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Posts posted by Legaleagle

  1. well, that's kinda good news, right? Since it's not lost or anything.

    I know it sucks to wait but it's still good to know it's okay!


    geez.. why not just go to the post office ONCE a WEEK? You don't have to go every single day... but come on... up to 6 weeks ?

    Exactly my point! What are they getting paid for? It shouldn't be that hard to have someone go to the post office ONCE a week!!! Or when the Post man comes to deliver packages just give the generated packages to him!!! Come on!!!

    Whatever----this is just teaching me how to be patient-so I'll stop complaining.

    "Iceyspots'-thanks for responding though :D

  2. I just spoke to someone from NVC and he informed me that even though the bill was GENERATED on April 3rd it may not have been mailed yet because they "try to avoid going to the post office everyday and instead wait until they accumulate several hundred packets and send them all in a batch"; he said normally it will take between 2-4 or 6 weeks before I receive it after its generated. :o So I guess all I can do is wait and be patient. Hope this helps anyone of you who are still waiting on the IV bill.

    I guess we pay them to do what is convenient for THEM and we just have to suffer the pain of waiting.

  3. HI,

    I understand your frustration. I also went through this frustration of waiting for the IV bill. It took almost 5 weeks for it to get to my husband. Anyway Now I am waiting for the interview date since March 3.

    Hang in there it will be there with you soon.


    FIVE weeks!!!? :o Oh my goodness-that's scary!!! Thank God you passed that hurdle though. Well hopefully you won't be waiting much longer for your interview date. Regards,


    Hi Rose,

    I'm sooo sooo sorry to hear about the drama you're going through will the birth certificate. That's crazy!!! I know it hurts to know that that one piece of document is holding everything up.

    Thanks for your encouraging words. I can't sleep, concentrate or stay happy--this entire process has been going on too long (from California Service Center issues to this)--but as you said-"time will pass". Thank you.


  4. I just need to vent my frustration. :crying: The IV bill was generated on April 3rd and I still haven't received it in the mail as yet!! I'm sooo anxious and frustrated. Why in the world would they take so long to put the thing in the mail after they generate it? What are they doing---staring at it? Come on!!! Each day that passes is one more day that I'm not with my husband. I'm tired of this #######.

    Why don't they send you ALL the bills at once-you pay them and then they send you ALL the packets at once, you send them back; they enter them in the system and close the case? That would save sooo much PRECIOUS time and families can get to be together sooner. That sounds much better than to be playing tag with the mail.

    This is ridiculous!!!!!! :angry:

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