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Posts posted by germangel

  1. the alien has to inform USCIS of any move until citizenship is aquired. after you received your greencard, I don't think the petitioner has to inform them of change of address.

    Alien should use form AR11 to report change of address. Also, call USCIS and tell them about the mistake they made with your name and such.

  2. I just hope the rest of you folks will be as lucky. In the past couple weeks, there have been numerous cases waiting forever, so I thought I'd share the good news, that not everyone has to wait so long.

    I went to the SSA in Tulsa, I don't know if they verify electronically. They did say it would be 4 weeks though.

    Good luck everyone!!

  3. Hi, just wanted to throw in a general advice. You might not want to address specific people. You get more help by leaving it to anyone and sometimes people don't like to be asked for help specifically on a thread. They will answer you if they have an answer for you.

    Now to your question: if your income exceeds and has exceeded the poverty guidelines, you will most likely not need a co-sponsor. However, it is in the consular's hand to request one if he/she feels this is necessary. Also depending on the consulate, if you need tax returns. I didn't need one, just had to turn in employment letter and bank statement, but other consulates or embassies require the returns.

    As far as I know you won't need a new G325A if you updated your address with USCIS. They will change it in their system.

    For K3 you will need I134, for CR1 I864.

    Good luck

  4. same here, had that message about 3 times, even after they had received DS 230 again (after message had changed to " we have received your checklist letter response on..."

    Nothing to worry,if the operator says all is good. There seems to be two places at NVC and they don't always communicate well.

    You will get DS 230 soon, or a checklist letter. Answer to it and you'll have case complete real soon.

  5. they are supposed to keep your stuff. You will have to give it to them or contact Chicago to send it there. I think most people this happened to have gone back to the airport to give them the pkt.

    But if you live far away, that might not be an option.

    Contact USCIS and ask what to do, or contact the airport that was your POE

  6. Salwa,

    as hard as it may be, try to stay positive because if you come to the embassy all freaked and scared,they will think something is wrong.

    If you have proof of a bona fide marriage, you will get through. Even if they put you on AR, which of course I hope they will not, you will make it. Because you are married for love, not for the visa. It will be okay, sweetie!

    We are all worried before the interview, it is normal and okay to be. But don't let it rule your life.

    I know you miss your hubbie, but just think that it'll all be over and nothing can part you after all this process is over.

    I wish you good luck, and I cross my fingers for you.

    Get some sleep and try to get your mind off of it.

    You'll be fine, I believe in it!



  7. I'm moving, not from state to state or anywhere but it is a complete move and it sucks.

    Hubbie is at work every day including the weekend and I'm stuck with all the work. I have been renovating the new house (dad-in-law bought it and I was in charge of the extreme makeover from cat-lady hole to mansion :P ) and now doing the move and I can't seem to get any help from anyone.

    I'm getting frustrated, at least I don't have to lift the heavy furniture, Hubbie's friends are doing that (I guess, with them you never know)

    Why does Hubbie so much #######? (Want huge trashbag the size of apartment!)

    Sorry for the rant, but moving just sux!

  8. Soweit ich weiß, kannst du, da du ja legal in die Staaten eingereist bist und dich auch legal dort aufhältst, einfach AOS (Adjustment of status) beantragen. Bin mir nicht sicher, ob du deinen Status als Praktikums-Visums-Inhaber behalten musst bis zu einem gewissen Zeitpunkt oder nicht. Denn dein Aufenthalt basiert ja auf dem Visum, und wenn du kündigst, könnte dein Status sich ändern und du könntest nicht mehr legal sein, was dann auch das AOS ausschließt. Also nochmal ganz sicher gehen, was du da genau machen musst.

    Viel Glück und Herzlichen Glückwunsch zur Verlobung.

    P.S. : Evtl solltest du das ganze nochmal auf englisch in einem der anderen Foren posten, viele Leute haben hier nen Plan, können aber kein Deutsch. Da kriegst du sicher mehr Antworten. Evtl im Adjustment of Status Forum.

  9. Krankenversicherung ist echt das letzte hier in USA. Erstens mal Arschteuer und dann hat man noch ne Riesen-Deductible, die man erst mal selbst zahlen muss, bevor die Versicherung die Rechnungen übernimmt.

    Es lebe das deutsche Sozialwesen!!

    @Nina, leider kann ich dir nicht helfen, da wir in Germany geheiratet haben aber du solltest auf jeden Fall deine internationale Geburtsurkunde und so haben und auch alles, was du für AOS brauchst, also nochmal poliz. Führungszeugnis + Übersetzung.

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