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Posts posted by Tough_Era

  1. How fun! Do you have any videos of yourself break dancing? Were you ever good at popping or locking?

    Hi Julianna!

    Unfortunately, didn't record myself, and was not into popping nor locking but i think there's a video of one my birthday's friend when we used to breakdancing.. Everytime i think of it i sigh for that era of my life.. Now i feel old to do stuff i used to do.. :(

  2. I never knew you're a headbanger lol

    Hahahah, Life is full with surprises, isn't it ;) I had veeery long hair back then, and i used to go to Boulevard des Jeunes Musiciens, I went there four times in raw from 2005 to 2008, i saw some bands like Kreator, gojra, moonspell, paradise lost and so on.. and between 1998 to 2001 i used to be a Bboy "breakdancing".. i stopped after i broke my knee.. i broke my knee cause of bike not breakdance :).

  3. What's your spouse's full name?

    Has she used any other names?

    How many times have you met?

    When and how did you meet?

    When was the last time you were together?

    How long have you known each other?

    How long were you together the last time?

    How long were you together any other time(s)?

    What are the dates of the visits?

    Where does s/he live? Which city and state?

    What does she do for a living?

    Where does he/she work?

    What is him/his/her phone number?

    Do you know how long she has had this job?

    Did you have a wedding ceremony? Please describe your wedding ceremony.

    Are you planning to have a wedding at any time in the future?

    Questions about the pictures; when, where and who.

    Where will you live?

    Have you met his/her family?

    Where do his/her parents live?

    How do you communicate with your spouse?

    How do you keep in touch?

    What language do you use to communicate with your spouse?

    How many times do you two talk on the phone each month?

    Why did you want to marry him/her?

    Do you want children?

    What do your parents think about your marriage?

    Do you love him/her?

    What do you love about him/her?

    Does she own or rent his/her home?

    How much does s/he earn?

    Write his/her full name.

    How do you spell her maiden name?

    Do you have any relatives/friends in the US?

    Where do they live?

    What are your spouse's parents' names?

    Does your spouse have any brothers or sisters?

    What are their names?

    What are your spouse's hobbies and interests?

    What are your hobbies and interests?

    What do you have in common?

    Do you know if your spouse was married before? How many times?

    When did she divorce his/her ex-spouse/husband?

    Does she have any children?

    Were you married before?

    What is your spouse's religious background?

    Does your spouse speak and understand your language?

    Why do you want to come to the United States?

    Do you have children?

    Do you speak and understand your spouse's native language?

    Where and when were you engaged?

    What do you do for a living?

    Where do you work?

    What do you plan to do once you are in the US?

    Do you plan to work in the US?

    Do you plan to study in the US?

    What company does she work for and what is him/his/her title?

    What is his/her favorite food?

    Where did s/he work in the past and for how long?

    What color are your spouse's eyes?

    What color is your spouse's hair?

    Did you prepare the forms yourself?

    Which university did s/he graduate from?

    Which subjects has s/he studied?

    Have you been in the military?

    Who is the petitioner?

    Please tell me more about your spouse.

    Do you plan to stay in the U.S. forever?


    What is your date of birth?

    Where were you born?

    What type of VISA are you applying for?

    What do you do now?

    What do you do for a living?

    What are the daily duties within your household?

    Who contributes to the daily spending?

    Who is supporting me now?

    Have you lived in the USA before?

    What are your plans for when you are in the US?

    What is your husband name?

    What is his date of birth?

    Where was he born?

    Where did you meet your husband?

    When did you meet your husband initially?

    How did you meet your husband?

    How long have you known your husband for?

    Where does he work and what position does he hold?

    How much he is earning or what is the pay of your spouse?

    Which university did your husband attend?

    Does your husband have children? Have you met them?

    Does your husband live with you now? Why not?

    How are you in contact now when you are apart from each other?

    How did your relationship begin?

    Why did you decided to get married?

    Is your marriage registered?

    Where are you staying currently?

    How long has your spouse been in the USA?

    Have you met your husband’s parents?

    What are the names of your husband’s parents?

    Does your husband have any brothers or sisters? Have you met them?


    K-1 Visa Interview Questions

    Location* Question

    Germany How long do you know your fiance?

    Germany How did you meet?

    Germany Have you ever been to the US?

    Germany When is the last time you have seen your fiance?

    Germany When will you leave for the US?

    Hong Kong (China) When did we meet in person?

    Hong Kong (China) When did my fiance propose?

    Hong Kong (China) Why was my fiance's first marriage not working out?

    Hong Kong (China) Does my fiance have any kids? How many, how old, who do they live with?

    Hong Kong (China) When did my fiance divorce?

    Hong Kong (China) What is my fiance's birthday?

    Hong Kong (China) What is my birthday?

    Hong Kong (China) Does my fiance's have any brothers and sisters?

    Hong Kong (China) Do I have any brothers and sisters?

    Hong Kong (China) Where do my fiance's parents live?

    Hong Kong (China) What does my fiance do for a living?

    Hong Kong (China) Where does my fiance live?

    Hong Kong (China) Where was he born?

    Hong Kong (China) What do I love about my fiance?

    Hong Kong (China) When am I going to leave?

    Hong Kong (China) When are we going to have the wedding?

    Hong Kong (China) Have I ever applied for a traveling visa?

    Hong Kong (China) Where did my fiance visit when he was here?

    K-3 Visa Interview Questions

    Location* Question

    Canada Where did you meet?

    Canada Has he been to Canada?

    Canada Have you ever lived in the USA?

    Canada Where does he work and what position does he hold?

    Canada How did you meet?

    Canada Where did you meet the first time?

    Canada How long have you known each other?

    Canada What does he do for a living?

    Canada What do you do for a living?

    Canada Does he have children? Have you met them?

    K-4 Visa Interview Questions

    Location* Question

    Canada Have you met your step dad?

    Canada What does he do?

    Canada Does he have children? Do you know how old they are?

    Adjustment of Status Questions

    Location* Question

    Various Name and address.

    Various Name and Date of Birth of Spouse.

    Various When and where did you meet your spouse?

    Various Describe this 1st meeting.

    Various Did you make arrangements to meet again?

    Various Did you exchange phone numbers?

    Various When did you meet next?

    Various Where were you living at the time? Where was your spouse living?

    Various When did you decide to get married? Where were you at the time?

    Various Did you live together before marriage?

    Various When and where did you get married? How did you and your spouse get to the church, courthouse, etc.?

    Various Who were the witnesses to the ceremony?

    Various Did you exchange wedding rings?

    Various Where had you purchased these rings? Did you and your spouse purchase them together?

    Various Did you have a reception after the ceremony?

    Various Where was it held?

    Various Do you have any photos of the ceremony and /or reception?

    Various Describe the reception.

    Various Did any of your, and your spouse’s, family members attend? If so, who?

    Various Did you go on a honeymoon? If so, when and where?

    Various If you did not have a reception, what did you do after the wedding ceremony?

    Adjustment of Status Questions Continued...

    Location* Question

    Various Where did you live after the wedding?

    Various Describe the place where you lived right after the marriage. Number of bedrooms and bathrooms; furnishings; color of walls, floor coverings, appliances, etc; type of air conditioning, heating, etc; # of telephones, televisions, etc. Do you have cable television?

    Various Where did you get the furniture? Was it already there, did you buy it, was it a gift, or did it come from your, or your spouse’s, previous residence?

    Various If brought to the house or apartment, describe how it was transported.

    Various Describe your bedroom. Where do you keep your clothes? Where does your spouse keep his or her clothes? Where are the bathroom towels kept? Where do you keep the dirty clothes?

    Various Where is the garbage kept in the kitchen?

    Various On what day of the week is the garbage picked up?

    Various Where do you shop for groceries? Do you go together with your spouse? How do you get there?

    Various Where do you work? What days of the week do you work?

    Various What hours do you work? What is your salary?

    Various What is your telephone # at work?

    Various When was the last vacation you had from work?

    Various Did you and your spouse go anywhere together at that time?

    Various When was the last vacation you and your spouse took together?

    Various Where did you go? How did you get there? Describe it.

    Various Where does your spouse work? What days of the week? What hours? What is the salary, if you know?

    Various What is your spouse’s telephone # at work?

    Adjustment of Status Questions Continued...

    Location* Question

    Various When was the last time your spouse got a vacation from work?

    Various Do you or your wife have any scars or tattoos? If so, where on the body?

    Various Do you know your spouse’s family members? If so, which ones? If your spouse has children from a previous marriage, their names, ages, where they live, and where they go to school, if applicable.

    Various Where do you live now? (If different from where you lived right after the marriage, then go over the same questions as above). How much is the rent? When is it paid? How do you pay it?

    Various Do you have a bank account together? Where? What kind of account? (Checking, savings).

    Various Are both of you listed on the account? (Do you have a bank letter, cancelled checks, etc.?)

    Various Did you file a joint tax return this year? Do you have a copy with you?

    Various Do you own any property together? What property? Did you bring copies of the documents with you?

    Various What kind of automobile do you and your spouse have? Describe them.

    Various Do you have an insurance policy listing your spouse as the beneficiary? If so, do you have a copy?

    Various Have you taken any trips or vacations together? Do you have photos from these trips?

    Various Do you have any utility bills, or receipts from items you have purchased together?

    Various What other documentation do you have to show that you are living together as husband and wife?

    Various Do you have any pets? What kind, what are their names, and describe them?

    Various What did you do for Christmas, New Year’s, your anniversary, or you or your spouse’s last birthday? Did you exchange gifts? If so, what kind of gift?

    Various Did you or your spouse go to work yesterday? If so, at what time did you and/or your spouse leave the house and return?

    Various Who cooks the meals at the house?

    Various What is your spouse’s favorite food? What is your favorite food?

    Adjustment of Status Questions Continued...

    Location* Question

    Various Does your spouse drink coffee? If so, does he or she use cream and/or sugar?

    Various Did you eat dinner together last night? Did anyone else have dinner with you? What did you have?

    Various What time was dinner served? Who cooked it?

    Various Did you watch TV after dinner? What shows did you watch?

    Various At what time did you go to bed? Who went to bed first?

    Various Did you have the air conditioning or heater on?

    Various Who woke up first this morning? Did an alarm clock go off?

    Various Did you or your spouse take a shower?

    Various Did you come to the interview together? Who drove?

    Various Did you have breakfast? Where and what did you eat?


    What is your fiancée’s name?

    Where does she live?

    Where does she work?

    When was she born?

    How did you meet her?

    When did you meet her?

    When did you become engaged?

    What made you decide to use the internet to find her?

    Is she divorced?

    What is her ex-husband's name?

    When did she get divorced?

    How long were they together?

    Does she have children?

    How many?

    What are their names?

    How old is she?

    When was she born?

    How long has she been working for XYZ?

    Have you met her parents?

    Have you talked to them on the phone?

    Do they approve of your relationship?

    Does your family approve of your relationship?

    When was your fiancée party?

    Who was there?

    Was any of her family there?

    Why weren't they there?

    Where did you have the fiancée party?

    Why didn't she bring her children?

    What religion is she?

    What is your religion?

    When did she visit you?

    How long did she stay each visit?

    What do you do for work?

    How do you communicate with her?

    How many times a day do you talk to her on the phone?

    She asked for the emails.

    She asked to see the pictures.

    Why does she only have one dress?

    Why are all of the pictures with her just in one dress?

    Where is she from

    What does she do

    When is her birthday

    What did you send her

    When was she here

    Did you have an engagement ceremony

    Where do her parents live

    Where does her brother live

    What does he do

    What is her parents address

    What does your wife do?

    What do you do?

    Who are the people in the pictures?

    What did you send to your wife?

    What did she send to you?

    How many times was your wife married?

    What are the names of her ex-husbands?

    When was her last divorce?

    When did you meet your wife?

    When were you married?

    What were the exact dates of your wife’s visit?

    Does your wife have children?

    How many and what are their names?

    Where do your wife's parents live?

    What did you do when your wife was in Morocco?

    Where was the wedding?

    Do you talk to women online?

    How to you talk to your wife?

    When did you meet your wife

    Were you talking to a lot of women on the net

    What do you and your wife talk about on the phone

    Do you have family in the US

    How many times has your fiancée been married

    How many times has your fiancée been divorced

    Who has custody of the children

    Where do your wife’s ex husbands live

    Will you be a good father to her child(ren)?


    Who is the petitioner?

    Where and How did you meet?

    When and where did you marry ?

    Do you have any photos of the ceremony? (I showed her the pictures)

    Identify your parents in law in the pictures?

    Did you go for a honeymoon?

    Do you have honeymoon pictures? (I showed her the pictures)

    Where does he work and what position does he hold since when?

    Did you work? Where?

    How long he has been in the USA? How did he go to USA?

    What college did he go to in USA

    Where does he live in the USA? What is the time difference between your country and his?

    How long he has been in the current address?

    Were you or your husband married before this marriage?

    What's your husband's parents' name?

    Do you plan to work in the U.S and what position?

    What is your educational qualification?

    Who came from US for your wedding?

    Does your husband have any siblings? If yes what are the names?


    -What does your fiance love most about Morocco?

    -Where has she worked in the past?

    -What did her jobs entail?

    -Where does she live?

    -She was afraid to come to Morocco at first, what changed her mind about coming?

    -What do you and your fiancee have in common?

    -What was the last movie you watched together?


    1 - Where did you meet your fiance?

    2 - When was the first time that you met her?

    3 - How many times did she visit and when?

    4 - How long did she stay each time she visited?

    5 - Why just 2 weeks each visit?

    6 - What does your fiance do for a living?

    7 - What did your fiance do before for work?

    8 - What if her profession?

    9 - How many brothers/sisters does she have?

    10 - What are here brothers/sisters names?

    11 - Which sibling is the oldest/youngest?

    12 - Where does she live now and where did she live before?

    13 - What did your fiance study at university?

    14 - What did her sister study at university?

    15 - What is her mother's name?

    16 - What state does her mother live in?

    17 - Why didn't you get married in Morocco?

    18 - Why did you decide to do a K-1 Visa?


    My name

    My age

    Names of my parents

    Names of my brother and sisters

    What I do for work

    What work I did in the past

    Where do I live and how long have I lived there

    Did I live in another town before that

    What work did he do when he lived in Italy

    Has he ever lived any other places besides Italy and Tunisia

    When and how we met

    How long have we known each other

    When did we get married

    How much time did we spend together

    Where was he living when he asked me to marry him

    Why did we decide to get married on our first meeting

    Why didn’t I come to visit him more than just once

    Wow! This is a huge collection than the one i have :), thank you so much.

  4. I thought this sounded super-sketchy myself, so I read it to my (Moroccan) husband to see what he thought.

    He rolled his eyes and said that we Americans take things out of context a lot and that he was probably saying that by the time he is 40, they will have so many years together that she will be family and as precious and important as a sister, mother, and grandmother. He said that most likely it just means he'd never think of leaving her because of that bond and relationship.

    I don't know how realistic that would be-- at least for me!-- but will refrain from judging what I don't know.

    Zagray, here's some more advice:

    1. Try to think of the interview as a conversation with a good friend who has come to Morocco and doesn't know about your fiancee. Tell stories. The more stories you can tell about each other: whether it's about how you met, funny interactions, or stories as a way to answer questions, the better off.

    For example, when Y was interviewed, they asked "how did you two meet?" He could have said "we met through a mutual friend who worked with my wife," and been done. But instead, he said "Well, my friend, who worked with K, was invited to dinner for taco night at K's house with her roommates. I was in town from Italy, so I came along with him. The two of us started talking after dinner and we just hit it off, so we decided to see what happens."

    The CO laughed about "taco night," and seemed to think it was a sweet story.

    2. Don't lie. I heard a story here once about a CO asking if his family approved, and then if his family knew that his fiancee was divorced. He said yes. The CO then called his father on the phone right there and then and asked if he knew about the fiancee being divorced. The interviewee's father didn't, so he was denied for lying.

    3. Don't just memorize answers without context or a story. They can tell if you literally prepped and memorized without knowing context. I think it's better to say "Oh, I don't know what her mother does for a living, to be honest. I know she used to be a nurse and retired for a few years, and she's doing something in a hospital part-time, but I don't know what" than it is to say "she's a patient relation specialist at the ER" but have no context. I also have heard of COs asking for things like the name of the fiancee's middle school. Who, in their right mind, would know the name of their partners' middle school unless there was a really compelling story behind it? In that case, I think it would be more of a red flag for someone to rattle off the name of a middle school than it would be to say, "I don't know. I know she moved around a lot as a kid, so she was probably in Florida or Texas but I don't know the name of the school" or "somewhere in Syracuse, New York because she spent her whole life there."

    4. Respect the COs. They do their jobs and they might seem or be harsh... but their goal is to protect American citizens. Think about it: you might not be doing this for fraud... but it's very common for men from MENA and other places to target bigger older divorced women for a green card. If you love your fiancee, try to think of the CO as just trying to protect her and doing their jobs. They aren't out to get you unless you've done something wrong. They're trying to keep Americans from having to go through heartbreak and heartache.

    Good luck.

    I read your post 3 times.. and i will read it so many times.. i like it so much cause the way you explained things is awesome.. I understood how to pass the interview.. so i'll have to tell my story naturally and not just answering the question like a robot. :)

    I'll be extra honest.

    Thank you so so much.

  5. I saw this coming (alot of other snide remarks in other threads against age difference in marriage and peoples religious choices) and never understood the hate that this member harbored when MENA had nothing to do with her journey. Ever.

    Erika u feel like cool people :yes:

    I really hope people have more patience with the differences of others.....

    Have fun at CASABLANCA...I only liked the Mosque by the ocean there :star:

    BTW the lady dr was a nice choice if you still have not made an appointment!

    Yeah, i have been told to choose the lady Dr.

    So you didn't like anything else in Casablanca, only Mosque??

  6. By the way, Zagray, in one of your posts (can't find it now) you had mentioned how your soon-to-be wife will become more like a sister to you after the point when she reaches a certain age. Sounds like a demotion from wife status. Does she know about this ?

    Yeah i told her once that she's my will be my wife, sister, daughter, mom.. i will love her as wife, respect her as a sister and take care of her and give her the love she needs and spoil her as my daughter and she means a lot to me as mom, She's one of my family, my half, she's the closet human to me than anyone else.. cause none of us can hate, disrespect or get rid of one of your family, siblings, dad or mom. but the wife is someone more.. I hope you got what i'm trying to explain ;).

  7. So what?

    She hates a specific religion and race.. she harmed people's beliefs.. She offended some people here by describing them as disgusting thing to sleep with since they're old and chubby.. because i told the truth about how my fiancee is and how old she's.. So. she took advantage of what i wrote here to harm me with her words than helping me instead.. and that's not good at all cause we're not here to harm people and she attacked me when i needed only a help under this topic.. She doesn't even know me and i don't know why she acted like that.

    This topic is about to know the tricky question i may be asked by the interviewer.. But she mocked at me with one of her post instead.

  8. Oh well, I tried Zagray. It attacked us and yet one of her sick posts got to stay...never had my posts removed anywhere. Guess i have a lot to learn lol Anyway, I am blocking from now on.

    One of my thread has been deleted a long ago it reached to more than 700 replies i think in less than 4 days.

    and this Romanian lady's sick person.. and she got what she was looking for.

    SO, what do you mean by you're blocking from now on??

  9. ***** Many (over 30!) posts removed for personal attacks and derogatory language, or quoting same. One user thread banned and further admin action taken. Moderators cannot read every thread on VJ. When you see personal attacks, derogatory language or anything else against TOS, please use the Report button at the bottom left of every post and the next available moderator will deal with it *****

    Hey ma'am!

    That Romanian should delete that video..

    it's offensive video..

    She hates Arabic people and its religion ISLAM..

    She attacks this religion cause she's ignorant

    She's a racist.

    and maybe she's an unbeliever, with no beliefs, Empty soul with no knowledges.

  10. It is not worth giving this poster the spot light...concentrate on what your need for your interview!!! GOD will show others their wrong ways. :yes:

    Did you find anyone to practice your English with???

    Oh sorry if i didn't reply.. i didn't see 3 posts.. i don't know how come i missed them..

    I will not bother myself to look for someone who may help to practice English with me... it's ok.. i'll practice it more only with fiancee.. there would be no better. ;)

  11. i wish u good luck inshaalah

    god inshaalah will be with u in this day

    u have to know all things about her daughter they will ask u too much things about her

    school hoobie her friends birthday her relation with her ex father

    u have to know all small little things like if she have one day issue with her mom or father they will ask u more question about the daughter than u r wife

    they did this with my friends

    his wife was 44 and he was 20 his wife have son they asked him about his hobies which team he play his friends

    all things

    they will try to know if u have real relation or not

    be prepared

    the most important thing is to show theme u know all about your fiancee her family and life

    i wish u good luck


    Thank you very much.. I appreciate everything you said.



    Yep, I agree ;). I don't know what she's been through but she seems a hater.

  12. I was not implying that you personally used this software or some other means. I am saying: if your spoken English is so weak that you can't complete the interview in a convincing manner - while the written English in your correspondence is passable or even fluent - the consulate may suspect something. You don't want that.

    Of course the consulate understands that people may feel shy or self-conscious or nervous in the interview. Many people feel this way. But you really really want them to understand that you are indeed able to communicate well with your fiancee in spoken conversations.

    So as has been advised by several people here already, get all the practice in speaking that you can, so that you can show them that yes, you can speak English well enough - and then it will not be a red flag. You don't have to speak perfect English - the consulate does not expect that. You can even ask them to repeat questions or explain a word you didn't understand. Just keep practicing your conversational skills, and you will become much more comfortable at it. Good luck ! :thumbs:

    You really did encourage me. i'll not be scared of the interviewer.. I'm just scared i may not convince him when i'm truly true., and don't want to make fiancee disappointed cause she counts on me. :(

    I'll practice English in the last 15 days before the interview comes.. Thank you so much.

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