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    Peikko reacted to JohnR! in If was President my first act would be   
    W is no longer president, fortunately. You can speculate all you want. It can also be said the people here that criticize Obama have given W a pass. Different sides of the same coin.
  2. Like
    Peikko reacted to Teddy B in Supreme Court Rules Some Employers Don't Have to Cover Birth Control   
    In his world, he's a genius.
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    Peikko reacted to Avery Cates in Supreme Court Rules Some Employers Don't Have to Cover Birth Control   
    Sub-dermal implants for people who have insurance and can afford it and can be scanned before you're allowed within 200 feet of a hospital entrance would solve this.
    Make it so.
  5. Like
    Peikko reacted to Karmalicious in Supreme Court Rules Some Employers Don't Have to Cover Birth Control   
    I'm curious about something: what do you get from using the words preznit and gubmint? Where I come from it basically means one has poor grammar and are less than intelligent and no respect for those you refer to. I wish you would put more effort in finding a solution to the problem instead complain, belittle and whine about what is.
  6. Like
    Peikko reacted to Karmalicious in Supreme Court Rules Some Employers Don't Have to Cover Birth Control   
    Have you been to a hobby lobby? There's a sign on the door explaining why they are closed on Sunday but nothing about Saturday or other religious holidays for non Christians. Now what?
    I used to be married to a Jewish man and I am Christian. We often joked about adopting a Muslim baby so we could have three day weekends every week.
  7. Like
    Peikko reacted to UncleBeer in Supreme Court Rules Some Employers Don't Have to Cover Birth Control   
    There was never popular support for Obamacare. Never. Not ever. There was no mandate whatsoever. Not even when it was merely a glitzy promise, much less when it was a (still!) busted website and millions of cancelled policies.
    "Mandate", eh?
  8. Like
    Peikko reacted to Trumplestiltskin in Supreme Court Rules Some Employers Don't Have to Cover Birth Control   
    He should change his display name to 'Hyperbole Boy'
  9. Like
    Peikko reacted to UncleBeer in Supreme Court Rules Some Employers Don't Have to Cover Birth Control   
    Maybe some thought should have gone into this legislation beside shotgun 'reconciliation' and "we have to pass the bill to find out what's in it". Perhaps these 41 unconstitutional delays and changes wouldn't have been needed as well.
  10. Like
    Peikko reacted to The Nature Boy in Supreme Court Rules Some Employers Don't Have to Cover Birth Control   
    Whoope.. 46 bucks a shot... How many times in one lifetime will someone need the morning after pill? The insurance company's will not grow rich off this for sure .
    Ok substitute protest for scream. You feel better now ? Really ?
  11. Like
    Peikko reacted to Teddy B in Supreme Court Rules Some Employers Don't Have to Cover Birth Control   
    I agree that gov't should be as small as possible, but in order to accomplish that, some individual rights will have to take a back seat.
    The Libertarian philosophy is pretty good on paper, but it doesn't apply to the real world. People by nature are not willing to live and let live. Someone is always offended by something.
  12. Like
    Peikko reacted to Teddy B in Supreme Court Rules Some Employers Don't Have to Cover Birth Control   
    Well then, the next time you complain about how large and useless our gov't is, take a good look in the mirror. When you cater to everyone's individual whims no matter how small, you get bogged down in red tape.
  13. Like
    Peikko reacted to The Nature Boy in Supreme Court Rules Some Employers Don't Have to Cover Birth Control   
    Hh the greater good. The needs of the many. Sorry. Not my thing
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    Peikko reacted to Teddy B in Supreme Court Rules Some Employers Don't Have to Cover Birth Control   
    I would explain it to you, but your head would explode.
    I agree Boiler, employers should have no place in health insurance. It makes much more sense to remove employers from the equation and have a single payer system like Canada has.
  15. Like
    Peikko reacted to The Nature Boy in Supreme Court Rules Some Employers Don't Have to Cover Birth Control   
    A big high five. I think that is the route Obama care is heading
    But that is the way the leftanistas see the world either your company pays for your 46 dollar morning after pill or we pay for raising the baby.
    The concept of the individual or individual responsibility in their world is lost
  16. Like
    Peikko reacted to lostinblue in Supreme Court Rules Some Employers Don't Have to Cover Birth Control   
    How about the unwanted baby is paid for by the parent.....Just pass a law. you think. Why should I pay because of a stupid decision by you
  17. Like
    Peikko reacted to 2ndMessiah in Supreme Court Rules Some Employers Don't Have to Cover Birth Control   
    This would all go away if we just removed employer provided insurance...
    We need to find another way people.
  18. Like
    Peikko reacted to The Nature Boy in Supreme Court Rules Some Employers Don't Have to Cover Birth Control   
    Nope I am all in favor of it. If I owned a company birth control and morning after pills would probably be in a dispenser on the wall. I would pay as good a wages as I could afford, and have life friendly working polices, I would be like a liberal fruit farm to work for .
    However if others choose not to operate like me, that is their business, not the Govts. This is about Govt intrusion to me, not morning after pills
    My hang up is making someone offer a health insurance policy that covers something that violates everything they believe in .If feminist want Govt out of their womb, then fine, don't turn around and demand they pay for servicing it .
    Why are most issues left are right. Because they are. Pro abortion, etc is usually a left issue, Anti-abortion etc is usually a right issue , is it not ?
  19. Like
    Peikko got a reaction from Jacque67 in Canada Pulls Plug on Keystone Pipeline – Will Send Oil to Asia   
    I bet you don't get invited to many parties
  20. Like
    Peikko got a reaction from Jacque67 in The who should be Mod and Mod Issues Thread   
    Which is one opinion and, if you do not want to participate you can pop off to one of the 'Remove me from the website' threads and announce your departure publicly, that's normally the next step
  21. Like
    Peikko got a reaction from Jacque67 in The who should be Mod and Mod Issues Thread   
    I think someone has to suggest OT and all is closed every few pages, it's probably a requirement.
  22. Like
    Peikko got a reaction from Trumplestiltskin in If was President my first act would be   
    Not sure what thread you read but you clearly missed the pertinent posts, it's all been discussed for the flummery that it is, but if you seriously want to believe that the US constitution was framed in such a way that Obama the merciless can just come along and ruin it simply for 'not having Americas best interests at heart' (whatever that's meant to mean) as Uncle Beer suggested, then have at it. It's a crazy idea but you and he are welcome to embrace it if you like.
  23. Like
    Peikko got a reaction from Trumplestiltskin in The who should be Mod and Mod Issues Thread   
    Yay, I am so happy that despite the redactions and the fact that there is no point in participating in this forum and that you would like it to be closed, you are going to continue to participate. Result!
  24. Like
    Peikko got a reaction from JohnR! in The who should be Mod and Mod Issues Thread   
    Which is one opinion and, if you do not want to participate you can pop off to one of the 'Remove me from the website' threads and announce your departure publicly, that's normally the next step
  25. Like
    Peikko reacted to Harpa Timsah in The who should be Mod and Mod Issues Thread   
    VJ exists for clickies to boost pageview numbers, so ad space can cost more. We're all pawns in a money scheme. This forum makes lots of clickies. The end.
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