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Status Updates posted by GodsGift225

  1. 3:00 IT IS!!!!!! Wiiiipppeeeeee!!!



      Congrats.. I'm stuck till 4 :( but yaay for you :)

    2. GodsGift225


      Thanks!! I thought it would have been 4 too but I guess he is having a good day!

  2. Good Morning All!!! Feeling a little on the Blue side today, Overall I'm Thankful for yet other day and amazing people! On the other side, Hoping my boss lets us out early today as 2morrow is July 4! Not doing nothing exciting as rain is expected! Anyways....Have a Great and Safe Holiday Everyone..Let the bbq being!



      I understand that feeling. Seems like time was so slow making it to the end. But you are going to be just fine. Find a funny movie and call your husband...you will light right up again! :D

    2. GodsGift225


      That indeed is a very good thing to do,But sometimes this situation gets the best out of you along with any other problems you maybe going threw. But looking on the brighter side, soon it will be over and then we can just smile at the situations.

  3. Good Morning ALL!!! Its looking like another hot bubbling friday summer day!! Keep cool New Yorkers and Great wknd to all!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. GodsGift225


      Ughh!!! I could hardly breath especially with a stuff nose!!

    3. Kaskada


      Have a good weekend :D

    4. GodsGift225


      Thanks kaskada you too

  4. Go to this website and follow the instruction http://www.dos.ny.gov/corps/apostille.html

  5. Best of luck hun!! Bring your man home!!!!!! Visa aprovada!!!!!!!

  6. Good morning VJers, Hope y'all had an amazing wknd!!! Wishing my girl Sanchez525 the best of luck at her interview today!!




    2. perez525


      Thanks my love!!!! Todo salio bien gracias a sus oraciones!!!!

  7. I have a stupid summer cold, and this 100 degree weather isn't helping!!! To top it of AC is broken at work!!! really??? Thank God for my Ice coffee which is no longer "Ice coffee" as my ice is melting.. =-/

    1. StephanieM


      is it HOT today!!! That's for sure!

    2. GodsGift225


      Omg yes girl is horrible out there

  8. Thanks for the add... Good luck on your journey!!

  9. Thinking about all the positive things that God, may have in store for us, looking forward to possibly spend those most sadden holidays that we all are like damn xmas comes and goes and I haven't spend one with him...lol

  10. LOL... Yeah.... I'm actually keeping my mind busy by, fixing up the apartment having it more homie, for this arrival si Dios quiere. I kind of want time to fly but then again I don't cause August in my daughter 5th bday, as she starts school few days later... But then is one month closer to maybe getting my good news of NOA2.lol..

  11. You're Welcome! I know you got this!!! lol... As for me yes keeping my fingers cross as I'm looking at IR1/CR1 timeline at VSC and I'm seeing those approval in like 102days so I'm hoping that's in a couple more months god willingly!

  12. As your days start approaching, I want to start wishing you the best of LUCK!!! Go in there POSITIVE, and with the POSITIVE attitude. God has something awesome waiting for you! If I don't speak with you have safe flight, enjoy your trip! & hope to hear the famous words that everyone wants to hear "su visa asido approvada"!!!!!!

  13. Welcome and good luck!

  14. Good Morning VJers, Hope you all had an enjoyable and relaxful wknd. Happy Monday!!!


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. GodsGift225


      Gracias Chica, I will be keeping myself busy have me a few copitas de vino...lol....

    3. In<3
    4. In<3
  16. Ohhh yeah i hear you, But don't wait to long keep in mind the kiddies get out of school in the next few wks, and you know the airlines love to raise them flight up seen the season for the kids to travel to DR is from June-Sept. Keep checking Jetblue in the night time( midnight) and do cheapticket.com, kayakflights.com. As far as with me everything is good,Just waiting..There nothing else to...

  17. Hey chica, How is it coming along? Did you find a flight yet?

  18. Keep me posted, and double check that list, check it twice, three and many more time make sure you have everything!!! be very organized if you need any help, holla at me!!! and hopefully you should be good

  19. Ay Nena from your mouth to God's ears.... God willingly it will be like that. On the other note, We should def. plan a nice reunion with the DR Crew after everyone one of us have settle down with our loved once and they have found jobs... And of course the approvals and visa on hand....

  20. I'm more then ready, I'm focus, and have been mentally preparing myself for just about everything. Just waiting on that NOA2 to finish this inning, and move on the the next inning.

  21. And yes, I'm almost there, I have a great amount of faith that it could be Adjust. anywhere from Aug or Sept. God is Good, and he hear each and everyone of our prayers. I'm acutally just getting little bills out the way, and saving some spending money for when hubby comes he can have something to works with until he settle in and get a job todo en su tiempo.

  22. Oh ok 10 Day + Hanging out= lots of Presidentes, beaches, and fun!!! can't get any better then that!!! Y tu vera que asi sera Dios es muy grande y poderoso!! It will give you some time to get everything ready for when he comes. and save some $$$ you know.

  23. Well believe it chica, Your time to shine is finally here!!!! Well almost lol.... Just go in there with God first over all, and of course positivity is the key! I know we all will be hearing the good new that su visa asido approvada!!!!!

  24. AHHHHHH!!!! I can feel the excitement from my end!!! How long you're going for? In the event you are approved are you planing on coming back with him? Or is he going to need sometime to give notice @ his job, family etc...

  25. Days are getting closer for you.... OMG are you just about ready? Do you have just about everything ready and gather up.

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