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    Tithen got a reaction from didopage in I need immediate help please!!   
    yes they did. haven't cashed the check yet, but they accepted it.
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    Tithen got a reaction from Angel012110 in I need immediate help please!!   
    yes they did. haven't cashed the check yet, but they accepted it.
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    Tithen got a reaction from Angel012110 in I need immediate help please!!   
    Packet guaranteed in California by 3pm Monday. And now.. we wait... again.
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    Tithen got a reaction from CanGirl in Going to miss Canada   
    I miss the health care. I miss the easy math conversion. I miss certain kinds of food. And I miss my family.
    I don't miss being poor and eating KD and spaghetti with just sauce. Or having to eat Mr Noodle rather than wanting it because it's terrible and oh so good.
    I used to be a phone call from home. "Hey, can I come home?" and someone would show up at my door when I got off work. Now it takes months of planning to get there (I'm about to hit my 3 year moving here mark and I've only been home twice).
    I left a metro city, for a smaller one. Since moving here I've lived in towns with 2000 people, 2 million people, 100k people. I just adjust.
    All in all I like living here. I'm happier than I was when I lived in Canada as a whole. And I miss my cousins who were just 7 and 8m old when I left. But when I go home everything picks up just like I'd never been away (the midnight phone calls from the little one who is now 4 sobbing because I'm leaving even though I JUST got there are both heartbreaking and hilarious). I love my husband, and his son. And I wouldn't trade him for anything, not even free healthcare.
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