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Status Updates posted by kfischm1

  1. Congrats on your NOA2!!!!

  2. NOA2!!!!! Completely speechless. Happy beyond words. FINALLY, AFTER 9 1/2 MONTHS!!!

  3. Mailed off the RFE response today. Hopefully it is approved soon so we can continue on our journey!

  4. Got a RFE today. About to cry. Almost been 9 months and now a RFE. What could it possibly be?!?!?!

  5. FYI on your timeline it says you sent your petition in 8/02. Your NOA1 is in 8/12. :-)

  6. Today makes it officially 8 months. Still no NOA2 or RFE. It is so hard to be strong. This whole process is breaking my heart and destroying me emotionally.

    1. Jaz&Bry


      I totally feel for you! We only filed 2 and a half months ago with CSC and I can´t even imagine how depressed I would be 5 or 6 months from now. It must happen any day now though! Stay strong, you´re doing this for your love!

    2. bsd058


      I hear you. I was approved at 9 months and 2 weeks. Hang in there. It will come eventually.

    3. kfischm1


      Thanks for the words of encouragement. I keep telling myself that I'm closer to the end than I was 8 months ago and soon it will all be behind me. I hope CSC picks up the pace soon. No one should have to wait so long.

  7. Congrats! We filed at almost the same time. I hope we hear good news soon too!

  8. It's been 7 months already - 214 days - an no NOA2 or RFE from CSC. I contacted my state senator's office today and they are going to do an inquiry. Hopefully we get some kind of news, whether good or bad, soon. I JUST WANT TO HEAR SOMETHING.

    1. bsd058


      Wow, I would expect that from VSC, but not CSC! Sorry you're going through such a long wait! Hoping you get the NOA2 soon!

  9. I don't understand what is going on. It's been almost seven months and no word - not even an RFE. This is getting to be too much to handle. When I see people who filed just three weeks before us who have already completed the whole K-1 process and are together again in the U.S., it is so hard to not break down and cry.

  10. So it's been 200 days now and still NOA2. I wouldn't feel so hopeless if it looked like they were making progress on applications, but it seems that they have came to a complete halt

    1. Memosa


      yea i tried typing in different numbers, saw some june 11th approvals, but june 1st, 4th ..basically the beginning of june haven't even been touched yet... looks like we aint gonna hear anything until the beginning of April

  11. Gracias por su apoyo. Me siento muy desesperada cuando hablo con USCIS y parece que no han hecho nada en el ultimo mes.

  12. Called USCIS today and they told me that they are working on July 17 applications. They said I should hear back on my case within the next 3 weeks. I hope they are right. The hardest part about waiting is not knowing how long the wait is going to be.

    1. MoniTa85


      quedan solo unos días....

  13. It's been more than 6 months and still no NOA 2. It's getting harder and harder to stay positive with each day that passes. :-( Hoping and praying for news soon.

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