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  1. got the Spanish police check back today. Now have to get it translated.

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    2. Sunshine25


      Hi Sara, I'm getting it translated by a professional, with a stamp and a letter and costing £52! I read on the embassy website it has to be done like that. I also had to get my sons birth certificate done too. Good job the actual police certificate only cost 3.54 euros!. Pretty cheap compared to the cost of the English one! While we are waiting for 'packet 3' to arrive we are gathering all our information together.

    3. Sunshine25


      Hi Sara, I'm getting it translated by a professional, with a stamp and a letter and costing £52! I read on the embassy website it has to be done like that. I also had to get my sons birth certificate done too. Good job the actual police certificate only cost 3.54 euros!. Pretty cheap compared to the cost of the English one! While we are waiting for 'packet 3' to arrive we are gathering all our information together.

    4. sara80


      thank you for your info - in italy is a bit more pricey but cheaper than the english one, altho it looks more "professional", my italian one is a photocopy - stamped and signed and all in original - but compared to the UK one looks pretty "cheap"!! I'm gonna see if the italian consulate in Edinburgh will do the translation for me, fingers crossed they do and its cheap. i still haven't got the noa2 yet but gathering some stuff already. It can't come soon eno...

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