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Posts posted by Takeo

  1. MNL is the case file prefix for the Manila embassy. Unless your fiancé)e) is having their interview in Manila, it is unlikely that your case file number will have a "MNL" prefix. ohmy.png

    Congrats!!! dancin5hr.gif

    Ooops! I read so many threads regarding the Philippines embassy that I thought all case numbers were MNL, haha! Thanks for the clarification, I would of felt like an idiot asking for my MNL number for Tokyo oops8rh.gif

  2. Thanks!!!

    Yeah, I thought that was strange. It does say: Notice Type: Valid from 05/16/2013 - 09/15/2013. But the rest of the box is empty. Guess I will have to call them.

    I adjusted my timeline right away, maybe in my excitement I forgot to click save! Haa haa! I'll check it again!

    I haven't called NVC yet for the MNL#. I wonder if when you call there, if they can tell you which Embassy it will be forwarded to. I'm assuming on your I129F you indicated Tokyo. Happy to hear your fiancee is visiting, did you read the whole thread about traveling during K1 process? My fiancee didn't believe me when I told her she could visit. Tell your fiancee to be honest, maybe even bring a copy of the NOA2 or the packet, shows that you are going about it the legal way. When the NOA2 process was slow, I decided to visit my fiancee, flying to Japan in a few weeks. Will work on the rest of the K1 after our trip together.

  3. That really is all we can do, sadly. Some people are fortunate to get their NOA2 within 7 days after their RFE reply and for others it could take up to 3-4 weeks. On Saturday (May 18) our VJ friends Navid+Tina received their NOA2 after they had gotten their RFE reply on April 27 (so 21 days total for them). The important thing, in the end, is that we actually get the NOA2 so that we can be reunited with our loved one in the very near future smile.png

    Well said. Hang in there, it'll all be worth it. When I would get frustrated waiting for my NOA2, I stopped to think about why I'm doing all of this and was bodly reminded that I would do it even if it took twice as long...not that I wish that upon anyone, but you get my point! This time apart has taught me a lot of patience and of course an increased appreciation for the times I was able to spend with my fiancee. Not to sound too mushy, but we do this for love, that's what gives us strength to persevere and endure the challenges and sleepless nights. This too shall soon pass and we will be reunited once again.. Aloha my friends.

  4. That's for all your reply's. I actually feel better knowing that other people had a similar error I did and finally got their NOA2. When I sent the I-129F in Sept, we had yet to find VJ. After reading VJ first time and learning of all "tricks" to submitting, I was really nervous that my application would not be up to "standard" I submitted all the proper documentation: letters of intent, statement explaining how we met, G-325A's, birth cert, passport biometric page + page with entry & exit stamps and passport photo's of myself and fiancee, photos of us(did not put date and location on them). Correspondence before and after my trip, phone call records. Did not have boarding passes, lost those, but got receipt from Korean Air showing I was on flight.

    Truth be known, when I got word RFE was on the way, I thought it would be for something like: more detail on how we met, actual boarding passes, date and locations on photos, need copies of all pages of my passport, the stuff that usually trips people up during the app review. Yet, to my surprise; need a lousy N/A on a statement. Didn't see that coming.

    One thing that I did notice, the reason I found out about the RFE, was I checked USCIS website. I never received e-mail or text notification as was the case when USCIS accepted app. Not sure what happened there.

    Congrats on the NOA2, glad they accepted your RFE! Please update your timeline.

  5. Hey Folks!

    In the same boat as you. NOA1 9/25/12. Wait 7 months, get RFE 4/22/13, they send it 5/2/13, get hard copy 5/7/13, didn't put "N/A" on the statement re: "if I'm in the armed forces overseas" etc. Returned RFE to CSC with N/A written on form, they receive 5/8/13 and..........

    Nothing, nada, zip, zilch!!! Still waiting for them to look at it.

    In the meantime, other people who returned RFE to CSC same day as me, they have NOA2. unsure.png Not sure what to think at this point. Makes me wonder if there is something else wrong with my application. I know calling the so called "help line" will yield me nothing because they are no help what so ever.rofl.gif

    So, we wait

    When I got my RFE it said to answer with a "NONE" and that N/A was not an appropriate answer. I filled out question #1 with "NONE" and got approved. Hope they accept your answer of "N/A".

  6. Sent my RFE reply to the lawyer, overnight, FedEx tracking reported that they accepted it at 9 AM on Thursday. I wrote them an Email asking them to let me know when the reply is sent in and get a tracking number; they send me an Email at 4:30 PM on Thursday saying they did not receive it yet. Friday morning I sent them additional Emails with screen captures of the signature and the delivery date and time, get an Email later in the day saying they still had not seen it. Monday will be three weeks since the RFE was mailed and the reply hasn't even been sent in yet.

    I'm done with them, sent them an Email telling them their services were no longer required. I will get the package together (again) and submit it on Monday and also inform CSC and NVC that they are no longer representing me.

    Writing the state review board and filing with small claims court is also on the table at this point.


    I hope I never need a lawyer because I dislike most of them with a passion. In my job I go up against lawyers sometimes because I investigate abuse on the elderly, and the lawyers attack me with whatever they can think of, even taking personal cracks at me. Great thing is, I've won all my cases that had lawyers, and I'm not even a lawyer.

    Sorry for your situation, feel so bad for you. Hang in there.

  7. I got my RFE for this issue. I left it blank because it says "Check all that apply". Since none of them applied to me, I didnt check any!

    That gave me an RFE and they told me to write in N/A, which I did but still havnt gotten a response to my case since 4/29!

    You did have a "yes" in question #2 though right? Because you answered in the affirmative, the reviewer needs to see an answer in #3. You explained that none applied to your situation, probably a unique case. Did you write a letter explaining why the question 3 answers were "NA"?

  8. Hi Takeo!

    do you know if many people reported this (which posts?) and if so, how was it resolved with the applicant if it was a system glitch?

    We received an RFE just now. I'm so furious as we spent thousands of dollars on a lawyer and we're over the 6 month mark now. Wedding and travel plans are now in jeopardy. The lawyer has been completely useless throughout the process - hadn't a clue what was going on at CSC, never heard of Visa Journey website, no realistic idea of processing times on the Dublin side, no advice, no support. If our RFE today was a system glitch, the lawyer was still useless! Arrrgggghhhhh!

    wow - I needed to rant - fuming!

    I recall reading a couple post from other members who were saying there were glitches, can't recall the thread title. I'm not trying to imply all RFEs recently are glitches, it's just others had a spread apart RFE (not the typical double notice) and someone said it may have been a glitch. I do not know if it got resolved or not. In your case, since you got your first notice, it sounds like an RFE. You will get two notices, one to say it's coming and another when they supposedly mail it, the wording on both is the same. Be happy that your case was touched in 6 months, many of us with NOA1 from July to Oct ended up waiting 8-9 months. Sorry that it might mess up your plans, hope you get your RFE resolved soon.

  9. So sad and so angry today sad.pngranting33va.gif the USCIS are a bunch of retarded pricks!!!!!!!! I hate them so much right now ranting33va.gif

    I got another RFE...

    On May 15, 2013, we mailed a notice requesting additional evidence or information in this case I129F PETITION FOR FIANCE(E)

    How does that even happen? Why wouldn't they submit all requests for evidence at the same time? I bet they need a different kind of evidence now. Arrgghhh, what a horrible day I'm having sad.png now it's going be another 3 days till they mail it, another 9 days until it gets to me, another 2 days until they get it and another 7 days until they respond (3+9+2+7=21 days) 3 weeks of my time, completely wasted .... so a big thanks to the dueche bags at the CSC for being, once again, incompetent idiots.

    Sorry for the rant guys wacko.png I needed to get it out of my system...

    I've been reading other posts saying that the USCIS system was glitchy and possibly sending out RFE notices when there was none. I'm not saying this is the case for yours, but just a heads up.

  10. Rayanna, congrats !! Good luck on the rest of your journey smile.png

    JD & Coconut, glad to hear you finally got the RFE but the fact that they lost your evidence is complete BS. There is a way to include time stamps using photoshop or other photo-editing tools. Alternatively, you can write the date and information on the back of the photo like what some of the other people here on VJ have been doing. Also, don't forget to point out who each person in the photo is. My RFE asked for the same thing, although I included photos from our Engagement last year and my boarding passes, etc...Honestly, the best form of evidence is primary evidence, basically scan your passport, front-to-back and send that with your RFE reply. Also, if you have a joint bank account or any kind of receipt that you 2 were together in the same location. Remember, pictures are secondary evidence.

    Good luck with your RFE reply buddy! good.gif

    I posted a thread on how to add time stamp using the embedded info on a digital picture but the mod moved my thread saying it wasn't K1 Process and Procedure related headbonk.gif . So, anyway, here is how it's done, its quite easy and it really is official because you are using the pictures info, not making up any date like other methods. http://www.visajourney.com/forums/topic/430550-how-to-date-stamp-photos/

  11. There is a free software called Photoscape which allows you to use the date already embedded in your digital photo to apply a date stamp on the photo. To get the free download, go here: http://download.cnet.com/PhotoScape/3000-2192_4-10703122.html

    After you have installed Photoscape, follow the instructions on Photoscape date stamping here: http://www.ehow.com/how_7839700_add-time-stamp-digital-photo.html

    I don't know how important it is to have it, my photos don't have them on it, but you can legitimately have the date stamped from the pictures information, you are not making up the date. Hope you find this helpful.

  12. Grats Takeo!

    Well, finally found out what happened with my hard copy; it went to the lawyer. They finally called me today that they received it and apparently CSC "lost" (remember that water problem they had?) part of our packet which contained the evidence and they are asking for us to send them pictures (including in packet), boarding passes (including in packet), receipts (included and translated in packet), credit card statements (not included first time, will this time), etc... all over again. Luckily I have everything but will include additional photos of us together (we have over 100) along with credit card transactions I made in China. The lawyer also mentioned that it is best if the photos have the date stamped on them, well, none taken with my camera did, nor did any of those taken at the studio (wouldn't expect these to) which leaves us with a lousy four photos which were taken by family members that did have the date printed on the front. Is that ridiculous or what? Grrrr!!! ranting33va.gif

    Glad to hear you got your hard copy RFE, as for what CSC is asking for, that's all their fault!! But hey, no time to point fingers, hope they said "sorry" in the RFE! At least it gives you a second chance to beef up your packet, although my guess is that it really didn't need anything else if they hadn't "lost" your evidence. Like Ramsey said though, the most important is primary evidence, if that is strong, chances are, even with somewhat weak secondary evidence, you will be approved. That time stamped BS is probably old requirements that they haven't changed for years, who uses that ####### anyway? I purposely turned off the time stamp on my digital cameras years ago. I wrote on the back of my photos, describing who was in it, the exact date, and the exact location. I think I just submitted a few, but my primary was strong, and my petition was approved. Tell your laywer to send it Express, what is $20 for a couple days less stress and tracking of your response.

  13. These forums are so helpful. I just got home and on to my PC (my original post was typed in a panic on my phone, ha) so I've been looking through the site and found that 2 emails is standard. I hadn't read or heard about it before though. It doesn't make sense at all that they send two identical emails, but oh well! I agree, it should be pinned to save a lot of confusion.

    I have endless questions about what we need to do after we receive the NOA2... specifically about what exactly my fiance needs to send to me. I thought I finally had it cracked but browsing the forums seems to throw up more and more things. I'm trying to put together a simplified step-by-step checklist so we don't miss anything out, but it seems the more I look, the more confused I get. Haha. But anyway! Thanks for your reply, it is much appreciated smile.png

    I just got NOA2 yesterday, been waiting over 9 months so I had to refresh my memory on what I need to do next. Here is a great checklist to follow: http://www.visajourney.com/content/k1guide

    The forum is great to get real life experiences, especially related to the embassy in your fiancee's country.

  14. Our case status says the same as the email I received today - that an RFE was mailed today. I hope they actually mailed it this time and that we're not going to get another email in a week saying the same thing! This is so frustrating! Thank you for replying smile.png

    When the system is working right, everyone gets two notification, and unfortunately, they say the same thing. Why USCIS couldn't be more specific on the wording such as "We will be mailing an RFE" for the first notice is beyond me. It confuses so many, just do an "RFE" search and you'll see that your question has been asked every few days on the forum. The topic should be pinned on this forum.

    Hope your hard copy arrives soon, the wait can be agonizing.

  15. First email 4/19.

    Second email 4/23.

    Hard Copy 5/2.

    Mailed 5/3 overnight.

    Arrived 5/6.

    NOA2 5/13.

    Unfortunately, there are others who have waited two weeks or longer for the hard copy. One can only guess why it took so long. My guess is that it was not mailed on the second email notice date. After 15 days of the second notice, a service request can be filed, but that is still no guarantee you'll get a real answer.

  16. Just checked the Case Status, got my NOA2 today!!! About 15 minutes later, when I was chatting with my fiancee in Japan, got the text message and email!!! Whew, that was a long one! She's not planning to move till September, so we have some time to work on the next steps but I'm sure glad this long wait is over! Funny thing today is I dropped a penny in the toilet by accident! Wishing approvals for all you who are waiting. I updated my timeline, seems like I'm the only one today so far.

  17. Thanks for the tips, I really appreciate both of your responses. Since I can't call them until Monday and Tuesday is the 15th day since they sent my RFE letter, I may just wait for that day to call them. Do you think that is OK to do?

    Sorry that you are still waiting, what a bummer. My guess is like yours, that either they didn't mail it when they noticed you that they did, or it went to the lawyer's address. You did say you received the NOA1 so hopefully you also get the RFE. Others who have lawyers should chime in. I have heard of others who have received their RFE hardcopy two weeks later, who knows why it took so long. We all know that the USCIS is not a fair and efficient system. I have heard from a few members who's representatives have been able to get the info on their RFE, I asked mine and got rejected.

    If you don't get it by Tuesday, you better make that call, and like the others said, be polite, but firm and persistent. Keep us updated.

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