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Posts posted by GandD

  1. 1. Christians don't get nearly the amount of negativity Islam gets, not even close.

    Granted, I've never been to a Muslim country, or really even out of USA or Canada, I have to think that Christianity gets more negativity in predominately Muslim countries than Islam. Seems like the amount of negativity is based more on percentage of Christians to Muslims in a particular country than a worldwide mentality. I kinda think all religions can be good or bad depending on "interpretation"

  2. Its not just the social media or computers.

    I can just tell in my days we used to be afraid of our parents, we were always afraid if we did something wrong and parents found out we would be in deep ######, now days it seems that not the case.

    These 4 kids dont seem to be afraid of their parents or were afraid if their parents found out they raped some girl they would be in trouble.

    Sometimes that works and sometimes it doesn't. A child's personality is very complex. That's why you can get completely different siblings from one household. Strict/moral parents can raise an "A student" and then turn around and raise a junkie. Environment, friends, genes, and many other variables go into overall children's personalities and behaviors.

  3. I'm not BLAMING social media or computers. I'm simply saying they've made bullying easier than it used to be.

    I was never bullied, but when I was a kid, if I had been ... once I went home, it's easy to leave school behind. The bullies weren't gonna come to my house to bother me. They wouldn't call me on the phone since my parents would answer.

    Today, every kid has a cell phone and various social media accounts. They're accessible 24/7. I'm glad I didn't grow up like that, personally.

    I absolutely agree with you that it's an issue of parenting. I just believe technology has made it easier for kids to be horrible to each other.

    As i mentioned, the speed at which rumors or malicious content sped is definitely increased. I also agree with you that this adds additional challenges that we did not have to deal with but I bet the same can be said with our parents.

    I tried to be clear that I didn't believe you were implying all was this simple. It was just my thought after the previous two posts discussing social media/computers. Felt like this was a point to touch since it has a direct role in the over all topic.

    Long story short, I think we mostly agree on this subject.

  4. Agreed. My niece is 13, and all of her friends have Facebook and Twitter, etc. She has a personal email account, still monitored by her parents. That's it. She doesn't spend her evenings parked in front of a computer.

    On a side note, isn't it a little easy to blame social media or computers? Stuff like this has always happened and likely will always happen. Computers have changed the means of transmission and speed for sure. Not that you were blaming computers for this but I think a lot of people act like if parents went back to the good old days of eating at the dinner table and what not, all would be well in the world. I think stuff like this will always happen and its more important for parents to help and teach kids how to deal with this stuff. I don't believe any legislation, parenting, or cultural revolution will ever fix children's, or adults for that matter, need to berate each other to the point of cruelty. But then I'm a pessimist.

  5. Thanks GandD I thought it was duty-free. The officer did tell me with a K1 it was duty free but said I had to wait for EAD. He just seemed confused all around.

    Oh and to answer you original question, I found this mentioning the form used to import:


    "5.6)... We were wondering if anybody could tell us where to enter the U.S. from Canada to get the proper work authorization stamp for her visa. We want to bring her car over.

    A..She can bring her car across the border as long as she can provide proof that it meets US emissions and safety standards for its model year. Contact the company's head office in Canada for a letter to that effect. Every border post will give your fiancee the I-94 form to complete and they will attach part of it to her passport. They might also be able to furnish her with her Employment Authorization card, although I'm not 100% sure. They should certainly provide her with the I-765 form to complete which is the application for employment authorization.

    (FAQ Note: see the link in the references section for info on bringing a car from Canada) "

  6. Thanks GandD I thought it was duty-free. The officer did tell me with a K1 it was duty free but said I had to wait for EAD. He just seemed confused all around.

    It might not be a bad idea to post a thread in the Canada forum talking about your experience obtaining the letter of compliance from Toyota. This is not discussed in too much detail which is a shame since it appears to be such an issue for some.

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