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Posts posted by GeoffroysGirl

  1. Hello everybody and thanks for reading. We just got notified that our interview is next Tuesday and I am FREAKING OUT because I'm afraid that we might be missing something. So I have 2 questions for you guys:

    1. Do I need to provide tax returns? It says in the I-134 instructions that I only need to do so if self employed, but I read some contradictory info on the site.

    2. Is there a master checklist for what to bring to the interview somewhere on this website?

    Thanks sooooo much!!!

  2. Possible. Although YOU are the applicant to the visa, so it should not be very important. Call the Embassy to know what's going on, I can't believe you waited that long since you mailed back the Packet3!!!

    "Switchboard: +33 (0)1 43 12 22 22

    Immigration visa department: +33 (0)1 43 12 45 35

    Receptionist (say you wish to talk with someone in the Immigration visa department): +33 (0)1 43 28 00 86"

    And email them also, but be proactive about it! They probably let your case somewhere and forgot about it. Wake them up!

    "email: ParisConIV@state.gov

    If you leave your name, a phone number and your case number the embassy should call you back."

    Thanks I will try that!

  3. Can anyone tell me why some cases are processed so much more quickly than others? I know I probably just need to wait a little longer but any feedback from you guys out there going though the same thing might help me cope with the wait :) here's what's going on with our case:

    We received packet 3 from us consulate of france in November 2012 and mailed it back immediately.

    In December we received a phone call from the consulate saying they received our packet but were really backed up and that we wouldn't get an interview until end of January to mid February.

    It is now February 17th and still no news from them yet I'm looking at other timelines for k1 visa interviews in France that received packet 3 in January and that have already gotten an interview!!!

    Could the fact that we answered "yes" to my alien fiancé having been previously arrested (for something minor) cause a delay?

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