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Status Updates posted by Wakey86

  1. Hey girl,how's the downsizing going?

  2. Today I turned 26! I thank God for bringing me this far. If anyone asks I'm 19,lol

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Olomi_811


      Happy belated birthday!!

    3. Jason and Shifa

      Jason and Shifa

      Happy belated birthday :)

    4. Wakey86


      Thanks Olomi & JasonandShifa :)

  3. Blessed early Sunday everyone- yeah,it's 00.17 hrs here. Funny question- we're trying to prepare all our evidence over 2 years just in case we're RFE'd..question is,because some of the Facebook chats are X-Rated,lol, are we supposed to include them or omit just the "bad" parts?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Wakey86


      Thank God! We didn't want to omit messages then it looks like blank periods of no talking...I'll remove the very bad ones and black out whatever else is too x-rated. On to sifting,lol

    3. Sarah & Todd

      Sarah & Todd

      My husband says if you make it too clean it may give the appearence that your relationship is far from realistic, LOL!!!

    4. Wakey86


      @ Sarah&Todd which parts should be left bare? My hubby can be quite the freak; I don't want to freak out the Consular Officers,lol...I guess 1st & 2nd base info is fine. Anything more descriptive will be blacked out...

  4. I hope you're doing well too...thanks for accepting the friend request :) Blessed Sunday.

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