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Posts posted by faith

  1. Is anyone planning on getting a 3D sonogram???

    I've had one already at 20 weeks. I get another next week at 32 weeks :) My doc's office does them and my insurance pays for them.

  2. ok can I have some beer now? I just went through six pages of nothing but pure #######.


    which one ya want :P

    make mine a Guinness

    that would be this one then:


    haven't had me one of those in awhile.......note to self....go to the Pub on Friday.

    I haven't had anything to drink since October!!!! I've already made my note to self to have one once I deliver!

    alright sister faith. one shirley temple coming your way

    aw, it is over..time to drink up

    Pass the tequila Bro Dean... :lol::thumbs: I love these end of thread drinkies.... :D

    here you go..only got cheap sh!t though..pepe lopez..pedroh dropped in earlier..

    thanks dean. I guess that will have to do till then :P

    9 weeks to go, right Faith?!

    I'll come to the hospital with a minibar :P

    yep... I'm 31 weeks now so that leaves about 9 weeks to go.

    ooh hospital drinking party huh? :P give me at least 3 hours warning so I can pump so the baby can eat while I'm boozing it up!

  3. ok can I have some beer now? I just went through six pages of nothing but pure #######.


    which one ya want :P

    make mine a Guinness

    that would be this one then:


    haven't had me one of those in awhile.......note to self....go to the Pub on Friday.

    I haven't had anything to drink since October!!!! I've already made my note to self to have one once I deliver!

  4. one night in chat, we decided to see what message would pop up if you were on ignore...like 'you are on ignore' or something. But it only says 'the person has disabled private messages' or something to that effect.

    Hahahah, that was a pretty fun experiment...we need to get lives, lol

    We had fun though Lisa..... :P

    We've had some really fun experiments like that with people from the message boards that I own. One time we decided to see if you can in theory have unlimited people on 3way calling. Yanno it works? As long as everyone has three way you can have one heck of a conference call!

    (I had WAY too much time on my hands while the hubby was not here yet!)

  5. Ok, you know what, If the people who have never made a racist comment on here before, I apoligize. I didn't not intend to offend the non offenders.

    The Offenders, I meant what I said.

    Thank you! That's mighty big of you & I appreciate it.

    Now let that be water under the bridge...

    That sounds like a JimInLove apology.

    Does it? Why?

    I was serious tho!

    A JimiInLove apology: "If i offended anyone legit im sorry......if i offended you phonies so what."

    A lostinlove228 apology: "If the people who have never made a racist comment on here before, I apoligize. I didn't not intend to offend the non offenders. The Offenders, I meant what I said."

    Very similar. Neither is a true apology.

    the apologies are almost more offensive than what they originally said

  6. one night in chat, we decided to see what message would pop up if you were on ignore...like 'you are on ignore' or something. But it only says 'the person has disabled private messages' or something to that effect.

    Hahahah, that was a pretty fun experiment...we need to get lives, lol

    why would we wanna get lives?? :lol:

    *scratches head* I heard they're cool :P

    i dunno.. last time I had a life I had to go here and there and never got to relax. It kinda sucks really. (Thinking of this month... man I'm booked up. Kids having sports and band, bbq's and parties. I'm gonna need a serious nap in June!)

  7. Hey ET - i was backtracking through the posts and noticed that you and Nani are supposed to have the ultrasound tomorrow! Here's hoping for a happy and healthy baby! and heres hoping that s/he will not be shy!!

    Yep. Tomorrow is the day when we should find out whether we'll have a boy or girl. It's quite exciting. :yes:

    How exciting!!! Good luck!!

  8. one night in chat, we decided to see what message would pop up if you were on ignore...like 'you are on ignore' or something. But it only says 'the person has disabled private messages' or something to that effect.

    Hahahah, that was a pretty fun experiment...we need to get lives, lol

    why would we wanna get lives?? :lol:

  9. I'm quitting work!!! I only have about 3 more weeks left!!!

    Yeah! I cant wait until i dont have to deal with cranky people on the phone anymore! ive only got about 2 to 3 more weeks left too! Boss is starting to interview people so hopefully we will have an easy transition!

    now i just have to figure out what to do with myself until the baby is born!

    i know I'm going to catch up on some serious sleep. Plan on napping alot! I also have the two older boys so they will get some attention as well. And I guess I should concentrate on cleaning the house too :P

  10. i never use the iggy button. it's too much fun to read what idiots post :lol: (and no that was not directed to anyone in particular)

    same here sister faith/.// :yes:

    i gotta have something to entertain me while I'm here at work :P

  11. Nope using your hubby wont work. I just ended up going to get a body pillow a few months ago because my hubby moves too much for me to control :P

    I'm not sleeping much either. It really sucks!

    I'm quitting work!!! I only have about 3 more weeks left!!!

  12. We have a 1994 Ford F150 with a 351 engine in it. (they just don't make them like they used to!) This is my hubby's truck as we also have a 2002 Ford Escort.

    What we love about the truck:

    1. It's tough.. someone could hit me and it wouldn't dent the metal

    2. No car payment - it's paid for

    3. Liability only

    4. Because we have a cap on the back and this insert dealy in the back we can comfortably haul at least 10 people around in the truck if we really really needed to :P

    5. It still runs like new and even passed the emissions test!

  13. ok my hubby says that he wants green bay in trade for all those cities I mentioned before, and he wants season tickets to the packers games (why I don't know)

  14. i was just joking sister faith about belleville..i thnk merc. is getting chose property and citizens..we need eau claire

    will you teach me to say that if we get it? :lol:

    That's an easy one......I'd have to refer to mapquest to get you some more. I have a hard time saying them, much less spelling them!

    BTW - you can take Fon du Lac

    what?? nah, nope..how about kenosha ?

    you can have kenowhere

    i was just joking sister faith about belleville..i thnk merc. is getting chose property and citizens..we need eau claire

    will you teach me to say that if we get it? :lol:

    That's an easy one......I'd have to refer to mapquest to get you some more. I have a hard time saying them, much less spelling them!

    BTW - you can take Fon du Lac

    that almost sounds like a dirty word :lol:


    oh yeah forgot who I was talking to there. yeah to my guttermind that totally sounded like a dirty word :lol:

  15. i was just joking sister faith about belleville..i thnk merc. is getting chose property and citizens..we need eau claire

    will you teach me to say that if we get it? :lol:

    That's an easy one......I'd have to refer to mapquest to get you some more. I have a hard time saying them, much less spelling them!

    BTW - you can take Fon du Lac

    that almost sounds like a dirty word :lol:

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