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mota bhai

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Posts posted by mota bhai

  1. Your article agrees with my numbers.

    ... perhaps 25,000 Jews live on in Iran ... Over the decades since Israel’s creation in 1948, and the Islamic Revolution of 1979, the number of Iranian Jews has dwindled from about 100,000. But the exodus has been far less complete than from Arab countries...

    Generally, you don't see a drop in population of over 75% if the country is a nice place to live. If that many Jews left Iran, there's a reason.

    And that reason portends what will happen in Israel's future if they cut too many deals with a people who wish them all dead or gone.

  2. No, bullying has reached an all time high due to social networking. It used to be back in the day once school is over, you could go home and have your family and close friend to help you deal with it. Now, it's FB, Twitter, Four Square, and whatever social media folks can get their hands on. I've seen a story where a teenager moves to a completely different state, and the bullying followed her there. She killed herself as well.

    Create a new gmail, switch social media profiles. It's not that hard to do........

  3. This is a sad incident - something like this should never happen.

    All the present conditions including social media, children's behaviour, also to what they are exposed are responsible.

    parents not taking responsibility of their children's behaviour or even when they try to do they are stopped.

    "to what they are exposed"?

    are you saying we should ban some form of entertainment? sure sounds like it. maybe a ban on porn?

  4. At a hearing last week in Salem, Oregon, local resident Manuel Martinez testified against gun-control measures. The Cuban-born Martinez spoke calmly but firmly about the dangers of gun control, incorporating his experience in Communist Cuba.

    Martinez began by noting: “I oppose any manipulation, any regulation, elimination, or disruption of the Second Amendment of the Constitution of the United States.”

    Drawing upon his experience in Cuba, he recalled: “In 1959, a revolution with individuals, malicious individuals, masquerading as Democrats… established a regime, a dictatorial regime, in my nation, called Communism, Socialism, Stalinism, Marxism and whatever other ‘ism’ you want to [call] it.”

    Martinez noted the regime stripped the populace of its arms, even though:

    [The right to bear arms] is a God-given right – it is not given by anybody, it’s not given by any group. It’s the same thing as freedom, which is a God-given right, and no one, absolutely no one, has the authority to take it away. To cease to defend the Second Amendment, and my God-given right of freedom, will cease only with my death.

    Martinez then recalled his own first-hand experience, choking up and holding back tears:

    I’ve been through it, I’ve been there. You people don’t know what freedom is because you never lost it! You haven’t been tortured, you haven’t seen the assassinations, you haven’t [seen] mothers begging for the lives of their sons not to be killed because [their sons] want to be free. And they killed the mothers and they killed the sons.

    He also warned that infringing on the Second Amendment would “open” this nation to the possibility of a dictatorial state, noting:

    If we tangle with the Second Amendment, we are open the same way that Cuba was open for Communism, [as well as] China, Poland, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Venezuela, on and on…. Gun control does not protect anybody – does not protect the citizens, does not protect the people. The only reason for gun control is for the government to protect [itself from] the citizens, so that the government can… manipulate the people and subjugate them. That’s what happened in Cuba….


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