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Posts posted by faith

  1. statistics aside..

    the entire point here is that who gives YOU the right whether a woman has an abortion or not? Who gives the lawmakers the right to decide what a woman does to her own body?

    Stats ASIDE,HMMMMM! My concious is clear! :yes: And YOURS :unsure:

    I sleep just fine at night, thank you very much.

  2. And just to shock the hell out of the rest of you, you'd be surprised to know that I'm a republican and I feel this way :P

    No surprise here. There are as many rational republicans as there are rational followers of other political parties, but they are sort of under siege at the moment. Thanks for reminding us of that! :thumbs:

    I think we should allow stem cell research as well.... but that's a whole new issue that I am SOOO not gonna go into now :P

  3. statistics aside..

    the entire point here is that who gives YOU the right whether a woman has an abortion or not? Who gives the lawmakers the right to decide what a woman does to her own body?

  4. This issue will go away eventually. They are able to sustain life outside the womb earlier and earlier. If a woman doesn't want her baby, then they will just remove it from the womb, let it grow and then let it live. Then they woman can just go on and live her marry life like nothing happened.

    "They" will? Who will? Who will perform forced caesarean sections on women who don't want to carry a pregnancy to term? :dead:

    Her "marry" life? First of all, you mean "merry." Second of all, most circumstances under which abortions happen are anything but "merry." Too many people believe the myth of the serial abortion.

    What do you care? If the baby can live outside the womb who is the mother to say it can't? It would have it's own rights--and rightly so. It would also be less of an issue because more people would then realize it is a viable human being.

    Oh, thanks for the english lesson. You are so smart.

    i work in a neonatal intensive care unit... we take care of those babies who are born on the edge of viability... we see the outcomes of those infants too... 23 weeks borders the line of viability... IF the child survives (with MUCH mechanical, medical, and nursing assistance to the tune of around a million dollars), their quality of life is extremely questionable... dont presume to make it sound like those babies can be removed from the mother's womb and survive with no difficulty or handicap... just because it is doable, doesnt mean it should be done... sometimes it is best to let go... when you watch a baby born at less than 500 grams be tortured (chest compressions, intubation, iv meds, umbilical lines - all without ever being able to feel the warmth or comfort of mothers arms) for hours, then you talk to me about viability

    btw... to give some perspective on this... 23 weeks is just shy of 6 months... it isnt until a fetus is around 32 weeks that their lungs produce surfactant, which is what allows them to breathe effectively without mechanical assistance... abortion is (to my knowledge) only allowed before this time (6 months)

    Abortions are allowed from 7 to 14 weeks in the clinics around here.

  5. There are GREY areas.... there are circumstances that only the woman in question would understands. What gives the lawmakers any more right to decide what that woman does than she has? Everything is subjective!

    And as far as a woman going on her merry way after having an abortion... why don't you ask someone who's had an abortion and see if that's how she's viewed her life after? Or viewed the situation? Abortion is not having a tooth pulled... even if the woman KNOWS she is doing the right thing, sometimes she will regret her decision later. There IS such thing as regret even when you know you were right in what you did.

    Even if you think abortion is not for you, why should you judge if it is for others? What gives you that right?

    And just to shock the hell out of the rest of you, you'd be surprised to know that I'm a republican and I feel this way :P

  6. Ooh my two cents! What about on Metrolink?? It goes over there! And as far as bridges go, I'd go with the chain of rocks bridge, so no worries about traffic...it's for nonvehicles only.

    oooh the metro... i didn't even think about that!!!!! or the chain of rocks bridge (it's a pedestrian bridge for you non st louisians) hmmm that brings out some new ideas :lol:

  7. i thought it was some kind of unspoken rule that we (meaning all message board users) had to corrupt a thread by at least page 6??? *shrugs*

    oral sex with some other than your spouse across state borders - who's public indecency laws would you be violating? both states? what if you are on the line exactly - meaning you are neither here nor there....then what?

    i think we should get someone to test it out and see how the courts rule. very important thread we have going here.

    we need a guinea pig, yes.. we could put an ad out in the St. Louis Post Dispatch. And would my clout with the lawyers here in town corrupt the results if I retained one of them to defend our guinea pig?

    i thought it was some kind of unspoken rule that we (meaning all message board users) had to corrupt a thread by at least page 6??? *shrugs*

    you did a gooooooood job sister faith :thumbs:

    *bows* thank you very much :star:

  8. what if your daughter is raped and then has an unwanted pregnancy? Would she be "Stupid" then?

    You can play "What Ifs" all day, but generally there is an exception written into the law for that. The South Dakota is the first time I have heard a state banned all abortions and that isn't going to happen in NY, MA, MD and other state's I can't think of at the moment, so if someone is dead set on having a safe abortion it will be avaliable. Might be somewhat of an inconvenience, but maybe it should be. Shouldn't be as easy as going to the dentist to have a tooth pulled.

    and you can avoid questions all day.

    I believe I have answered the question. If that happens, most state's will probably have an exception written into their law for that and you can count on abortions be avaliable in DC, MA, NY and MA.

    Would like to know the statistics for the reason an abortion was performed and I bet an abortion being done due to a rape is a very rare occurrance compared to the "I screwed up and don't want the baby" reason.

    the question was put to you as you defined ANY unwanted pregnancy as being "stupid". Maybe in your perfect world people do not make mistakes, but the planet I live on has many people that make mistakes. There are so many circumstances that you are refusing to even consider... And again, if it's not your body who gave you the right to decide what's going to happen to it?

  9. what if your daughter is raped and then has an unwanted pregnancy? Would she be "Stupid" then?

    You can play "What Ifs" all day, but generally there is an exception written into the law for that. The South Dakota is the first time I have heard a state banned all abortions and that isn't going to happen in NY, MA, MD and other state's I can't think of at the moment, so if someone is dead set on having a safe abortion it will be avaliable. Might be somewhat of an inconvenience, but maybe it should be. Shouldn't be as easy as going to the dentist to have a tooth pulled.

    and you can avoid questions all day.

  10. it's better than missouri.... (not sure if it's still on the books but...) oral sex is illegal there.

    what if you are on the illinois/missouri border engaged in oral sex (with someone other than a spouse) over state lines, can you be tried in both states for both being adultrous and engaging in oral sex?

    what part of you is in which state? .... Nevermind .... I really don't want to know

    thanks guys.. now i'm at work picturing someone on the poplar street bridge (bridge between st louis and illinois) having oral sex :lol:

    Now it's on a public bridge???? I think you just involved a few more violations.

    well considering that the mississippi river is the border between illinois and missouri, it would have to involve a bridge..... or a barge... :lol:

    or scuba gear or a ski boat .... or skiing behind a ski boat ... this couple may be multi-talented

    :lol: i'm sorry i just can't work out in my head the skiing behind a ski boat one :lol:

  11. it's better than missouri.... (not sure if it's still on the books but...) oral sex is illegal there.

    what if you are on the illinois/missouri border engaged in oral sex (with someone other than a spouse) over state lines, can you be tried in both states for both being adultrous and engaging in oral sex?

    what part of you is in which state? .... Nevermind .... I really don't want to know

    thanks guys.. now i'm at work picturing someone on the poplar street bridge (bridge between st louis and illinois) having oral sex :lol:

    Now it's on a public bridge???? I think you just involved a few more violations.

    well considering that the mississippi river is the border between illinois and missouri, it would have to involve a bridge..... or a barge... :lol:

  12. I bet if they were giving out free lottery tickets and beer in the next state they would find a way to get there. LOL

    I'm glad you think it's so funny.

    I hope you never know or love someone who has this happen to them.

    Hopefully, we have raised our daughter to not be stupid enough to have an unwanted pregnancy. I'm not totally against abortion, but there is NO constitional right to have one. It should be a state's decision to place whatever restrictions they deem necessary on having one.

    what if your daughter is raped and then has an unwanted pregnancy? Would she be "Stupid" then?

  13. it's better than missouri.... (not sure if it's still on the books but...) oral sex is illegal there.

    what if you are on the illinois/missouri border engaged in oral sex (with someone other than a spouse) over state lines, can you be tried in both states for both being adultrous and engaging in oral sex?

    what part of you is in which state? .... Nevermind .... I really don't want to know

    thanks guys.. now i'm at work picturing someone on the poplar street bridge (bridge between st louis and illinois) having oral sex :lol:

  14. it's better than missouri.... (not sure if it's still on the books but...) oral sex is illegal there.

    what if you are on the illinois/missouri border engaged in oral sex (with someone other than a spouse) over state lines, can you be tried in both states for both being adultrous and engaging in oral sex?

    hmmm good question... I'll ask the next lawyer that calls here that question :lol:

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