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Kubey Jr.

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Posts posted by Kubey Jr.

  1. Thank you LeftCoastLady, Penguin_ie and Ratty and Celesty.
    Ratty and Celesty
    Yes.... I didn't get any communication from NVC or US Embassy.....I then received a letter telling me that they had communicated with me when they hadn't.....the first letter from the Embassy never made it to me...and ive read that NVC sends a letter too... wither that's true or not i don't know...but i never got a letter from them either .....I have conformation though that The Embassy sends a letter...and that either got lost in the mail or a dog ate it....whatever the case it led to the start of many problems for me.
    i'm sorry that I've frustrated and confused some of you on here with what is a confusing situation for both me and you...and I wish you all the very, very best in what is a very stressful time for us all.....I have not seen my other half since October 2012.
  2. Thank you Inky for your reply...its very much appreciated.

    When I use the term power of attorney what I mean is.....do they have large amounts of power......can they sit there and say......."right, looks like your ok...everything up to this point is Null and Void....we have decided to approve""....even if things did not particularly go ok (with regards to deadlines being met) leading up to interview....I hope that makes things clearer.

    i'm sorry that I've upset some of you on here with what is a confusing situation for both me and you...and I wish you all the very, very best in what is a very stressful time for us all.....I have not seen my other half since October 2012.
  3. Yes, a lot has changed but I keep up with the changes and the experiences, so everything in that link is pretty current except the link in post one for the police certificate changed, but was corrected. You learn more specifically about London of you will ask in the UK forum.

    I'm sorry bit of a misunderstanding there.....i didn't mean about your link....I meant about the physical space for each case......how big is the folder that they have for each case is what i mean....how big is the filing cabinet for example...and has that changed since 2008......i mean how much space do they have there....and do they have certain criteria for if they run out of space...do they start shredding things.....it would have to be well, if it was a cardboard folder for example it would be bursting full of paper because the amount i sent them was huge...we're talking about a very big pile of paper. It would need more of some kind of a box.

    the reason i avoided the forums for so long was because i felt it was not a good place to go for information because there seemed to be conflicting and contradicting information.....which meant you just didn't know who or what to believe. I felt that was exacerbating the stress.

    i did however use other parts of the site often that looked like they were reliable.

    i will say this though.....i struggle greatly on the telephone....i have a phone phobia of some sort....my voice actually completely stopped working the last time i phoned them.....and I've found the entire thing very confusing at times... ....it got so bad that i got very desperate and decided to come in here..... but very glad i did and that i bumped into you.

  4. Many Many thanks for writing back Nich-Nick!.....very much appreciated!...I appreciate the calm and sensible reply.

    ..thank you for the link......do you reckon that its changed at all from when you were there for your interview in 2008?.....I've heard that the number of people wanting a K1 has increased a lot over recent years....

    ....i'm bound to form new things to worry about though.... cause seem to be a bit like that!....*laughs*.....but i'm a lot calmer than i was.

  5. OCTOBER 15th 2012 - I-797 Approval Notice arrives from USCIS telling us that our petition has been approved.

    - - - - - - - - - -

    JANUARY 11th 2013 - Got very concerned because of nothing arriving in the post so decided to contact NVC. They wrote back and told me what my case number was for the first time.... and that my case had been sent to London US Embassy.

    JANUARY 14th 2013 - Posted the forms for the ACPO Police Certificate.

    JANUARY 29th 2013 - Very concerned because of two things 1) Approval Notice is going to expire soon. 2) No letter from London US Embassy. Contacted London US Embassy for the first time...was told they had sent a letter to me at the end of October 2012...this letter never arrived at my home in Scotland. I was told by the advice helpline to get my Fiancée to make a second letter of intent to marry and to get it notarised and sent to London US Embassy ASAP…this letter was sent to Immigration Branch, 5 Upper Grosvenor, London, W1A 2JB….was also told to download and fill in forms DS-230 Part I & II, DS 2001, DS-156, DS-157, DS-156-K.
  6. Thank you for your reply LeftCoastLady :)....it all seems just so very bizarre and confusing.

    I have made what I reckon to be quite a big mistake also......I sent the original I-134 Affidavit of Support and it's supporting documents to the Embassy before the interview appointment...I also gave them a certified birth certificate and police certificate.....It all got put into a big package with the DS-230 Part I & II, DS 2001, DS-156, DS-157, DS-156-K....it was a huge package.

    I've read on here that they...

    1) Want the I-134 Affidavit of Support and it's supporting documents on the day of the interview...and that they will not accept copies?...that, they want the originals in ink with ink signatures?

    I'm worried about this rather a lot.

    1) Will they have shredded these documents because they were sent at the wrong time?...or will they have been put into a dossier?....how much space do they have in their filing cabinets for each case's dossier?

    It seems like such a stupid mistake but it was sent off in good faith and I believed I was doing the right thing at the time...I just can't see them letting me in with the copies or having that amount of thick paper in my dossier...I dread the situation where I have to say to the person at the hatch / glass..."ah, well...I sent the originals with the other forms"..

    ..this is maybe where i'm starting to get a tad pessimistic about it all...but so far things have gone wrong all along the way...except for the very first part when the I-797 Approval Notice arrived in USA..that part went fine......but things went badly wrong after that when the first Embassy letter never arrived and the time ran out on the I-797 Approval Notice....they got me to do a notarized letter of intent just about 2 weeks before the I-797 Approval Notice expired.
  7. I'm calling the US Embassy in London on 09042-450-100......and they have agreed to do a interview (which is coming up this week).....does it mean that they are happy and ready?.....and that the case is still ok?.......because the last time I talked to them on the phone they said that I had contacted them in February 2013 and said that I didn't want to continue to get a K1....this didn't happen!.....

    ....they asked me if I wanted to proceed...and I said yes I want to proceed......and then a appointment was made for a interview.
  8. If they have agreed to do a interview.....does it mean that they are happy and ready?.....and that the case is still ok?....because the last time i talked to them on the phone they said that I had contacted them and said that I didn't want to continue to get a K1.....this didn't happen!.....

    ....they asked me if i wanted to proceed...and I said yes i want to proceed......and then a appointment was made for a interview.

  9. If they give you a authorisation code on the phone...(because the I-797, Notice of Action was about to run out) that then enables you to communicate with them via email.....does it mean that all other communications don't mean anything?....its been highly confusing.

    For example i've had one really concerning letter sent to me and one really concerning phone call ....and yet the authorisation code was given to me after I said the I-797, Notice of Action was going to run out soon....and led to somebody at the other end contradicting both snail mail letter and phone call....however phone call was much much later.

  10. Thanks..........it seems odd that they also hand out a photocopy of the Vaccination Documentation Worksheet at the medical....you know which has a signature on it....and, they want to see that upon change of status...but it's a copy too...i've read that copies have no power........maybe there's different criteria for that though..... with it being a medical copy?.....it just doesn't make any sense though...

  11. I have made what I reckon to be quite a big mistake......I sent the original I-134 Affidavit of Support and it's supporting documents to the Embassy before the interview appointment...I also gave them a certified birth certificate and police certificate.....It all got put into a big package with the DS-230 Part I & II, DS 2001, DS-156, DS-157, DS-156-K....it was a huge package.

    I've read on here that they...

    1) Want the I-134 Affidavit of Support and it's supporting documents on the day of the interview...and that they will not accept copies?...that, they want the originals in ink with ink signatures?

    I'm worried about this rather a lot.

    1) Will they have shredded these documents because they were sent at the wrong time?...or will they have been put into a dossier?....how much space do they have in their filing cabinets for each case's dossier?

    It seems like such a stupid mistake but it was sent off in good faith and I believed I was doing the right thing at the time...I just can't see them letting me in with the copies or having that amount of thick paper in my dossier...I dread the situation where I have to say to the person at the hatch / glass..."ah, well...I sent the originals with the other forms"..

    ..this is maybe where i'm starting to get a tad pessimistic about it all...but so far things have gone wrong all along the way...except for the very first part when the I-797 Approval Notice arrived in USA..that part went fine......but things went badly wrong after that when the first Embassy letter never arrived and the time ran out on the I-797 Approval Notice....they got me to do a notarized letter of intent just about 2 weeks before the I-797 Approval Notice expired.
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