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  • Gender
  • State
    New York

Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    Naturalization (approved)
  • Place benefits filed at
    Local Office
  • Local Office
    New York City NY
  • Country
  • Our Story
    December 2013From the first time I saw my husband I knew I was going to marry him.(I really did) He messaged me on couchsurfing. A website where people who are traveling can meet other people to travel with or meet local people. He saw I was in Morocco traveling and messaged me and from that moment on I couldn't get enough of him. Luckily since I am a teacher I have an extensive amount of vacation time and it also helped living in NY so I can just get to JFK and take a direct flight to Casa and see him. So after meeting in Feb 2011 and 9 visits later, and AP for 5 months and 1 week. We finally got married November 7, 2013. Since his AP we never lived in NY but, we are now living in Miami and love it here! We will be starting a family soon and Hamid will start to work in the Spring. Life is good :)June 2014Hamid and I are doing great and we just had our BIG wedding in NY on June 15th and it was beautiful!! Hamid now works and got his Greencard. No more immigration stuff for 2 years! He is also planning his first trip back to Morocco in Sept.May 2015We are having a BABY November 2015!!!

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  1. Just bought a plane ticket to Morocco for next month!! :) So excited!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. little_dreamer


      well we left Marrakesh on a tour (we were in a group of 9- 4 friends from spain a young couple from england and us) in a hot van hahah 9 hours. We stopped all over, on our way through the atlas mountains and in to the saharah, we stopped at Ouarzazate, Zagora the place where they make films (forgot the name of the place) we went and rode camels to the sahara where we slept in berber tents for a night and rode camels back to the litle town and rove back stopping at the same places once more.....

    3. LivA


      Sorry I meant we have been to all those places you just mentioned.But we were wondering about Rabat. We never stopped there.Just passed it on our way to Tanger this past summer.

    4. LivA


      Sorry I meant we have been to all those places you just mentioned.But we were wondering about Rabat. We never stopped there.Just passed it on our way to Tanger this past summer.

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