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Mayi y Omar

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Status Updates posted by Mayi y Omar

  1. hope u r very happy together..... and dont b a stranger

  2. When will ur FIance arrive.... Hope u r very happy together

  3. I just noticed that they granted his libiration from work, thank god.....He will be here soon.....Sooo hapy for you

  4. I guess things dont work there like that

  5. mijita, why didnt he quit before

  6. now just sit and wait for the carta blanca, lo peor ya paso my.friend. Dont be a stranger once he is here....

  7. congratulationssssszzzz.... u must be happy as hell

  8. My day is getting closer...... So excited, I cant wait to have him here....

    1. julieta32


      i hear you girl. Time goes by fast thank goodness! I cant wait for tomi to get here too. Hopefully by thanksgiving :)

    2. Mayi y Omar

      Mayi y Omar

      I'm hoping ruth he same for Omar........

    3. JN8788


      hey I see you are ahead of me on this whole process.. my name is jany. our case just got approved and has to be sent to NVC. I was wondering what I'd do next.

  9. thank u , i wish u the best on ur journey

  10. i guess Omar wikl have to to San Jose because that is immigration office that is to his providence

  11. wow, hope u here something back soon

  12. i didnt know.they had to report back to immigration before leaving . they can go.to any immigration office or la embajada again

  13. orly... do ur timeline....

  14. congrats on ur onterview date

  15. congratsssss!!!!!!!!!!

  16. any word on ur review i say u pay them something to hurry this thong up for u.... its time already, people have gone after you and have received visa.... i say u call someone, and be what we like to say ”sata” and get some answers

  17. ??? did u apply for,ka carta blanca when they apptoved the visa or after she got her visa and where to u apply for it

  18. wow... did not notice that your fiance is here already (woops) so sorryyy... But I am nervouse, this is all sooo crazy,, dont know how you delt with it

  19. I see that you leave in Oregon.... I use to leave in Portland (near Belmont by the Fred Myers) Love Oregon, I would love to leave there again someday... The people are nice and its such a different life from Miami

  20. I do hope your fiance is here soon.... I am sure that you must be dying to have her here.

  21. And where do I apply for the Carta Blanca, can I do it from here or its better in Cuba

  22. He transfered his house to his moms name before doing anything

  23. But if you dont have any property what can be inspected

  24. By any chance can you explain to me something. My fiance needs la Carta Blanc to exit Cuba, even if he has no property, process should be quicker right??

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