ( Mexico ) for I-601 waiver ? Can u anyone have to share with me about who did finally received result from USCIS more 6 month or little more than few weeks later ?

    Thanks ! Hope to hear from this as asap ..

    Hey there faith...

    Hang in there. You will get a response soon...they are taking longer times now more or less 6-8 to adjucate the waivers. Please do register online so you can check your Lin number and get notified. The Internet will be your best friend going forward along with Dhl...get your passport renewed as they don't take passports that will expire within 6 months. So make sure you get a new one.

  7. Hey there. I'm not agreeing nor disagreeing with what you have heard. The media likes to always exaggerate on things when it comes to politics especially immigration. I believe that you aren't gonna get that many people on here to agree with you due to the nature of the Web page. The question to you is if it is true that Obama ruled to avoid deportation on parents of us kids, shy are you against it? Are you a son or daughter of an immigrant or have you been an immigrant yourself? Whether you and your parents came here legally or not you would have still been admitted with an "Immigrant" visa.

  8. I really do hope so my birthday and 4yr anniversary is coming up in a couple days it would be great to at least get good news by then. I pray every night for all of our cases even though i dont know all of you i have conected with all :)

    Thank you so much mxy. It's always good to hear good words out of people we don't even know. We should look each other up on fb. Have you guys joined the fb El Salvador page for immigration ?

  9. Is it most likely that we will be approved, or is there a possibility of denial? We have everything in order, have done everything asked of us, and he has had NO previous involvement in anything that I believe would cause a red flag... Trying to prepare myself for the good and the bad... (and thinking of solutions for either situation).

    Good luck on it. Most likely he will get approved. Usually the denied ones are auto it's rare to see some go on ap and then get denied unless something did come up. If all goes downhill then you can just marry him and request for Jim via the ir1 visa.

  10. Mabel...most likely it's the long ap...of it would have been the short one they would have kept his passport and/or given him the 221g form for updates on docs. You might want to call the dos and ask about the status. They might give you additional info...does he have a common name? Most of the time that's the issue. They just want to verify names alias etc to this of criminals. If it doesn't change in like a week to ready or any updates on ceac then it's probably the 6-8 weeks ap...don't want to discourage you so keep your head up.

    Mabel how did the medical results go with your fiancé and stepdaughter? Does he have docs stating that he has full custody of her? That can also be a trigger.

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