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Status Updates posted by trixiechick75

  1. Any word on your AOS approval?

    1. threej642


      None Yet, called late last night nothing

  2. Silly Question...but how do you send a status update directly to someone else? I only know how to send them a private message..lol..yep, I'm a goof!

    1. Hana&Reda


      You go to their profile feed and leave a comment. It will only be sent to them but everyone can see it. I hope that answers your question :)

  3. Was really pulling for an August Case Complete....but It's looking like it will be at least September now because of the checklist they received back from me 8/16/13. Praying for a surprise!

    1. threej642


      The same here, praying.

    2. nikkers0728


      Hoping for a case complete too....good luck!!!

  4. NVC will be receiving my AOS checklist packet today...hoping it doesn't take another 20 days to find out the result. Leaving it all in God's hands. Still praying for the IV packet to be without checklist too...hoping to hear soon.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. trixiechick75


      Thank you! Any word on yours yet? How many days has it been since they received the last checklist back from you?

    3. threej642


      they logged it in on 8/1/13, and just called last night they still have not opened the package, I send the package on July 26.

    4. trixiechick75


      I'm praying for you! For both of us!! Surely, they will open it soon!! You should have a response by the end of this month I would think! Has your IV packet been approved?

  5. Sending in Checklist for AOS today....Praying for a speedy review! :-)

    1. TOTOEMY


      keep positive!! sure it will go by quickly! :D

    2. threej642


      Have my fingers cross

    3. TOTOEMY


      i got a checklist also on my AOS..i hope mine is a easy fix also..inshallah

  6. Checklist on AOS packet. Forgot to put a "1" in a box on Section 3, Question 7.....I swore I looked at that packet umpteen times, but sure enough I missed it.... I hope it doesn't hold things up too long. :-( :-(

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. trixiechick75


      AOS was received 7/22, called last night and they told me about the checklist then...im still waiting on my email i am to receive so i can fix it. Have you found out anything more yet?

    3. TOTOEMY


      i called yesterday and they said both were still in review..hopefully today some good news.

    4. trixiechick75


      Wishing you good news very soon and for my checklist to not hold me up too long! :-)

  7. Printed over 300 pages of messages/texts while waiting for Case Complete....Wow...we've talked ALOT! Now onto printing photos and phone records.

    1. MY0704


      Lol I remember those days...felt so bad for the trees. The worse part was they didn't even ask for a single page of it. Ah well better to be prepared. Good luck.

    2. trixiechick75


      Thank you! Yes, that's what I thought, looks like most people don't need all that, but better safe than sorry. Knowing my luck, I'd get down there and they would ask for it..HA! It keeps me busy anyways. Otherwise, I'd be stalking the NVC and this site all the time!! LOL

    3. sweet love0510

      sweet love0510

      I did the same I had so much backup my suitcase was so heavy and they didn't ask me either for it but its better to be safe than sorry..

  8. Hoping to Get Case Complete in Record Time this month!! :-) Hey, I like to keep a positive attitude!

    1. TOTOEMY


      nothing wrong with that and Im hoping right along with you for the same with mine inshallah

  9. Putting this Crazy Wrap thing on people to help pass the time waiting, waiting, waiting! :-)

  10. IV Packet Received at NVC...The rest is in God's Hands :-)

  11. Sending IV Packet Today.....YAY!!!!!!!!


  13. Happy Friday Everyone..Feeling an IV Bill coming today!! #fingerscrossed

  14. DS 3032 Accepted Today....Bring on the IV Bill!!!!!! :-)

  15. Waiting Waiting Waiting for the IV bill!!! I'm gonna drive myself nuts! Lol

  16. I am ALWAYS checking, checking, checking to see if we get billed for the IV and if DS3032 was entered....OBSESSED!!!! :-p

    1. removed-2014-0501


      girl we are all obsessed !!! lol

    2. trixiechick75


      HA!! Yes, we are....this waiting game will drive you bonkers!! LOL

    3. apple21


      i check every 5 minutes. hahahaha

  17. AOS paid, DS 3032 email sent (Supervisor Review)...AOS has to show paid for me to get a copy of cover letter so I can send AOS and then just saw where someone's DS 3032 wasn't accepted by email, that they had to send it in.... always a glitch along the way...grrrr Lol ;-/

  18. Waiting to be invoiced for I-864 & IV bill!! Rapido, Rapido!! Lol

    1. sweet love0510

      sweet love0510

      You are very close now. They usually put it up quick so look out for it.

    2. trixiechick75


      Got it soon after I posted this!! WOO HOO!!!

  19. Good Luck at the Interview Today!!!! Looking forward to GREAT NEWS!!!

    1. Frances&Bryan


      thank you very much!!!

  20. Will be glad when this whole process is over and my hubby is here! ;-)

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