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Status Updates posted by RFQ

  1. 6 days...insha'Allah 6 days. It doesn't feel real yet.

  2. I am FREAKING OUT! My brain is running things through so fast. Whats all this mean?

  3. Masha'Allah! Things are moving along for you and with Ramadan coming up... what better time to be finishing up this process isA.. My sincere duaas will be with you two

    1. Tuti & Baher

      Tuti & Baher

      :D Hi! Nothing yet for Us. How is your case? isA... You guys get that visa soon!! :)
  4. ZOMG! Today's the big day huh?? Best wishes and prayers

  5. Sometimes a good cry is in order.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. RFQ


      I'm on vacation-- by myself. Normally I am to busy to sit and dwell on the separation but with the quiet time, I had time to dwell on the missing part.

    3. RFQ


      but, alas, I am okay and life goes on :)

    4. ShirahBet


      Definitely, take the time to replenish yourself. Cries are good because they get toxins out of the system!

  6. Just saw your interview got bumped up earlier! Insha'Allah kheyr. Duas for you. I pray you have your visa in hand very soon

    1. Sarsoor


      Yup.. elhamdoallah! they moved it to the 27th of May instead of 17th of June! Thank you so much for your du'as dear :) :) I wish you get your visa very sooon!!!

  7. Thanks for checkin in on me :) We are 7 weeks in AP and counting-- Alhamdulillah always. Any update to your situation?

  8. Administrative Processing Immigrant Visa Case Number: CRO2012XXXX Case Creation Date:21-Aug-2012 Status Updated Date: 30-Apr-2013

    1. RFQ


      Touched again April 30... and the wait continues.

    2. Sarsoor


      How are things going so far? i hope you hear good news soon!!

  9. Well, I put in an email to the Senator in my area. I figure it can't hurt! C'mon Clair McCaskill! Earn your vote. :D

  10. Congratulations!!

  11. Best wishes tomorrow!

  12. Approved with AP (no reason given other than 'it just is')

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Tuti & Baher
    3. RFQ


      God bless you all and speed along your visa journeys.

    4. Ayman___


      Congrats hope it's over fast for us...The CO told Ayman it's mandatory even if everything is ok

  13. just hours away... not worried about hubby in the interview. Better him than me :) Plus he speaks English better than I do.... just worried about them. kheyr isA

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ismael&Blair


      Good luck...he will do well inshallah :)

    3. dwheels76


      Yes it is well and a done deal. I celebrate with you RFQ.

    4. RFQ


      9AM in Cairo-- 230AM here: DH called. They say they don't have the "original" marriage certificate. I told him, neither do we! The state keeps those. We have an official sealed and notarized document. /shrugs He said he is still waiting for the interview. I guess... I will try to sleep again?

  14. We are hours away... my stomach is in knots!

  15. RFQ

    LOL! Yep-- I figured out which one was you quite easily. I need to get some from our new game.

  16. RFQ

    Do you have a screenshot of you two in game? This on my profile is us before we knew there would ever be an 'us.'

  17. Congratulations on Case Complete! May you be blessed with a smooth and quick journey through the last process

  18. Happy 'us' Day! Ya Rabb, let this be the last anniversary apart.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tintin and Mike

      Tintin and Mike

      congrats and good luck on your journey! :)

    3. RFQ



      Thank you for the well wishes.

    4. Shoot Em Straight

      Shoot Em Straight

      God Bless on your interview!!! :)

  19. No interview schedule for you yet either? Waiting waiting...


  21. Ah! I just realized you are from Seattle. My husband went to City University and he really wants to move back there at some point. I'm a midwestern girl- not sure I can handle it!

  22. Prayers! I see you have an interview tomorrow. I wish you the best.

  23. Hallo! How are things?

  24. Hallo! I NVC filed in late January-- hopefully my case is heading to the Egypt Embassy in the next month.

    I hope you will update your progress :)

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