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Posts posted by Tough_Era

  1. It's ok I know English is not your first language. Just trying to help you learn something new :) BTW that was Sandanista's daughter.

    i didn't expect a friend like you would mock at me and get out of the subject and I was trying to go back to the topic and not talking deep about that word.. we wasted time and time is priceless.. but it's ok i forgive ya. ;)

  2. "Arabic" used as a noun means the language (as in "Do you speak Arabic ?"); otherwise, you need to use it with a noun. Hence the responses you are getting. It seems you mean to talk about "Arabs," not "Arabic" - or you could say "Arabic people."

    I forgot to write ARABIC PEOPLE.. that's all.

    But nobody corrected it.. but taking advantage to mock at someone who wants to talk about something important than this wasted talk.

    didn't want to get out of this subject. but you talked about how hard it's for you daughter to write Arabic language etc..

    Wait, what?

    I thought we were talking about Arabic?

    Back to that hard "h" sound. Frehhhhhhhhhhhk. It hurts. I just want some doggone chicken, I don't like the pain of trying to get the word out, ya know?

    I'm so sorry if you didn't understand what i wrote and i was talking about in the post.

  3. If you wanna go back to the original topic I would be happy to discuss as a French christian married to an American jew. (F)

    I was raised christian catholic and no longer am. I believe in something and respect all religions. My view is that everyone should be able to practice their religion in peace, and not judging others. Unfortunately my happy ideal world doesnt exist and extremist christian are threatening to enter the white house, extermist jews are discriminating against other jews in israel, and so called muslims are trying to force the whole world to follow their views.

    While the movie that triggered the riots is totally condemnable the world should firmly and strongly condemn the reactions which lead to the death of four people in the US embassies, and the riots that are still going on.

    People who ridiculise one religion are idiots and certainly not smart people, but as always when dealing with total idiots the best is to just ignore them. Those reactions will lead to even more hate agains muslims who already are victim of the actions of a few.

    There is however a real danger worldwide with salafist/ obscur links with terrorist organizations who claim to be muslims and those need to be fought. It is a very tricky situation where one should try to fight against hate while not focusing this hate against moderate muslims.

    I am very confused. When the Christ is ridiculised in so called art works called piss christ i dont like it. I think its a shame people dont respect Jesus. But I just don't go see the exhibition...I m not gonna kill the stupid artist who did it. its called freedom of speech. Fine. I don't care. But when crazy christian threaten to make abortion illegal in the US or I don't know what else, it scares me, because my freedom as a christian woman to abort is threatened.

    It is the same with the arab riots: a minorty of #######, whose anger is in reality not at all linked to the prophet muhammad caricatures or the movie, try to make law for the rest.

    Religion can be guiding when practiced in private, and if I dont mind expression of the practice in public space (kippa, hijab, crosses) it shoudl be limited to the strict minimum.

    There is one thing in common to all religious extremism: those people are often poor, easily manipulated and not really clever. It is then easy for a minorty of evil people to have a plan to go to war.

    Lets be lucid, what is happening right now is slowly leading us to a new war of religion.

    It scares me. I don't want that for my kid. And because I am an open minded educated person I read about Islam. I read some sourates. Islam is a beautiful religion. But if you read what the Coran says about the end of the world, you'd be surprised about the message. It says more or less that fake muslims will fill the mosquée while true believers will be persecuted. (correct me if i got it wrong..)

    Similar messages can be found in the Bible. Now it is not a question of believing or not in the sacred caracter of the Books. I believe however that some old wisdom can be found and that the people who wrote it knew it would one day become crazy and tried to warn us..

    It is in human nature...

    Anyways it is very sad, and while I respect all religions, i hope that true muslims will rise and condemn those attitudes in order to take back control of arab countries which are slwoly turning into islamic dictatures, and i don't think that is what people, especially women, wanted when the revolutions started.

    I try to be optimistic but as long as moderate religious people and non religious people wont unite against the power of hate and reliougious craziness, this world is doomed to me. Just my view.

    It's always good to see and understand people's point views..

    for me it's about actions not just know and understand something and not practice it.

    Arabic people practice only what they wanna.. we would have been living a perfect life if they were a bit just a bit like prophets.

    Lack of comprehension.

  4. i have no idea what you are saying here, or what it has to do with my comment.

    this, combined with arguing with a poster directly quoting an english dictionary over what kind of work arabian is full of win. do continue.

    my cousins have arabians. horses. they are commonly referred to by people who are into those kinds of horses as arabians. proper nouns are still nouns. but in the context you are using it, arabian would be an adjective.

    I win i lose i win i lose.. actually, I can't feel the victory without losing.. hahaha

    Arabian is just an Adjective.

  5. I'm not suprised at all of arabic people's behaviors nor the other races and religions who attack each other proving nothing worthy

    the religions and races war didn't just started and it won't finish of course.

    i just don't get it why people can't learn from others mistakes of previous nations.

    Simply they don't read any about history.. maybe some read but only their Islamic history.

    got tired of their attitudes for 100 years ago.

    that's a real shame when they kill innocent people when coran never said that..

    if they had strong beliefs and faith they would not forget what coran says.. they would not get angry so quick and easy of stupid thing from ignorant stupid people.

    in fact, they can't be 1 percent like prophets used to be.

    they won't be able to justify the reason to kill when they face god.

    I don't know what they're thinking themselves are when they act like beasts without using their tiny brains.. being violent is not a good idea.

    making it worse won't make god happy for sure, Doing this prove they're not true muslims for that worthless things they've done..

    i'm not proud of them at all.

    fate found them weak with previous anger and hate.

    mesiry makes them lose control so easy but that will not justify the reason to kill somebody innocent who has wife, kids etc..

    their circumstances turn them victim for ever thing they've done and this will not justify their reason to kill too.

    Fooling no one but themselves.

  6. We pay for the sins of those who have gone before us. It angers me to no end that my husband and I are still sitting in AP because of all of those others who have scammed and married people for green cards. My husband and I just want to be together and yet we still sit here waiting, for lord knows how long. This black hole of AP is sad and depressing. i just want my husband here so we can have a life :(:(:(:(:(

    Hey! how long have you been sitting in AP??

  7. I think those scammer ,cheaters that makes difficult the things for those couples that loves each other for real,it's hard to wait till we be together forever,but when u love someone everything will be possible in my case we have 4 years together and we love each other more each day,he got denial in k1 process,and we will get marry next month,we'll fight till the last moment to demonstrate us love is genuine

    If you don't mind asking you, What red flags you've got?

  8. Booyah! I can tell you were one of the headbangers back then, I attended most of the professional bands' shows here in Casa cept Paradise Lost and Sepultura even though their genres are gloomy, hostile, fiery, bitter, thuggy, but was interesting to experience their synchronizations and the neat sound systems that were reserved only for them. I bet you know Despotism, they're my neighbors and were my classmates, they got the 2007 L'boulvard prize, cheers for the Alice in chains tune Mr Zagray, used to be one of my fav. bands with Faith no more, Incubus, POD, Deftones, Limp Bizkit, ..etc mostly west coast bands and the woman to be my wife later is a pure cali girl, yey, despite us wearing the Yankee hats on my prof. photo LOL but in recent years im into mostly UK contemporary sound, such as Foals, Hot Chip, Chemical Brothers, if u ever heard of them.

    I never heard of Foals and hot chip.. check out this British band

  9. Aww that sounds painful! Did you impact the whole femur then from the top/bottom? That's a long split...

    Yeah, it was the hellish moments when i broke my bone, worst moment i lived in my life, including the absence of mom when she's gone.

    Well i always don't forget that we all have good days and bad one and we should learn how to stay positive no matter what and mind your mental health.. i know it's easy to say but is there any choice?? :)

    Some days i wake up and feel content with life, feel confident and relaxed about myself, Some days not, especially when the interview is soon, i don't like to think about it.. grrrrrrrrr

    I did ballet for 12 years. That's it!

    Oh i see!

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