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Mayi y Omar

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Status Updates posted by Mayi y Omar

  1. I was watching TLC that show that they have that is called Four Weddings. And I saw this lady have the ceremony infront of the river in new york it was beautiful.... Something small not big, with only family and close friend,, Or maybe just go to city hall get married and go on a nice honeymoon.... Wow that sounds much better

  2. I was watching TLC that show that they have that is called Four Weddings. And I saw this lady have the ceremony infront of the river in new york it was beautiful.... Something small not big, with only family and close friend,, Or maybe just go to city hall get married and go on a nice honeymoon.... Wow that sounds much better

  3. ellos tienen hasta 5 meses para verificar tu caso.... Ten fe k alomejor llega antes

  4. ellos tienen hasta 5 meses para verificar tu caso.... Ten fe k alomejor llega antes

  5. Zailyn.... Come te va todo??? Por fin que fue lo que le mandaste

  6. Did you get the message with the website of the weddings in New York

  7. Mijita.... Nos tienes a todos esperandote... Did you guys get approved

  8. I hope they give him some good news

  9. And its much better if you go with him...

  10. the fast he does this the better. I hope you will be there for the interview with him. Its better if you are like that you can help him fill out the docs that are inside of package as well that need to be filled in

  11. Once he has that in his hands. tell him to look inside of package and he will find a list of hospitals that he can go to.. Tell him to go to hospital and set an appt, results will be ready withing a month. So he needs to move quickly

  12. call the consulate in havana Phone: (53) (7) 833-3551 through 59... keep calling till you get someone or he can call... and tell them that you need to pick up package for his medical exam.. Do call for the interview date first. You dont need any information when you call for appt for package only name and date of birth of his.... Do call early in the morning they open at 8am call of those numbers

  13. how much was the interview, visa and examen medico

  14. my next question is did they ask alot of questions. And I dont own any properties all I have to show for is the last three yrs of taxes and I do make poverty jigamathing. I dont have a bank account, because my method is Cash only. will that affect me in some way

  15. and by the way I already picked out my wedding dress......LOL

  16. que chistosa, ayer corri around the block twice, and I thought I was going to dieeeee.... I need to loose 15lbs before sept 27, I need to I need to, en eso me entrengo yo....between you and me and who ever reads this, el estomago lo tengo mal, nada se me queda, todo lo boto.... Seran los nervios

  17. I am soooo happy for you guys..... You will have her here soon.... It was a long journey, but it is all worth it at the end

  18. But did you turn in your evidence package and affidavit

  19. wow.... Congrats my friend. Do put your story up the consolute review under your timeline, to share with everyone. My BF picks up his package on thursday to have medical exam and my interview is for Sept 27, so excited

  20. by the way how is evrything going in reference to ur fiance visa

  21. Ok. I just needed to share this with someone... happy happy happy happy happy happy... joy joy joy joy joy. feliz feliz feliz.... Can't stop smiling is there anything I can take for this. Your the nurse, let me know....lolololololo

  22. Call me chica Mayi 786-651-0147

  23. Try not to go through that whole ordeal of waiting for package and then sending it out. Call Consulate in Havana 53 78 333551 thru 59. He has to call not you and make appt to go pick up package for medical exam

  24. no es verdad.... Primero tienes que recibir la aprovacion de la visa, despues el numero de NVC HAV#, despues con ese caso tu puedes llamar y pedir la entrevista. En Cuba bastantes lenguas corren y ningunas son concreta recuerda tu estas aqui y aqui es donde se averigua correctamente.... www.usint.gov... hay muchas informacion ahi, cualquier cosa preguntame sin pena mi numero 786-651-0147 llamame

  25. Thank you Sarah....

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